How to collect urine from an infant through an urinal: instructions

From this publication, readers will be able to learn how to collect urine in infants, as well as get acquainted with the tricks for collecting material for analysis in boys and girls. In addition, the article provides comprehensive information on how to properly collect urine, whether it is necessary to wash the child, whether it is worth restricting him to drink and eat the day before, what to pour urine into and how to deliver it to the laboratory so that the analysis does not have to be redone again.

What is the problem?

So, my mother visited a doctor who said that she needs to pass the urine of the baby for a laboratory test. "Good!" - the woman speaks and leaves. But if such a situation happened to her for the first time, she probably will not be able to fulfill the doctor’s order. Any person will proceed from their own experience, and therefore decide in the morning, after sleep, to simply substitute a jar under the children's "popis" in order to take its contents to the laboratory. But in reality, things can turn out to be failure.

A baby, like a one-year-old child, will not be able to go small in a substituted container at the right time and in the required quantity. Of course, exceptions do occur, but, as a rule, children do not want to obediently carry out the will of their parents, run away from a “terrible” vessel or are afraid of it and point blank do not want to write to it. In order not to torment yourself or the child, you need to know some rules for collecting the urethra and how to collect a urine test from the baby.

baby smiling

What can not be done?

The first and most important rule is that foreign impurities cannot be allowed to enter biological material. But how to collect urine from the baby so that there is nothing foreign in it?

  1. Before a child writes, he must be washed and dried well with a clean and soft towel.
  2. It is forbidden to use the urethra taken from the pot, unless the mother had washed it and sterilized it for 10-15 minutes under a stream of steam before going to the toilet.
  3. Urine squeezed from a diaper, sliders or diaper is also not good.
  4. The capacity into which the urethra will be poured should be crystal clear.

Sometimes analyzes are carried out using rapid tests - these are strips with a reagent applied to their surface. So in babies, urine is usually checked for acetone. For reliable results, do not place the test strip directly in the diaper. Mom will still have to learn how to properly collect urine from the baby and carry out the procedure according to all the rules.

How to collect urine from a baby boy

Material Requirements for Analysis

In addition to purity, urine for analysis should correspond to other indicators, such as the time of collection, its temperature and shelf life. Surely all mothers know why it is important to use the material taken in the morning, immediately after sleep, because during pregnancy they had to go to the clinic more than once to give the jar of urine to the laboratory. This rule also applies to children. But how to collect a urine test in an infant quickly, because the laboratories work only up to 10 hours? The easiest way is to use a special urinal. This reduces the risk of contaminants entering the urethra, and the procedure itself does not take much time.

It is impossible to store urine in the evening or at night, after 2-3 hours, a precipitate forms and its biochemical composition changes. For the same reason, one should not put a jar of biological material in the refrigerator or stay outside for a long time with it in the autumn-winter period - lower temperatures will negatively affect the results of the analysis.

How to collect urine from a baby girl

Preparation for the delivery of urine

In order for a laboratory study of the urethra to be reliable and reflect the real state of the body, it is necessary to exclude the use of drugs and biologically active additives on the eve of urine collection. Almost all medications are excreted through the kidneys with urine, so it is better to refuse to take them, this will help minimize errors in the analysis. If it is impossible to exclude the use of the medicine, then you need to warn the doctor about this. Knowing such information will help him correctly decipher the data obtained during the study.

Another important nuance is the restriction of fluid intake by the patient. It is not necessary to completely abandon the child’s doping or wean him from the breast, but also should not exceed his daily rate of fluid intake. Because of this, the concentration of salts and other compounds in the urine will decrease, and its general analysis will not correspond to reality.

What can I write to?

In this section, we will not talk about how to collect urine from an infant. And about where to do it. As we said above, the pot is not very suitable for these purposes. It is almost impossible to thoroughly wash and sterilize. A container for sampling analysis should be perfectly clean. For this, the following things are best suited:

  • glass or plastic jar, a small container;
  • flat plate with low sides;
  • a new bag of dense cellophane;
  • disposable urinal.

There is a difference in how to collect urine from a baby girl and a boy. For this we need various auxiliary tools, and a little further we will talk about this in detail.

How to do a urinalysis

In which containers do you need to be tested?

