Why do the leaves of the orchid turn yellow?

Once upon a time, an orchid could only be seen in the mountains or in dense thickets near lakes. Today, thanks to breeders who have "domesticated" this plant, it has become available to amateur gardeners. However, despite this, the orchid is a very moody plant, and care for it should be appropriate.

orchid leaves turn yellow

The most common question that can be heard from gardeners is why the leaves of an orchid turn yellow .

Let's see why this happens and what to do about it.

Reason number 1

Was it given to you or you bought a new phalaenopsis or another orchid, did you bring the plant home, and after a while noticed that the leaves began to turn yellow sharply? In 95% of cases, this is a fungal infection that has โ€œstuckโ€ to a plant in a store. With a strong infection, the leaves suffer, and the orchids turn yellow and wither very quickly.

orchid leaves turn yellow at the base

Without delay, proceed to treatment, then there is a chance of saving your pet.

You need to understand that if the leaves of the orchid turn yellow, then the disease is already deeper, and the whole plant needs to be treated. Here, removing one leaf will not save. The problem is that the fungus needs moisture. Therefore, in order to get rid of it, the orchid needs to be dried completely - both leaves and roots. Unfortunately, you canโ€™t get by with just one drying; in parallel, you need to treat the plant with antifungal drugs - fungicides. Otherwise, when you start watering the plant, the fungus will reappear.

Very often, in stores for presentation, a flowerpot with an orchid is placed in a close pot. And, as a result, no air enters the root system and moisture stagnates in the container, hence the fungus.

Second reason

leaves and orchids turn yellow and fade

Orchid leaves also turn yellow because beneficial substances from the roots do not come to the leaves themselves. In some cases, this is a natural process in which old leaves die.

Each type of orchid has its own leaf life span. For example, the dendrobium drops them every year, and sometimes twice. Phalaenopsis once a year discards the bottom old sheet. The leaves of a kalanth orchid die off when the plant is preparing for the resting period or during it.

Reason number three

A common reason why orchid leaves turn yellow is poor lighting. Plants with dense leaves need moist soil, but a fairly bright light. Perhaps in one year you will not understand that they lack the sun, they will behave normally, and in the 2-3rd year they may show signs of discontent. The way out of this situation is to specify their grade when buying. They love the light of Lellia and Cattleya, as well as their hybrids. A great need for lighting in varieties of Ascocendus, Wanda, Angrekum and rhinostylists.

Reason No. 4

There is another option - the saddest, from which no one is safe. And the problem manifests itself unexpectedly, in the second or third year.

orchid leaves turn yellow

In order for orchids to quickly grow and bloom, sellers resort to a trick - they overfeed plants with fertilizers. When you buy, you see a beautiful, luxurious flower, perhaps it will even bloom and will delight you next year, like a healthy orchid. The leaves at the base turn yellow suddenly and in a couple of days everything falls off. Fresh foliage in this case will not appear soon. To bring to life such a plant is not enough patience for all amateur gardeners.

In order to avoid problems with plants, buy them in special nurseries, there you will have at least minimal insurance against such unpleasant surprises. If you are a beginner florist - pick up such varieties of orchids that do not require complicated care. And then your plants will bloom and delight you for many years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19803/

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