Designing a wooden house yourself

Sometimes it’s hard to find a suitable house, especially if you have a clear picture of what you want in your head. Designing a wooden house with your own hands will allow you not to waste time and money searching for the required option by realtors. Despite the fact that this is not the easiest task, it not only saves money, but also realizes the idea of ​​an ideal home.

wooden house design

Search for places and ideas

All subsequent actions directly depend on the location. Before you take up the plan, you should decide on the future construction. The main role here is played by the landscape. For example, if the house is on a hill, this will cause some difficulties. As for the wooded area, careful thought out of the device of all utilities and an increase in the number of windows are required. After acquiring a plot, you can begin the direct design of a wooden house from a bar. In the absence of a clear image, it is worth visiting objects for sale, visiting recently moved friends or looking for ideas in special publications. It is necessary to mark all the details you like in the interior or building elements in order to choose the ones suitable for your site.

DIY wooden house design

Division into zones

Any design begins with zoning of the land. An approximate plan of the location of the house, additional buildings, garage is drawn up. The area of ​​all objects should be compared with the area of ​​the site itself, for each building the size and shape are determined. It is important to take into account all the details and the amount of free space, as well as arming with a regular pencil and ruler, show a little patience.

design of a wooden house from a bar

What's inside?

An equally important point is the design of a wooden house made of timber inside. After planning the general outlines, it is worth paying attention to the location of the windows.

Next, all the rooms are painted with the specification of the area and finding the doors. It is undesirable to place rooms one after another, it is more rational to make an exit from the living room into several rooms. So you can make the most of the available square meters. Structurally complex elements — arches, columns, or a fireplace — should also be planned. The choice of finishing materials for decoration can be postponed before the building is built.

There are many programs that can facilitate the planning of the internal space and provide the necessary knowledge in this area. It is quite difficult to do the design of a wooden house yourself. Some steps may require professional help. Despite the fact that contractors can slightly adjust the plan, the main ideas will be implemented.

Modern technologies are developing by leaps and bounds, but, as before, the standard of suburban housing construction - a cottage made of natural materials - remains the most popular.

design of a wooden house made of timber inside

Wooden houses: advantages

Wood for construction has been used for more than one millennium. But it has become less common with general industrialization and the advent of innovative materials. Now the popularity of a wooden house has begun to increase again. This was created by the creation of new processing technologies and construction methods. Due to this, it became possible to build a country house, which will please for many years.

It is worth noting the practicality of the fashion trend. The wooden structure is environmentally friendly, due to the naturalness of the material and the lack of need for the involvement of heavy construction equipment. Also, the log house has unique heat-insulating characteristics that can significantly reduce heating and not use internal additional decoration. Since the walls of wood look beautiful on their own and can be an excellent basis for the interior.

wooden house design outside photo

Modern options

The design of a wooden house outside, a photo of which can be found on the Internet or in special catalogs, in some cases resembles a Russian log hut. But thanks to their modern design, they are original and amazing. It is difficult not to be surprised looking at the non-standard design and scope.

Two main varieties are distinguished: from a log and a bar. Experts recommend paying attention when building the last option to the strip foundation. A planer can be used to process the timber, but this can lead to additional costs.

wooden house design outside photo

Designing a wooden house from a log often involves the creation of a strip foundation. Additional processing of logs with a planer or staple is possible.

Floors and Lighting

Particular attention is paid to the cardinal points. It is desirable that the windows face west or east, and the front of the structure is facing south or north. So all parts of the house will have the same light.

Mostly on the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and technical rooms. When drawing up the drawing, it is worthwhile to separate the bathroom and the dining area from each other. The use of the second floor is more rational for bedrooms, a second bathroom and children's rooms.

wooden house design outside photo

Structural details

When designing a wooden house, you need to decide whether you need a basement or an attic. These nuances change both the appearance of the structure and the internal space. Do not forget about the type of roof, as this is one of the main points.

Further, the development of structural elements using a special program for calculating these structures or a calculator is required. This includes the option of waterproofing the basement, if any, the type of foundation and its depth. The reliability and safety of the entire building depends on the latter.

It is necessary to find out how much reinforcement is needed and calculate the bearing capacity of the walls, especially those located on the ground floor, during the construction of two- and three-story dwellings.

The design of a wooden house includes a choice of engineering systems and the location of all communications. After the analysis, drawings should be formed with a clear display of the structures.


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