How to transplant an orchid at home?

Orchid flower mesmerizes with its beauty and can decorate any interior. However, in order for the plant not to die, special care is required for it, otherwise, except for chagrin and disappointment, it will not bring anything. If lighting, temperature and humidity are easy to understand, it will take time and patience to understand how to transplant an orchid. A tropical flower can delight the owner with exquisite flowers for a long time, but only on condition that it is surrounded by care and attention.

Orchid story

A plant that has conquered more than one woman with its exoticism has been known since ancient times. The first mention of it is found among the Chinese about 2.5 thousand years ago.

On the European territory, this flower gained particular popularity in the 18th century. Members of the royal families sought to surround themselves with beauty, discovering botanical gardens and collecting thousands of species of orchids in them. And today the Kew collection has more than two hundred thousand copies, the age of some of them is about 100 years.

A flower grows around the world, except perhaps the poles of the earth. Only in Russia there are more than four hundred species.

The beauty of this unusual plant fell in love with itself so much that legends were attributed to it, one of which assures that the orchid is a splinter of the rainbow.

tropical flower

What type of orchid is best grown at home

From the variety of species it is difficult to choose, and many want to get a beauty to their home. It is not necessary to be a lover of exotic cultures, just the desire to fill the house with beauty is enough.

It is believed that the best decorative types of orchids are:

  • Dendrobium;
  • Phalaenopsis;
  • Cattleya (spring or autumn).

But before deciding to take such a step, it is important to remember the increased pickiness of the flower, especially know how to transplant an orchid. It is hardly possible to find a more tender perennial houseplant.

So, if the decision is made, patience is stored, then it's time to familiarize yourself with the rules of orchid care.

Important living conditions for orchids

Before you begin to understand how to transplant an orchid, and even more so at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions in which the flower should grow:

  1. Orchid does not tolerate direct sunlight. She needs diffused light for twelve hours a day. If there is not enough natural light for this, then special lamps are installed.
  2. It is desirable that the flower pot is transparent (plastic is best).
  3. Ideal temperature - no more than 25 degrees.
  4. It is very important to observe the correct watering and not to flood the plant, otherwise the roots will begin to rot, which can lead to the death of the flower.

What is a transplant for?

It's no secret that plant transplantation is a very important and painstaking process. Any such intervention will become a stress for the flower, and even more so for a delicate orchid.

However, if you choose the right time, create the necessary conditions and know how to transplant the orchid correctly, the tropical plant will continue to delight others with its flowering.

How to understand that a transplant is needed

A capricious plant will not tolerate frequent interference in its life, so it is important to consider the nuances of how to transplant an orchid, and do it very carefully. It is believed that the soil in a pot with an orchid retains its properties for about two years. The planned transplant is also carried out once every two to three years.

If it is not known how much time the flower spent in one land, then it is necessary to pay attention to a number of signs:

  • If the soil in the pot has settled, there is free space, then this is the first signal about the need for transplantation.
  • If there is an unpleasant odor from the leaves of the plant or mold, then it's time to learn how to transplant an orchid correctly at home, and do it.
  • If after watering the flower, the weight of the pot increases greatly, then you need to plan a transplant.
  • If the appearance of the plant itself causes concern, the flower fades or its roots turn brown, then the procedure should be carried out in the near future.

It is best to plan a transplant for the period of spring, when the flower is in the stage of rapid growth and flowering. If disappointing signs of death of a plant are found, then it is impossible to postpone.

How to transplant an orchid at home

Before proceeding to the description of the process itself, it should be noted that the roots of the orchid are very delicate. Any, even the most accurate, transplant will become a great stress for them, and the flower will hurt for some time.

transplant tools

To carry out an important transplant procedure, you will need tools:

  • A pot (for many species of transparent material) that will be larger than the one in which the orchid is already growing.
  • Choose the necessary soil mixture - for tropical plants (orchids), if desired, the soil can be prepared independently.
  • Expanded clay or pebbles, that is, material for drainage.
  • Sharp scissors, not necessarily garden ones, a knife.
  • Charcoal or activated charcoal.
  • Wooden stick, you can also use a bamboo stick.

Timely plant transplantation will be an excellent stimulation for further growth, the main thing is to comply with all conditions and not to carry out the procedure too often.

