How do I know if they will let me go abroad if I have debts and loans?

It often happens that a citizen urgently needs to leave the Russian Federation. This may be due to the official activities of the latter or for the purpose of relaxation in warm foreign countries. Nevertheless, many people in such a situation are only interested in the question of whether it is possible to go abroad with debts to Russia. So, if there is no court decision on debt collection, then it is possible. Not in vain, after all, many people of our country take loans from banks to travel abroad on holiday. You will learn more about all this in the process of reading this article.

A little about the main thing

the man did not pay the debt

So, at the present time it very often happens that when trying to go abroad a person is stopped by bailiffs and reports that due to unpaid debts, he cannot leave the Russian Federation. Moreover, the latter is also given the opportunity to pay off the debt locally, but it still doesn’t work out before the payment is received. In practice, this happens quite often.

It is for this reason that a citizen who has any debts wonders how to find out if they will let me go abroad. So, we can speak about the ban on leaving Russia only if the bailiff has instituted enforcement proceedings according to the existing court decision, but the debt has still not been paid. In the event that there is no procedural act of justice, then it will be possible to go abroad without any problems. You must be aware of this.

What are the situations

man pays for congestion

If a person borrowed money from a credit institution and did not repay it in due time, the bank, in turn, has the right to demand a refund of money with the payment of all interest on a mandatory basis. For this, credit organizations go to court. After the decision on the case is made, the representative of the bank sends a writ of execution to the bailiffs. In turn, these officials notify the debtor of the initiation of enforcement proceedings and offer him, in a period not exceeding five days, to pay off the loan debt. Will a person be allowed to go abroad if he does not pay his debt on time? Most likely, no, if the amount of the debt exceeds thirty thousand rubles, and the bailiff has already ruled on a temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation.

In addition

Here I would like to say that until the decision of the judicial authority has come into force, the defendant himself has every right to appeal it independently or through his representative. Moreover, up to this point, there can be no question of any ban on traveling outside the Russian Federation. Unless, of course, a person has been convicted of a criminal offense and is under recognizance not to leave before the entry into force of the sentence . You also need to know about this.

If a citizen is interested in the question of whether they will be allowed to go abroad with debts, he should know that only the bailiff imposes a ban on leaving on the basis of an existing decision of the judicial authority, which has already entered into legal force. Therefore, if there is no court decision, then a person can travel outside the Russian Federation without any restrictions.

How can I check

woman watching debts

Will a citizen with any debt obligations be released abroad? It is immediately necessary to say that at present there is no single true way to find out whether a person can leave the Russian Federation or not. Nevertheless, you can go to the site of the FSSP of Russia and look through the bank for enforcement proceedings if a person has any unpaid debts. It is very easy to do:

  • you must enter the full name of the debtor and the date of his birth;
  • sometimes it is required to indicate the region and the bailiff service unit.

If there is information in the database and the debt exceeds thirty thousand rubles, then leaving just does not work, and the debt will need to be paid off. Until this moment, a citizen will have to refrain from traveling abroad. Of course, if a person’s work involves traveling outside the Russian Federation, then here you can try to solve the problem when visiting the bailiff service. For example, to pay part of the existing debt and assume obligations to pay off all debt upon arrival in Russia. Nevertheless, practice shows that a person will not be able to leave the borders of his country until all the debt is paid off.

Personal visit

So, if a citizen is going to go on vacation to warm foreign countries, but knows that he has debt obligations imposed by the court, then he will need to fully pay off the amount owed. To do this, he can personally contact the bailiff, who is engaged in its executive production, and find out how best to pay the existing debt. Most often, citizens pay off debt through Sberbank, and this can also be done through the accounting department of the bailiff service.

It must also be said that a person who is wondering where to find out if they will let me go abroad can find out about this not only through the bank for enforcement proceedings, but also during a personal visit to bailiffs. It is also necessary to know.


In order to check whether a person who has any debts will be released abroad, a special request must be made on the website of the State Service. You can do this through your personal account. The term for providing such a service is slightly more than two weeks. Nevertheless, a person will receive official information here, drawn up as a separate document. Currently, many citizens do this.

Special services

the debtor did not fly abroad

How do I know if they will let me go abroad? This issue is often interested in citizens who have debts for utilities, alimony, taxes, loans and other unfulfilled obligations.

Here it is again necessary to say that a ban on traveling outside the Russian Federation can be imposed only if the citizen has not fully complied with the instructions of the judicial authority. Nevertheless, it is possible to find out information about a possible departure outside the Russian Federation even via the Internet, using special services for this. For example, on the site "Nevlet. RF" you can get such information in a few minutes.

Useful advice

Due to the fact that at present there is no single database allowing to find out whether a person can go abroad, the debtor needs to make sure in advance that he has no problems with departure outside the Russian Federation at the airport or at customs. Therefore, it is necessary at least a couple of weeks before the trip to pay all your debts for which there is a court decision. Otherwise, you will have to wait for a flight abroad.

