Single father: features, rights and responsibilities

Many citizens have heard that women who raise their children without a father are called single mothers. They have small benefits, receive an increased allowance for children up to their full age. However, sometimes it happens that not only a woman brings up a child without a father, but also a man deals with children without the participation of their mother. This happens when the mother was deprived of parental rights either in the event of the death of the latter, or in the case of recognition of the mother of the kids as missing. To receive benefits, a single father needs to document the fact that he is raising children or one child without a mother. You will learn more about all this in the process of familiarizing yourself with this article.

What you need to know

single father and little baby

When the upbringing of a minor child falls entirely on the shoulders of only one parent, it is very difficult for both the father and the mother. Nevertheless, the state provides benefits for these categories of citizens (social and labor). Thus, it will be impossible to dismiss a single father from work even to reduce staffing, moreover, he will be able to get maternity capital if he has two or more children left dependent. This must be known to all the popes, who, by the will of fate, began to raise a child without the participation of a spouse.

How to get status

man reads a book to children

Currently, in legislation there is only such a thing as a single mother. A single father is not formally distinguished by any regulatory acts in force in our country. Nevertheless, after analyzing the existing legislation, it can be concluded that the legal status of a pope engaged in raising children alone is similar to that of a single mother.

So what benefits can a man claim in a similar situation? In order for a single father to receive benefits, he needs to confirm his status. This can only be done if:

  • the mother of the baby is deprived of parental rights;
  • the man’s wife died, was declared dead or missing in court.

In other words, to confirm the status, the baby's dad must bring a court decision or a death certificate of the mother of his child. This is the order.


dad and children

Many men who are engaged in raising children without a spouse, with whom they are officially divorced, consider themselves single fathers and wish to receive certain benefits. In such a situation, the dad of the kids is not eligible for any benefits. Because the children, although they live with him, but if the mother is not officially deprived of rights, then the man will not be considered a single father. The same thing happens if a woman left her children with her dad and went to a different place for a long time.

In the event that the spouse passed away and the children remained in the full custody of the father, then this fact will be confirmation of the death certificate of the latter. This should be known to those men who have faced similar problems.

The rights of a single father

It is good if the father of the child who is raising a baby without a mother officially works in some organization. Because in this case, he will have a number of privileges. These include:

  • the opportunity to work part-time;
  • the right to receive childcare benefits if the latter is not yet one and a half years old;
  • the boss will not be able to attract a single dad to work overtime or to work on weekends and holidays;
  • the latter gets the opportunity to take advantage of additional days of rest if he is raising a disabled child;
  • it is forbidden to dismiss a lonely dad in case of downsizing;
  • the chief cannot terminate his official relations with the latter only because the subordinate does not correspond to his position (after all, he has a child in his care);
  • single father has the right to a longer sick leave and his payment, based on monthly earnings.

Thus, the state protects people who are left without the support of their spouse and forced to raise a child alone. It is also necessary to know.

More nuances

father plays with children and reads a fairy tale to them

Is a single father eligible for benefits? The answer in this case will be positive. For example, if a single father with children lives in official housing, then after his dismissal he cannot be driven out with the kids to the street. In a similar situation, they must provide him with another living space. For the employer, this will look a little absurd, however, he will have to do it.

In addition, a lonely dad can even get an apartment for living in it with his children. To do this, he will need to contact the local authorities and stand in line for housing.

I would also like to add that the child allowance to a single father is paid twice. To obtain it, you need to collect the necessary documents and apply to the social protection of your area of ​​residence. Although this amount is small, this money will not be superfluous in the budget of an incomplete family.

In addition, at some enterprises additional funds are paid to single parents, if this is provided for by the regulatory enactments of the institution. Detailed information on such payments should be clarified in the personnel department.


Obtaining the status of a single father provides a man with the opportunity to obtain maternity capital if he brings up two or more children. Only in this case, the man will have to document that the mother of the babies has lost her right to receive MSCs. For detailed information about all this, a lonely dad can find out from employees of the Pension Fund of his area. When visiting this institution, you must take with you documents for children and a decision of the judicial authority on the deprivation of the mother’s children of parental rights or the death certificate of the latter.

certificate of maternity capital

If the mother of the children has died, then the kids have the right to receive a pension in case of loss of the breadwinner. To resolve this issue, the father must contact the Pension Fund. As a rule, the state makes such payments until the children become adults.


dad and baby are walking on the street

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the law protects the interests of not only single mothers, but also fathers who raise babies without the participation of a wife.

Once again, I would like to say the following: in order for a man to obtain this status, he needs to take care of depriving the biological mother of the children of their parental rights if she is not interested in babies and neglects parental duties. In such a situation, the papa of babies has the right to receive alimony from the former spouse for the maintenance of minor offspring.

In the case when the mother of the children died, the father must apply for a pension for the loss of the breadwinner and receive maternity capital.


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