Nickname for dog male. Overview of popular nicknames for dogs of large, medium and hunting breeds

Some dog breeders, even before the puppy appears in the house, know what they will call him. However, dog handlers are advised to choose a nickname for a dog only after meeting her. A pet just needs to be carefully watched. You should study the features of his appearance, habits and character. The nickname for the dog dog must also take into account the breed and purpose of the animal. If the pet belongs to hunting or service dogs, then a sonorous and short name will be much more convenient than a long and noble one. It is customary to give such nicknames to dogs, which are planned to be shown at exhibitions.

Names for males with a value

Basic tips for choosing nicknames

In choosing a name for a future pet, one should focus not only on fashion, but also on one’s own taste. After all, it is the owners who have to constantly call the dog for a walk and at home. When choosing, you can focus on the recommendations made by experienced dog handlers, and then the chosen nickname for the dog dog will appeal to all family members and the animal itself.

  1. Sound and short. Dogs are more likely to get used to and begin to respond to a short and resonant word. The upper threshold of hearing in tetrapods is significantly higher than the human. But for the dog to hear its owner from a long distance, a combination of vowels and voiced consonants is necessary. Yes, and the owner himself is easier to constantly pronounce a short nickname. If the animal is of noble blood and will constantly participate in competitions and exhibitions, you can give it a long name, which will be presented in the documents. But for direct appeal, it is necessary to come up with an appropriate reduction.
  2. Accounting for size, color and breed. When the dog is a large breed, then the nickname should reflect the size of the pet. For example, Tsvetik will be more suitable for a small dog than for a Labrador.
  3. Forget about the past. It is better not to name the new dog, which was another, unfortunately, already dead. In front of the owner is a completely different puppy, with its own characteristics, character and color. Therefore, the past is better left in the memories, and the pet come up with a new nickname.
  4. Avoid human names. It will be rather inconvenient if all Alexandra will turn around for a walk in the name of Sanya. In addition, people do not always have a sense of humor, and many can just be offended.
Beautiful nicknames for dogs

The meaning of sounds

Nicknames for dogs of boys, as well as girls, are a reflection of their essence. It is not without reason that they say that whatever you call a ship, it will sail. Experts note that animals do not understand the beauty of lovingly selected nicknames, but they respond to objectified sounds. So, if the name of the animal has the sounds "f" and "p", then they give some courage and courage.

If the puppy is not an official breed and is planned as a friend of family and children, then you can choose a name for him, where there are sounds "m", "n" and "l". This sound sets the dog on a friendly and complaisant disposition.

What to focus on

As soon as the puppy appeared in the house, you should look at its features. Perhaps the behavior of the dog will tell you what to call it. But if the pet has been living with its owners for 2-3 weeks, and it still does not have a name, it's time to think about it. A dog’s nickname can be associated with a suitable movie character. Moreover, both an animal and a person, and a cartoon character can appear here.

When choosing a nickname, it is recommended to simply look around. Sometimes an unusual thing is found in the environment, which will fit perfectly in order to borrow it for a nickname. If the fantasy has dried up or the inspiration has left, you can always see the ready-made lists of names and recommendations for their selection by breed.

Names for small breeds

What nickname to give the dog, depends on its belonging to the breed and size. It would be foolish if a shaggy lap-dog run up to the Sheriff's shout. However, if the owner is with a sense of humor, then it is quite possible to experiment. The main thing is that the name is short and clear

For small dog boys, the following list of nicknames is offered. All of them are funny and reflect the essence of small breeds:

  • Cog
  • Groovy;
  • Bon Bon;
  • Cupid;
  • Busya;
  • Zizi
  • Ivy;
  • Chapa
  • Hanis;
  • Frutti;
  • Erosha
  • Knop;
  • Masya;
  • Cookie;
  • Dumb;
  • Chapa
  • Tube;
  • Lace;
  • Topic;
  • Teak;
  • Oji;
  • Rhombic;
  • Ricks
  • Raisins;
  • Ivashechka;
  • Bow;
  • Vitamin;
  • Dobby.

As can be seen from the list, nicknames for dogs of boys of small breeds reflect their essence. As a rule, such pets are often decorative and often travel in the arms of their owners. Mostly they have a cheerful, perky and complaisant disposition. Therefore, nicknames like Rambo and Batman do not suit them. Often people focus on the characteristics of each particular individual.

Nickname for small dog breeds

Service and hunting dogs

The nicknames of hunting dog dogs, faithfully serving their master, should reflect their essence. Usually such animals are bold, smart and hardy. Their main quality is courage and complete obedience. Therefore, to call such animals Buttons or Grooves is not suitable, and it will look quite inappropriate.

