An agnostic is ... The basics of agnosticism

Currently, quite often you can hear the term "agnostic". The meaning of the word can be arbitrarily interpreted as "unknowable." And this translation perfectly conveys the very essence of agnosticism.

outlook on life

An agnostic is a person who considers it impossible to know reality otherwise than through existing subjective experience. In other words, if we consider this term in relation to religion, the position of the agnostic sounds something like this: "I do not know whether God exists or does not exist, and I believe that none of the people living on Earth can possess such knowledge." Such people approach the questions of faith from a logical point of view, arguing that reality itself is unknowable to man. Therefore, an agnostic is a person who does not believe in the provability or refutability of abstract judgments.

agnostic meaning of the word

An agnostic prefers not to reason but to give logical arguments and evidence. He is often confused with atheists, but this is fundamentally not true. An agnostic is not a person who denies divine and supernatural phenomena. This is the one who considers impossible both proof and refutation of them.

Therefore, he does not deny the possibility of the existence of higher forces, but also does not have confidence in the opposite. An agnostic is a person who occupies an intermediate position between believers and atheists, rejecting all religious issues from himself because of their unknowability.

Later, agnosticism was formed from agnosticism - a theological teaching based on the fact that one cannot unequivocally declare his faith or disbelief in God, while the word "god" itself does not have a definite meaning. Ignostics believe that many people give this word a different meaning. And in view of this, it is impossible to understand what a person talking about God means - a higher mind, vital energy, a religious character, or something else. Therefore, the ignoramics completely separate themselves and their views on life from religious issues, claiming that they do not understand what God is.

agnostic is
Despite the fact that an agnostic is a person alien to religion, some of them still refer to different teachings. As a rule, these are philosophical movements that manipulate psychological concepts and call a person to seek harmony with themselves and the world around them, such as Buddhism or Taoism. But there are agnostics who accept the ideology of Christianity, Hinduism and other Gnostic teachings. The only difference is that they project useful ideas and principles on their lives, without touching the "divine" side of philosophy. An agnostic can safely take the basis of his life for that religious teaching, the principles of which he considers correct and justified from a logical, and not from a theological point of view.

So, an agnostic is a person who perceives objective reality through subjective experience and does not recognize the possibility of other types of knowledge. It is impossible to judge whether they are right or not. As a rule, both materialists and the church condemn agnostics. But, if you think about it, their concept is quite reasonable and justified. And none of those living on Earth can say with accuracy whether it is correct.


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