Ocean long-shark shark: description, features and habitat

In our article we want to talk about the long-winged shark, which is the most formidable predator of the water element.

Why is the shark long-winged?

If you have never heard of this, then keep in mind that it is the most dangerous of all types. What animal is a long-winged shark? She is deceptively slow and at the same time very aggressive inhabitant of the ocean. It is proved that this shark attacked shipwrecked people much more often than all other representatives of this species.

long-winged shark

She got this name thanks to the fins. It should be noted that they are larger than other species. The caudal fin is quite well developed. The maximum length of the predator is about four meters, although usually smaller individuals are found, no more than two and a half or three meters.

The long-winged shark has a narrow body, sometimes with a slight hump. Its dimensions are not so impressive, there are species with larger parameters, but, nevertheless, it is very aggressive and dangerous.

What does a predator eat?

So what does the long-winged shark eat? The main prey of the predator is fish and cephalopods. Naturally, like her other relatives, she will not refuse to eat a sea turtle, carrion of marine mammals and crustaceans. Inside the caught sharks, trash is sometimes found from ships thrown by a person overboard.

long-shark shark

Sharks go hunting not only themselves, but also in company with other species of marine predators. In such a community, they become extremely aggressive.

Where does the shark live?

Long-shark shark is a real ocean fish. She, as a rule, rarely lives in the coastal zone. Most often it can be seen on the surface in the open sea. She never emerges from the water, only her fin is always visible.

The long-winged shark has one very interesting feature. She not only hears, but also feels absolutely all the smells above the water surface. It is this feature that gives her the opportunity to be the first to discover the victim and come to her, while others inhabited the ocean have not yet seen her.

The appearance of an ocean thunderstorm

The long-winged ocean shark has its own characteristics that distinguish it from any other species. The predator is the owner of large dorsal and pectoral fins, outwardly they are very reminiscent of bird wings. They are not only long, but also end in rounded sections.

long-winged shark is

The shark has an elongated body, a small head and a slightly dull muzzle. Her eyes are relatively small with a moving eyelid. The mouth of the predator is in the form of a sickle. She is always ajar during shark movement. Gill lines are located on each side of the mouth.

The largest fins are the caudal, dorsal, and pectoral. The rest is much smaller. There are yellow spots on the fins - these are the specific features of the coloring. The color of the predator can vary from light brown to gray-blue tones. The color scheme depends on the age of the shark.

The teeth of the upper and lower jaw are different from each other. In the upper, they are triangular and quite wide, with lateral grooves. The teeth of the lower jaw are smaller and look like fangs.

Dangerous predator

Long-winged shark is the most common and dangerous predator of the oceans. Most often it occurs in subtropical and tropical waters. Oddly enough, but such a formidable predator avoids approaching the coastal zones of the seas.

A few years ago, the long-winged shark was not considered such a dangerous predator, since it hunted in the open sea. However, in 2010 there were several cases where this species attacked people in Egyptian coastal waters.

what animal is a long-winged shark

As it turned out, it makes sense for the predator to be wary even at previously safe distances that seemed previously.

This variety is one of the largest, it can be attributed to the category of β€œmaxi sharks”. The long-winged shark can reach four meters in length and weigh up to sixty kilograms. Even the case was recorded when the weight of the predator was one hundred seventy kilograms! It should be noted that females are usually larger than males.

Shark Features

The long-winged shark produces up to seven sharks at a time, each of which does not exceed half a meter. The predator propagates by egg-laying.

Sharks, unlike other fish, do not have a swimming bladder. Therefore, in order not to drown, she needs to constantly move. Usually, a predator moves extremely slowly, as it were lazy, because it will take more energy to move faster.

Do not be mistaken about such slowness in her movements. This does not make her harmless at all. If necessary, she makes powerful and quick throws and instantly clings to her victim with a death grip.

long-winged ocean shark

Long-fin ocean shark is an extremely dangerous predator that threatens even its relatives. If you compare this variety with blue or silk, then it undoubtedly takes first place.

A shark is a rather curious creature that will not ignore any prey. And be sure to be interested in a swimming diver. The main food of the predator is tuna and squid. It has long been noticed by people that sharks like to swim behind some vessel, collecting any edible waste thrown out of the ship along the way. If a tortoise or some dead animal comes across the road, then the predator will certainly arrange a feast for itself. Quite often, inedible household items or garbage are found in the stomachs of dead sharks.

Bloodthirsty Predators

These predators are very aggressive. This is explained by the fact that any marine life eats up for the future. Solid prey comes in their way not so often, and therefore, to maintain the necessary energy, sharks try to grab large pieces for themselves. Such instincts have developed over millions of years and have repeatedly saved predators from hunger.

It has been noticed by a person that during the attack of a flock of sharks on tuna after a feast, a large amount of dead fish swims across the sea surface.

sharks maxi long-winged shark

Surprisingly, the long-winged shark is a very tenacious creature. There were absolutely incomprehensible cases when fishermen, gutting a caught thunderstorm of the seas, threw it overboard. Oddly enough, but at the same time the predator continued to circle quietly around the ship in search of food.

Long-Shark Harm

I must say that the long-winged shark causes great damage to industrial fishing for tuna. This is due to the fact that predators consume this fish a lot, and their dexterity and speed in hunting can not be compared with human capabilities. Humans simply cannot compete with sharks. The predator itself often enough appears caught in the net, placed for tuna. However, it is completely not interesting for a person. The maximum that people can do is eat her meat for food.

In shipwrecks on the high seas, everyone who managed to escape is in mortal danger from predatory creatures. They have a very rare sense of smell, which allows them to track down accidents and attack people.

It should be noted that the long-winged shark is one of the most fearless creatures on earth. She can boldly attack an individual much more than herself, and at the same time not think that she herself may well become prey.

long fin ocean shark

The world famous researcher Jacques Cousteau called the long-winged sharks the most dangerous for humans. Although the great white shark, tiger shark and bull shark are also notorious, the largest number of attacks on humans was exactly this species. The number of deaths is difficult to judge, since there was no official statistics on the deaths of sailors who survived after the shipwreck, but died from sharks. Nevertheless, there is reason to believe that in tropical waters, most of the people caught in the water became victims of a long-winged shark. For example, during the Second World War, a ship with a thousand passengers crashed near the coast of South Africa. And to this day it is believed that most of them died precisely from these predators. So, at present, the long-winged ocean shark is a very dangerous animal, which is worth fearing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19828/

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