Because even if a citizen pays the debt directly at the airport, the information on the bailiff service website will change only after a few days. Even a week may pass. Until this moment, no one will let him go abroad anyway.

Many citizens with unpaid debts often turn to lawyers with questions about how to find out whether they will be allowed to go abroad at customs. Everything is a bit more complicated here. Nevertheless, leaving the country will not be a problem only if the debt due to a court decision is fully paid in advance.

Moreover, due to the fact that the information in the base of bailiffs may already change, but not yet at customs, a person who has paid the debt may have problems with leaving. Therefore, after full repayment of the debt, you need to take the official paper from the bailiffs confirming the payment of the debt by a court decision. Otherwise, customs officers will not release across the citizen’s border. This must also be remembered.

Main conditions

A citizen of the Russian Federation may be prohibited from temporarily leaving the state only if:

  • there is a decision of the judiciary, which states that the latter is obliged to perform certain actions or pay a certain amount of money to another person (to fully repay the loan debt);
  • the person does not pay on the writ of execution;
  • the bailiff ruled on a temporary restriction on the departure of a debtor citizen from Russia.

Only under these conditions can we say that under no circumstances will a person be released abroad. In this case, you first have to fully pay the debt, and then go on vacation to foreign resorts.

To the above

no money to pay the debt

The bailiff imposes a ban on the debtor’s departure from the Russian Federation on his own initiative or at the request of the claimant, when he is confident that the latter can leave Russia and hide. This action of the bailiff must be necessarily enshrined in the decision. A copy of this document should be sent to the debtor. This is necessary so that the latter knows about his restrictions on leaving the country. Nevertheless, most often, debtors learn about this only at the airport. Therefore, in order not to get into such a situation, you must always pay the traffic police fines and other debts before planning tours abroad.


How do I know if they will let me go abroad? This question is usually asked only by those citizens who have certain problems with the law. So, as already mentioned earlier, you can find out such information simply by making an appointment with the bailiffs of your city or region or through the FSSP website. Nevertheless, if a person has thousands or even millions of debts, he will not be able to leave Russia before paying off his debts. You need to know about this.

If a person has tax arrears, will such a debtor be released abroad? This is a very interesting question that citizens turn to lawyers. So, everything is very simple here. If tax debts are small, then even if there is a debt, they can simply be paid and that’s all. Nevertheless, tax arrears sometimes turn around and instituting criminal proceedings against a malicious defaulter. In this case, going abroad will not work until the relevant procedural decision is made.


Once again, I would like to say that only those citizens who do not pay according to the decision of the judiciary will not be allowed out of the Russian Federation. For example, if a man faithfully transfers funds every month to support the child of his ex-spouse and is not listed as a malicious payer for enforcement proceedings in the bailiff service, then he will not have problems with going abroad. Even if citizens have a lot of debts on loans, utilities, but there is no court decision, then they can go outside the Russian Federation with a clear conscience. There can be no talk of any restrictions.

Nevertheless, some citizens sometimes ask themselves whether they will be released abroad if the debt for housing and communal services exceeds several hundred thousand rubles, but there is no court decision. In this case, people can quite safely go abroad.

What could be the reason

court sentence

So, a citizen has not been paying by the decision of the judicial authority for several months, and the amount of his debt is more than thirty thousand rubles. In this case, we can firmly say that the debtor will not be able to go abroad.

In addition, if there are certain types of debt obligations, a citizen will not be able to leave the borders of the Russian Federation if there is a debt under executive documents in the amount of more than ten thousand rubles. For example, for non-payment of alimony, non-pecuniary damage (only if there is a court sentence) and debts in connection with the death of the breadwinner. In the presence of these debt obligations, the person will first need to fully pay off the existing debts, and then plan foreign trips.


woman did not pay the debt

Here I would like to say once again that before planning a trip abroad you need to fully pay off all existing debts. It is very important. Otherwise, you will have to rest and work only in Russia. Nevertheless, if someone else is interested in the question of whether they let them go abroad with a loan, then the answer in this case will be positive. It is not in vain that many citizens borrow money from credit organizations for traveling to different countries of the world.

How to know whether they will be released abroad? Debts exceed thirty thousand rubles, but is a citizen trying to fully repay the debt? You need to find out about this in the bailiff service. After all, it is possible that a person has no ban on traveling abroad.

Moreover, all citizens of our state are obliged to know that debtors located in the base of the bailiff service have practically no chance of flying abroad until the full repayment of the existing debt.

Therefore, people who are interested in the question of where to find out whether or not they will let me go abroad need to remember that they can receive such information through the FSSP website and the bank for enforcement proceedings when they personally visit the bailiffs service or use special services on the Internet.


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