Sayings about autumn - instructions for preparing for winter?

How beautiful mother nature is. Everything in it is stocked up and created with amazing beauty, and there is no creature in the world who would not admire the amazing landscapes, the sunset, the moonlit path, the white moths of snow, the crystal stream of rain. Resting in the lap of nature, we greedily swallow fresh air, herbs and leaves, washed by rain, rustle and delight our ears. How beautiful life is. How rich are people who understand how unique the world around us is.

Gifts of nature

sayings about autumn

Each season of the year gives us moments of happiness: spring awakens our senses, makes us romantics, summer generously covers our table with amazing fruits, winter brings fabulous moments to our lives, covering the earth with a white canvas of snowflakes. And Her Majesty, autumn is the time to “put on” gold outfits on trees, fill bins with food and drink supplies. We treat autumn with love and gratitude. It is in this season that we receive the fruits of our labors, which we use on winter and cold days. People, gratefully responding to generosity, come up with instructive sayings about autumn.

Autumn - instructions for winter

proverbs and sayings about autumn

About her rich decoration they say:

“In September there is fire both in the fields and in the huts”, “In the fall, even at the Sparrow feast”, “September smells like the aroma of apples, October - it smells of cabbage”. Many wise sayings reflecting the beauty and gifts of the autumn period can be cited as an example.

Autumn is a transition from summer to winter, and people create proverbs and sayings about autumn, emphasizing its intermediate state. For example: “In November, winter and autumn part”, “In November, a man says goodbye to a cart, climbs into a sled”, “November is the entrance gate to the winter”, “Winds started from midnight, oh yes father September”, etc. In their statements, the people not only entertained themselves, but also gave parting words to their descendants, because in every proverb there is a certain meaning and rules that must be observed taking into account the state of the external environment. Sayings about autumn - a list of weather observations. People were guided by them when harvesting and working on arable land. Sayings about autumn warn about how the winter will be, how cold, snowy or rainy the weather will be on winter days. Here, for example: “October thunder - snowless winter”, “Autumn is great - winter is long”, “Mosquitoes appear in late autumn - to warm winter”, “Warm weather in autumn - to long and cold winter”, etc.

Sayings - thoughts out loud

saying chickens in the fall count

Nowadays, unfortunately, many wise sayings are forgotten , and few people say proverbs about autumn. On hearing people are the most popular of them, who have not lost their essence in our days. It is difficult to find a person who does not know what the saying "Chickens in the fall count." That is, there is no need to draw hasty conclusions until the final result is obtained. And the number of chickens before the fall may decrease, and premature counting will be pointless.

Inheritance wisdom

It is a pity, of course, that we forgot about the origins and wisdom of our ancestors, because sayings about autumn, winter, animals, etc. - This is a storehouse of centuries-old observations transmitted to us for the correct systematization of life. Statements teach kindness, ingenuity, industriousness, reverent attitude to the world. But the main idea in every saying and proverb is the love of the native land, which gave life to all.


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