The volume of urine required for an adequate laboratory diagnostic study should be approximately 20-30 ml. That is, if there is less material, the employee of the medical institution may not have enough to check all the indicators, but it is also not worth carrying more. A great option would be a jar of baby food. She has an optimal volume of up to 100 ml and is easy to wash. The quality of container cleaning is of fundamental importance. If the bottom of the container contains sugar residues (from jam, for example), it will certainly dissolve in the urine and its level will be greatly increased, although in reality it will be just a banal mistake of the mother who was not able to carefully prepare the dishes. It is also necessary to very well wash household chemicals from the container in which the analysis will be taken.

The easiest way to talk about how to collect urine from a baby boy. With proper patience and several stimulating urination actions, the baby will pee quickly, and mother will only have to substitute a previously prepared container under the stream. It is best to immediately use special jars for analysis. One set includes a tank, a lid and a sticker on which you can write the name of the child, his year of birth and address. The advantage of such a container is the possibility of its cheap and easy processing in the future.

How to take a urine test

How to collect urine from a baby boy using an urinal?

If the mother does not succeed in catching her son in coping with her needs, she will have to arm herself with a special device - a urinal. Its cost is penny, and its benefits are enormous. It consists of a bulk bag that is worn on the genitals of the child. The hole intended for threading the penis is treated with medical glue all around. In order to fix the urinal on the body, you need to remove the paper protection from it, which prevents the glue from drying out, straighten the bag and, after inserting the boy’s genitals into it, glue it to the scrotum and pubis. The sharp part of the urinal should be at the bottom.

Not all parents succeed in performing this procedure the first time. How to collect urine from the baby with a urinal and prevent spillage of fluid?

  1. It is necessary to carefully press the glued sections of the bag to the body to avoid leaks.
  2. Do not put the urinal under the diaper, this increases the risk of displacement.
  3. After gluing the bag, it is better to put the child on his feet or to swear at it with a column, so all the liquid will drain down and remain inside the container.

Unfortunately, not every pharmacy can buy an urinal, what to do if you could not find it? How to collect urine from a baby?


Using improvised tools

There is one proven method that has been used by more than one generation of mothers. To implement it, you need to prepare a dense plastic bag. We make a reservation right away that this option is more suitable for a boy, and not for a girl. How to collect urinalysis in infants using a package? They need to wrap the baby's genitals and buttocks, forming a semblance of a diaper. In the lower part, a recess is made into which urine will drain. Having dressed the baby in a bag, you need to wait until he pees, and then, having removed the improvised tank, carefully pour its contents into a jar for analysis.

The second home option for how to collect a urine test in an infant (girls cannot use it) will be needed for those who need to pass an average portion of the urethra. For this child they undress, lay a medical diaper or oilcloth under it and wait until it starts to write. Kids have poor control over their urination, so you probably won't have to wait long. When the first drops of fluid stand out from the penis, you need to quickly substitute the container and "catch" the urine for analysis.

How to make a urine test for a girl?

The easiest way is to collect urine from a baby girl with an urinal. How to attach and use it:

  • the baby needs to be washed well;
  • To spread a bag and carefully stick around the labia with a corner down;
  • when urination has occurred, the container is removed, and its contents are poured into a jar.

Now let's talk about how to collect urine from a baby girl if the use of a special bag is impossible (it is not there, or it does not hold well). The easiest way is to take a shallow glass or plastic plate, which will play the role of a vessel. After washing and sterilizing the dishes, you need to put them warm (not hot) under the buttocks and wait for the girl to pee. Then urine is simply poured into a jar.

How to use the urinal

How to “help” babies to pee?

Of course, you can wait until the urination process occurs by itself, but this is not always convenient. In order to reduce the waiting time, it is better to use one of these tricks:

  • pronounce the sound “pssss-pssss” near the child’s ear;
  • to take the baby to the bathroom or kitchen and turn on the water, this noise will make him want to go a little;
  • Putting the undressed child on an oilcloth or waterproof diaper, draw warm water into a small syringe and drip it onto the baby's genitals (suitable for boys).

Each of these methods will help the baby to relax and do their job as soon as possible.

We hope that the recommendations given in the article will be useful to readers, and also wish all children good health!


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