Nicknames for large dogs of dogs should correspond to their sizes, character and the role performed by it. It is especially important to choose a short but sonorous name. So when giving a command it will be quite easy to pronounce a nickname.

It is better for service breeds to pick up a fast-catching name so that it sounds loud when hailing. This is ensured by a set of voiced consonants and vowels. Hunters can choose a magnificent nickname, but at the same time loud and short.

List of the most suitable nicknames for large breeds:

  • Staf;
  • Atlant
  • Boston;
  • Viscount;
  • Dingo;
  • Rex
  • Lord
  • Marquis
  • Laurel;
  • Perseus;
  • Riot police;
  • Rimbaud;
  • Robin;
  • Roar;
  • Samurai;
  • Tyson;
  • Stavr;
  • Uranus;
  • Hamer
  • Caesar;
  • Hulk;
  • Chuck;
  • Shocker;
  • Jungus.

Using your own imagination and the provided lists, you can choose the most optimal nickname. However, breeders often wonder what name to give the dog according to its breed. Sometimes certain thoughts are prompted by the history of its origin.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

With the appearance and spread of the breed, not everything is clear. But most experts agree that the dog is a native of the Caucasus Mountains. The Highlanders brought her about 2000 years ago for hunting. Therefore, the animal has excellent hunting instincts. Its main purpose was to protect the home and escort travelers on long crossings.

Dogs are very hardy, strong and patient. But their character is not simple and willful. We'll have to clearly distinguish between roles and show who is the boss in the house. It is important to make it clear to the pet that even children in the apartment are more important than him. Usually Caucasian shepherds understand this, but only one person is recognized for their owner.

Nicknames of Caucasian Shepherd dogs males should be harmonious and sharp. Only in this way the owner can strictly shout at the animal if it begins to show character. Of course, if you call the big dog Bug, his mental abilities will not be affected. But here the quality of training can be significantly reduced. Most acceptable nicknames:

  • Amur;
  • Athas;
  • Beat;
  • Boss;
  • Valuy;
  • Vegas
  • Viscount;
  • Hans;
  • Thunder;
  • Grasse;
  • Jack;
  • Fang
  • North;
  • Knox.

Dogs of this breed usually do not frolic. They are quite balanced, so when thinking about nicknames it is worth considering this.


Labradors are very responsible and affectionate animals. They are often used as guides, rescuers and on the hunt. There are people who start a Labrador as a companion. Before you come up with nicknames for them, you should familiarize yourself with the history of their origin.

They were first brought to the island of Newfoundland. It is believed that the ancestor was a dog of fishers with the same name. Then the animals were taken to England and crossed with kinky breeds - retriever and setter. Thus a labrador appeared. He has a very flexible character, the animal is ready to follow his master everywhere. The most acceptable nickname for a male Labrador is traditionally English:

  • Alex
  • William;
  • Harry;
  • Henry;
  • Dick;
  • Maiton;
  • Eton;
  • Patrick;
  • Roni;
  • Sally;
  • Rob
  • Steve;
  • Willie
  • Hugo;
  • Charley;
  • Edwin;
  • Chester.

Labradors never show aggression. They have a very soft character. Therefore, the nickname should reflect its essence. It is important to remember that dogs are very mobile, like to frolic, get along well with children and other dogs.

Nickname for male Labrador


When choosing a name for a Doberman, the emphasis is recommended on his noble appearance. Animals are hardy and have good intellectual abilities.

The nickname for the doberman dog can express his masculinity and exceptional external data. To emphasize their grace and muscularity, you can choose the following nicknames:

  • Gray;
  • Onyx;
  • Ray;
  • Hunter
  • Arnold;
  • Ares.; Carl.
  • Titanium;
  • Blade
  • Hector;
  • Leader.

Dobermans are always distinguished by their proud posture and endurance. You can focus on this:

  • Duke
  • Prince
  • Brown

The origin of the Doberman is associated with Germany, so German nicknames will be most relevant:

  • Arnold;
  • Bruno
  • Hans;
  • Rhine
  • Ralph;
  • Paul.

Dogs of this breed are very beautiful and hardy, so when choosing a nickname, it is worth avoiding names with humor.

Nickname for doberman male

Siberian Husky

Quite a popular breed, distinguished by its sky-blue eyes. Often, this feature is the basis for choosing a nickname for a dog. Initially, animals were used to drive through snowdrifts. Now the dog is widely used for filming movies, various shows. Husky is very popular during photo shoots. Therefore, the nickname should be beautiful, harmonious and express the majesty of the dog:

  • Archie;
  • Artes;
  • Bingo;
  • Barry
  • Bilbo;
  • Wally;
  • Vasco
  • Dundee
  • Dingo;
  • Inc.
  • Light;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Larion
  • Marten
  • Knicks
  • Audrey
  • Ruby
  • Simon;
  • Thomas;
  • Franc.

