Futurist is a revolutionary in art

Futurism (lat. Futurum - future) is the generally accepted name for the artistic avant-garde movements of the beginning of the 20th century, primarily in Russia and Italy. The author of the word and the founder of the direction is the world-famous Italian poet Marinetti. Featuring an extremely extremist orientation, futurism, denying all previous artistic experience, claimed to build a completely new art. Futurist is a follower and adherent of futurism.

Radical changes

The basic tenets of the futurists were radical changes in the principle of building a literary text, the destruction of the accepted syntax, for example, the use of a verb exclusively in an indefinite mood, the destruction of adverbs, high-quality adjectives, the omission of conjunctions, punctuation marks. In other words, a futurist is a creator who introduces into literature “maximum of disorder” and “perception by analogy”. Their goal was to create a new living literary style without tiring pauses, emphasized by commas and ellipses.

futurist is

From words to visual signs

The poems of the futurists were completely freed from the strict restrictions of syntactic periods and logical connections. Rejecting the norms of linear writing, futurist poets freely arranged their lines in space, forming decorative arabesques or following analogies - the letter form turned into bizarre visual signs. The new genre also introduced a provocative component into the artistic life - a fist punch. Now adherents of futurism could easily be distinguished from other authors. The futurist poet is the creator who, speaking to the public, shocks her in every way: provokes, insults, calls for rebellion and violence. The new direction gained scandalous, but at the same time widespread fame.

poems of futurists

Futurists of Russia

Given the political situation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, the seeds of futurism fell on fertile soil, and the new movement was enthusiastically received in the pre-revolutionary years by Russian cubo-futurists. Russian avant-garde artists went down in the history of Russian culture as innovators who managed to make a revolution in poetry, literature and other fields of creativity. In Russia, futurism did not become a holistic art system; this term was used to name various trends in the development of the avant-garde. It was extremely difficult for those who wanted to define futurism as a style community to combine the “archaic songwriter” Khlebnikov, the “tribune-urbanist” Mayakovsky, the “esthetic agitators” of the Burliuk brothers, the “abstruse-growl” Krucheny. And if we take into account Boris Pasternak's “specialist in aeronautics on the syntax fokker”, then combing everyone under one comb is simply impossible. Shershenevich and Severyanin were considered to be somewhat separated from the direction, but all the futurists in literature coexisted under the general roof of the genre, clinging tenaciously to each other.

Poetry and painting

The poetry of Russian futurism was inextricably linked with avant-garde art painting. Many poets, followers of the genre, were considered good artists - V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, the Burliuk brothers, V. Kamensky, A. Kruchenykh, Elena Guro. And most avant-garde artists wrote prose and poetry, participated in the release of futuristic publications not only as designers, but also as writers. The poems of the futurists were the inspiration for painting, which, in turn, enriched futurism. K. Malevich, P. Filonov, N. Goncharova, M. Larionov almost managed to create what the futurists so longed for.

futurists in literature

“Futurist” and “bully” are synonyms?

Shortly enough for a moderate public, the term “futurist” began to be considered a synonym for the word “bully”. The media closely watched the "exploits" and quirks of the creators of a new direction in art. This aroused increased interest among the inhabitants and brought widespread fame to the adherents of futurism. For the majority of the population, a futurist is one who corresponded to the main signs of a new direction, including the pathos of shocking, anarchic worldview, experimentation in rhythm, rebellion, orientation to the spoken verse.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19797/

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