Learn about how to transplant an orchid correctly at home, it is necessary, otherwise, in the absence of information, you can destroy the plant.

Below we will consider the process in more detail. To understand how to transplant an orchid at home, the photo will be the best assistant.

Step 1

As with transplanting any other plant, you need to start by extracting the flower from the pot along with the soil. When working with orchids, increased caution at this moment will not hurt, since the roots of the plant are very delicate, brittle and require careful handling.

It is recommended to water the plant abundantly, which will facilitate the first stage, or cut the pot if it is made of plastic. The main task is to minimize injury to the roots when removed from the tank.

extraction from the pot

Step 2

The roots of the plant with the soil are washed under running warm water, if possible. In another case, it is allowed to draw water into a container and place a flower there so that the roots are saturated with water. To do this, just leave it in the water for 20 minutes.

After washing, it is important to dry and inspect the root system, if damaged, broken, infected areas are found, remove them.

Scissors or a knife before surgery must be disinfected so as not to plant microbes on the plant. Sprinkle open sections with charcoal (it is believed that activated carbon can be used), so they will be protected from the penetration of bacteria and microbes.

root cutting

Step 3

The new pot must meet some requirements. It should have a large hole in the bottom, the orchid does not tolerate stagnation of water and lack of ventilation.

Drainage material is poured at the bottom of the pot, which will absorb excess moisture. The layer height should be at least five centimeters. Next, a small layer of prepared fresh mail is laid out.

Orchid is very carefully placed in a pot and gradually sprinkled with earth. Light tapping is allowed so that the soil is compacted, the main thing at this stage is not to break the roots. The process continues until the pot is full.

new pot

Step 4

Water the flower immediately and abundantly, but in no case do not use cold water for this. It is also recommended to place the flower pot in a container of warm water for about 30 minutes.

It was already mentioned above that the orchid does not tolerate direct sunlight, and after the end of transplantation it needs a shadow. Only after a week of rehabilitation in the dark can the plant be brought to light, and fertilizer can be used only after three weeks.

In a difficult period of adaptation to a new place of residence, a flower can be maintained by clinging it to a wooden stick.

watering orchids

Useful extras

The above instruction on how to transplant an orchid at home, a step-by-step description of each stage can be a good helper for a beginner home gardener. Even a novice with the correct execution of all actions will succeed.

Experts recommend trimming the peduncle when transplanting an orchid so that it can quickly get used to and start a new one.

There are a number of features for each species of this plant and in order to learn how to transplant an orchid, and even more so at home, you must first study its appearance.

Above were listed the most popular types of orchids, which are most often found in the interiors of ordinary people, they should pay a little more attention.

growing conditions

So, for example, Phalaenopsis, or the butterfly flower, is very demanding in relation to the length of daylight. It will bloom only with 12-hour lighting. The roots of the plant regularly require water replenishment, but spraying the leaves is contraindicated, as it causes them to rot. The leaves are recommended to wipe with a damp cloth, but then dry thoroughly. This type of flower does not have a lull period in growth, therefore care in winter and summer is no different.

Dendrobium refers to hybrid orchids, and their care depends on the season. Unlike the relative described above, this flower actively grows from March to September, blooms from February to May, and in other months it is in a state of rest, hibernation. Most of the time, plants require constant watering, and in the hot season, leaves need to be sprayed with water.

The Cattleya type of orchid can often be found in flower shops. When buying, it is important to clarify which type is presented. This type of flower varies according to the flowering period, and, therefore, requires a variety of care, and a mistake can lead to the death of the plant.

The active flowering period in one species falls in the spring, in another in the fall. With proper care, the orchid may surprise the host with repeated flowering throughout the year.

Like any other species, she loves moisture, but only with complete drying of the soil between the straits. When transplanting Cattleya, it is important to separate the roots and prevent them from sticking together in a pot.

At first glance, it’s difficult to figure out how to transplant an orchid and how to care for it. As you know, beauty requires sacrifice, and a tropical flower is no exception.

Any orchid loves moisture, but stagnant water in the rhizome can kill it. A flower loves light, but not direct sunlight. The temperature should be moderate, in no case do not supercool and overheat the plant. We can safely say that the orchid loves comfort and for attentive to it will appreciate the magnificent bloom.


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