It is necessary to get acquainted with the character of a husky puppy, take a closer look at the habits, and then a suitable nickname will immediately be found.

Nicknames for large dogs dogs

Russian roots

Foreign words are quite popular as nicknames for animals. But many breeders prefer to give the dog an original Russian nickname. Sometimes such a desire is associated with a breed that was bred on the territory of Russia.

Among the list below you can choose a suitable name for a puppy of various breeds, sizes and colors. Russian nicknames of dogs dogs:

  • Watch;
  • Graph;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Euphrates;
  • Volodai;
  • Euphrates;
  • Bug;
  • Don;
  • Mitya;
  • Esaul;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Timon
  • Gosh;
  • Roma;
  • Amigo
  • Apaches
  • Alarm;
  • Fanya;
  • Uranus.

The famous Sharik, Druzhok and Watchdog also belong to the original Russian. But they are more suitable for yard dogs, who bark loudly and reliably guard the house, sitting in a booth.

Dogs with a pedigree

Often, when buying a puppy with a pedigree, the nickname comes in the kit. However, the new owner may not like her. In order not to break the rules, you can change the name, but leave the first letter matching the name of the parents.

However, it is worth considering that, perhaps, the puppy is already used to the nickname. Therefore, difficulties may arise with education, training and adaptation in a new place. Those planning to participate in exhibitions are allowed to have a double name.

This should not be done.

There are animals that amaze with their posture, a proud look or a calm, balanced character. Therefore, even if the owner with a sense of humor, do not insult the representatives of the whole breed and give your puppy an awkward name.

The owner looks rather silly when he calls for a dog named Sharik, Snezhok, Fluff or Timka, and a stately Doberman or proud staff runs up.

The nickname for the dog of the dog should not coincide with the names of people, otherwise you may run into trouble on the street or hostility from neighbors. Anyone will be unpleasant if in the morning they will train a dog that bears his name. The exception is foreign names, which are not popular in the locality of the animal.

Special energy

You may not believe this, but there are nicknames for males with a value. Many breeders were faced with the fact that the name was fully justified. So, the puppy Lightning was constantly running, Buran could not remain without trouble, and the Sheriff showed leadership and dominance in everything. At the same time, the Lord proudly walked around the courtyard, but Miron behaved quite quietly.

Yes, dog handlers acknowledge that this is happening everywhere. This is another argument in favor of the fact that choosing a nickname is a very responsible matter. If the owner is not ready to constantly run along with a four-legged friend, then Shustrik cannot be called for sure. On the other hand, hunting dogs should always be ready and run the game with all their legs. Therefore, the nickname Tikhon is not suitable for such pets, but Hurricane or Roy is quite.

In honor of generals and warriors

If a puppy of service breed appears in the house, then you can think of a magnificent name. Beautiful nicknames for males should be borrowed from history and mythology. Masculinity and greatness are perfectly emphasized by the names of the gods - Zeus, Caesar, Ymir. However, for a toy terrier or lapdog, it is better to consider more concise nicknames. But even if the dog runs in the winter in a lovingly knitted sweater and at the first danger jumps into the bosom of the owner, then the names of the warriors will quite underline a certain dissonance. You can choose the following nicknames for them - Guy, Richard, Asya (aka Alexander).

But nevertheless, small dogs sometimes cause a smile, so dogs can be called appropriately - Masya, Kid or Archik.

What nickname to give the dog

How to make the right choice

Of course, you can consider the popular nicknames of males and choose the one you like. But dog handlers are advised to "try on" the name of the dog. To do this, sit next to the puppy and during the game repeat a few clicks. You can observe the reaction of the animal and your own feelings. Perhaps the previously chosen name will put a sore edge on the tongue when repeated several times, or maybe the dog herself will make it clear that she likes more.

It is also advised to pay attention to special signs. So, if a small dog has specks and one small one, then you can call it Pea. The stubborn and masterful dog will be quite combined with the name Buran. But a tender and obedient dog should not be called Fierce. All the same, she will not show aggression, unless she is led to this by a wrong upbringing.

Do not forget that the nickname is given alone and for life. If now the puppy is small and wants a more childish name, then very soon it will turn into an adult dog, whose nickname Motya may not be suitable. Guided by your own fantasies and the above tips, you can make the best choice.


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