An essay on the theme "Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished?". Analysis and conclusions

In the title of the comedy by A. S. Griboedov, there is such a word as “grief”, warning readers about difficult events that may occur. However, remembering that this is a comedy, those who hold a book in their hands calm down.

essay on the theme of Chatsky's winner or loser

This kind of contradiction prepares us for the fact that the protagonist of the work is perceived ambiguously by other actors. Therefore, the question arises: who is Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished?

Griboedov about the plot of the comedy in a letter to Katenin

The author, retelling the plot of his own work, says that the main character, a very clever person, prefers to a smart person who is in conflict with society a fool. Someone calls Chatsky crazy, and the rest repeat. The main character spits on everyone and leaves. The heroine remains disappointed in the chosen fool.

From such a retelling it is difficult to conclude who Chatsky is the winner or the vanquished. A mandatory understanding of how the main characters relate to this character is required.

Sophia's attitude to the main character

An essay on the theme "Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished?" it is impossible to write well without answering the question of how his lover, whom he is so eager for, treats Chatsky. It turns out that Sofia Pavlovna is in love with her father’s secretary, Molchalin. They meet secretly and both understand that Famusov will be unhappy with such a choice of his daughter.

who is the conqueror or conquered

To the remark of the servant Liza that Molchalin is not her couple, Sophia replies that her chosen one “is ready to forget herself for others, the enemy of insolence”. About Chatsky, whom the servant recalls almost enthusiastically, Sophia says that he, of course, is eloquent and smart, but only pretended to be in love:

Oh! if anyone loves whom,

Why bother looking and driving so far?

From these lines it is clear that the girl appreciates his merits, sees them. However, she prefers to focus on a simpler person, more convenient for family life and relationships, as she thinks, which, however, is not without wisdom.

It would seem that the girl gave preference to another, but is Chatsky defeated?

The attitude of Famusov to the protagonist

An essay on the topic "Who is Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished" requires consideration of the question of the attitude of Father Sofya Pavlovna to him. The opinion of Pavel Afanasevich about a young man is formed in their conversation. Chatsky begins with Famusov a conversation about Sofya Pavlovna. Famusov wonders if Chatsky wants to ask for her hand. Chatsky asks what Pavel Afanasevich would answer if he had decided to get married. A heated debate ensues between them. The ideals of Pavel Afanasevich and Alexander Chatsky completely do not coincide. Famusov, as a representative of a traditional noble society, considers service obligatory, reproaches the young man with pride and tells the story of his relative, who achieved success at court, falling and amusing the empress. Chatsky "to be sick of sickening", he does not tolerate servility and sees the meaning only in the service of "business, not individuals." Famusov himself defines him as a dangerous person who does not recognize the authorities.

an essay on the topic of who is Chatsky’s winner or loser

They argue a lot throughout the comedy. Which of them is the winner? No one. Everyone stays with his own opinion. Chatsky considers Famusov an unworthy person, Famusov at the end of the comedy is in complete confidence that Chatsky is crazy.

Sophia's Revenge

An essay on the theme "Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished?" cannot do without a description of the episode, when everyone comes to the conclusion that Alexander Andreevich is crazy. Sofya Pavlovna in response to Chatsky’s attacks on Molchalin acts cruelly with him. At the ball, she spreads a rumor that he is crazy. This grain has found fertile ground. Lovers of gossip relish this rumor. It comes to the point that one of the guests, Zagoretsky, tells us that Chatsky was sitting on a chain in a madhouse and had just left it.

Chatsky, having learned that Sophia preferred Molchalin, was amazed. He sees his penchant for servility, hypocrisy, short-sightedness, nasty helpfulness. The hero is disappointed.

How did the play end?

An essay on the theme "Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished?" It is impossible to imagine without evaluating the last episode. The finale of this comedy puts everything in its place. Chatsky accidentally overhears how Molchalin pesters Lisa, Sophia's servant. He assures her that he is only taking care of Famusov’s daughter for successful promotion. Sophia hears it too. She angrily persecutes Molchalin, crawling in front of her.

Everything becomes known to Famusov, who reveals to Chatsky that it was Sofia who presented him as crazy. Pavel Afanasevich threatens to send his daughter "to the village, to her aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov."

in fact, who is the Chatsky winner or the vanquished

Concluding the essay on the topic “Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished?”, It must be said that at the end of the work Chatsky understands that he opened his soul to unworthy people. His feelings are offended, he does not remain the same love for Sophia.

In fact: who is Chatsky - the winner or the vanquished? There is no definite answer to this question. Any event in life can be evaluated in different ways. Chatsky was laughed cruelly at, but he didn’t happen to joke very kindly. He left and remained with his convictions, confident in his own rightness.


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