Klimova Julia: the work of the writer

Klimova Julia is a Russian writer who gained fame thanks to her books in the genre of detective stories. She is the author of many books that readers love.

Writer's work

Klimova Julia

The books of Julia Klimova are written in the genre of a love detective story. A simple syllable and an interesting plot is what brought fame to the writer. Klimova Julia was loved by all readers, her work is on a par with the work of Daria Dontsova. The writer deservedly received recognition from readers. Detective books that charge every reader with a positive and pleasant atmosphere are easy to read. No philosophical reasoning and complicated narration - everything is easy and read in one breath.

"Squirrel in the wheel of fortune"

detective books

The book of Julia Klimova, written in the genre of detective. In the center of the plot is a girl who learned that she is related to one influential and wealthy person. Having become the sole successor of the company, she learns that it is simply impossible to inherit the whole company. In order to become the owner of the company, she must first marry the person who, together with a relative, owned this business. Uncle offers her other options, but they are very complex. However, this does not stop the main character, and she is ready for any difficulties to avoid a wedding. But fate, the villain brings at every step a businessman and a girl. She will learn about the tricks of her relative later ...

"Oboltus for a business woman"

This book by Yulia Klimova belongs to the genre of romance novels. The main character is a successful woman who is completely immersed in her business. Everything that excites her familiar girls - dresses, dresses, handbags, shoes - all this is not for the main character. And no matter how she was immersed in her work, a stupid dumbass appears in her life, because of which all career plans go wherever. Despite the fact that for the main character this acquaintance does not mean anything, her companion is sure that everything that is between them now is very serious. What will happen to this couple? Will the main character be able to fall in love with her problem friend who cares so eagerly for her?

"Frantic Passion"

A detective book about the life of a girl from a wealthy family, to marry exclusively for the love of which is extremely difficult. So it was both in the distant past, and in modern life. The main character was born somewhere in a remote village. Suddenly, receiving a letter, she is lost - she became the heiress of a huge fortune. Having fallen in love with the “bad guy”, who endlessly draws money from his rich companion, the main character understands that this relationship must be stopped. But can she leave the man she truly loves?

"Bad habit to live"

The main character is a girl who has become the mistress of a rich old man. The passion that gripped the lovers led to a heart attack of an old man who died right during intercourse, lying on top of a girl. But they say that love to death is so romantic! The young fool was frightened so that panic attacks began from fear. But her friends were not at a loss - hiding the corpse of an old man in a nearby empty apartment, they suddenly find out that the newlyweds decided to move into this apartment. And one morning the girls discover the corpse of a man on the desktop of one of her friends. What to do now?

books by Julia Klimova

"Hello, I'm Your Cinderella"

In the life of every girl, there is always a prince and a fairy godmother, but apart from them, there are always villains-relatives. These same villains first tormented the main character for many years, and then completely kicked out of the house. Who is she then really? And she is Cinderella, isn't she? So in the life of the main character everything turned out just like that. And her fate was really similar to the fate of the heroine of a well-known fairy tale. The only fairy godmother for her was her uncle who came off the coils, and the prince still did not want to pay attention to her. What is the poor thing to do? Do not lose heart - there is very little time left before the ball!

"How to like a maniac"

squirrel in wheel of fortune

In the center of the plot is a Russian investigator who is trying to catch a maniac who has chosen another victim. That's just not so simple - giving an order to the intended victim to sit quietly, without leaving his apartment, the investigator is forced to catch not only a maniac, but also the victim who changed her appearance. So the investigator will have to break into two incidents at the same time.

"Grymza with camellias"

If a woman has both a beautiful appearance and a huge chest of wealth - she still should not be too deceived. And all because a man who directly devours such a woman with his eyes is not necessarily in love with his appearance. It is likely that he needs something else. This is exactly the situation with the main character. First, the man followed on the heels of the heroine, and then began scandalously and rudely demanding that his wealth be returned to him. And here the main character falls into a panic - it was thanks to this wealth that she managed to become a truly wealthy woman.

"Act, Princess"

blockhead for a business lady

The main character, who was born and spent all her childhood in the village, suddenly moves to the house of her rich grandmother. "So what's the deal?" - you say ... And it so happened that in a very short time, a girl should turn from a village girl into a beautiful lady, but changing her character in such a short time is an almost impossible task. Despite the fact that the life of the protagonist changes dramatically, new people appear, new secrets and intrigues, she must not forget that somewhere behind her back her grandmother watches her, on which it depends on whether the granddaughter will inherit or not.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19844/

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