What to show a foreigner in Moscow in 1 day? The most interesting places and the best routes in Moscow

The capital of our country is a favorite city for tourists. Moscow is a city that combines centuries-old history and the latest achievements of our time. Those who have never visited the capital before should definitely do it! After all, Moscow is a beautiful city with many attractions. To get acquainted with everyone, you must stay in the city for at least a week, or even more. But it often happens that a tourist is limited in terms of stay in Moscow or is located there. Where is it worth visiting first of all if it takes 1-3 days to get to know Moscow?

What to show a foreigner in Moscow?

One day in the Russian capital

It happens that at the disposal of a person in this city only a day. What to show a foreigner in Moscow in 1 day? For those who are limited in time, there is a wonderful way out - a two-hour bus tour of the city. Its route starts from Red Square and ends on the Sparrow Hills. Tourists are taken past the main attractions of the capital, the guide carefully and in detail accompanies the story with everything he sees. There are only two stops: Novodevichy Convent and Vorobyovy Gory. Tourists need to take into account the weather: in the fog, the beauty of Moscow will be hidden from prying eyes, and the magnificent view from the Sparrow Hills will remain inaccessible.


What to show a foreigner in Moscow? Of course, the Kremlin. The magnificent building is a symbol of Russia. At any time of the year, the Kremlin hosts many interesting excursions. Visiting the ancient cathedrals that saw the first Russian tsars will not leave anyone indifferent. The most amazing thing is the necropolis of the Archangel Cathedral. A tourist walks past heavy tombstones, under which lie the princes and kings of the Rurik dynasty and some of the Romanov dynasty. Indescribable sensations that embrace the tourist in those moments when he is standing next to the remains of Ivan the Terrible, the infamous Tsarevich Dimitry or any other sovereign or member of the royal family, will remain with him for life.

The tourist will be interested in an excursion to the Armory, where the attributes of the Russian autocracy and ancient jewelry are presented.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow? Near the Kremlin walls is the famous Alexander Garden - one of the favorite walking spots of Muscovites, which houses the Monument to the Unknown Soldier.

Evening on Red Square

On Red Square, it is best to walk in the evening. Indeed, in the dark, a huge number of lights light up on the square, making the walk especially impressive. The famous GUM building in the light of garlands seems like a fairytale castle. Of course, it is worth visiting the GUM, which looks like an independent bubbling city. Not everyone will be able to afford to make any purchases there, but, being there, you enjoy walking and contemplation. Do not rush to leave Red Square by taking traditional photographs on the background of the Spasskaya Tower and St. Basil's Cathedral. Superstitious people can throw a coin on the frontal place located in the center of the square in order to, according to legend, once again return to this wonderful city.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in the summer?

From GUM is Nikolskaya street. If you walk along it, you can soon go to the darkly famous building on the Lubyanka. Of course, today the sinister ghost of the dungeons of the NKVD is just a story, but to see the building of the state security organs live is a rather exciting event.

Contact with the history of the last century

What to show a foreigner in Moscow? The mausoleum is one of the most famous sights of Russia. A tourist can see the body of the great revolutionary and founder of the Soviet state - Vladimir Lenin. You can also walk near the Kremlin wall, where there are burials of prominent revolutionaries, scientists, senior party officials and famous people who brought glory to their country and benefit to their people.

Entrance to the mausoleum is free. But the tourist needs to consider that he does not work every day and on a certain schedule.

Walk along the Moscow River

The Moskva River embankment is not as magnificent as the Neva Embankment, but a walk along it is a real pleasure. When the question arises of what to show a foreigner in Moscow in the summer, it would be a great idea to offer him a river walk. An enthusiastic experience guaranteed.

Old Arbat

In the center of the city is the most famous street of the Russian capital, lovingly sung by Bulat Okudzhava - Old Arbat. You can walk along this street for a long time, as there are many attractions that every tourist wants to visit. Also on the Arbat there are many excellent cafes and restaurants. The street is always noisy, crowded. At any time of the year, here you can see artists who in a few minutes will paint for the tourists their portraits or cartoons. Those who are pondering what to show a foreigner in Moscow must open the Old Arbat for him.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in 3 days?

"Moscow City"

Arriving in Moscow, tourists rush to see the buildings of the Moscow City business center. This is an atypical sight for Russia - modern bizarre skyscrapers, each of which has its original name, purpose and unique look. What to show a foreigner in Moscow in the fall or at any other time of the year? Take him to be photographed against the backdrop of Moscow City.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in the fall?

The most unusual metro station

There are many metro stations in Moscow that amaze visitors with their original decoration. Of these, the “Ploshchad Revolyutsii” station stands out with its famous sculptures installed 80 years ago. Each sculpture depicts a representative of Soviet society.

Touch with the beautiful

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in 3 days? Time is short, and there are so many attractions that it seems that not even a month is enough to get to know everyone. Therefore, tourists who come for such a small amount of time are forced to be content only with a cursory overview of those attractions that are located in the center of the capital and are located close to each other.

There are probably no people in the civilized world who would not know about the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. The whole world admired the bright talents of his great artists. To get to the Bolshoi Theater, a tourist who has arrived for three days, of course, will not succeed, because tickets must be bought in advance. But not everyone can afford the purchase of these tickets! But you can admire the magnificent building for free and take great photos. Walking to the Theater Square, on which the Bolshoi Theater rises, is not difficult, because it is within walking distance from Red Square.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in 2 days?

Where should everyone go

Any self-respecting tourist should visit the Tretyakov Gallery. It contains the best paintings of outstanding Russian artists of almost ten centuries. The tour will take at least three hours, but the tourist will come closer to understanding Russian culture, will become more versed in the work of great artists, will learn the history of the creation of famous paintings.

View from above

A stunning view of the rapidly transforming capital can be admired from the Sparrow Hills. If a tourist is limited in time, the question arises: what to show a foreigner in Moscow in 2 days? The bird's-eye view of the capital will impress anyone.

Closer to space

The Moscow Planetarium is a place that everyone is interested in visiting. On its large dome screen (by the way, the largest in Europe) you can see 9 thousand stars! If the weather is clear and there are no clouds in the sky, then you can look at real celestial bodies through telescopes.

Walk in Gorky Park

If the main attractions have already been viewed, and time still remains, you can visit Gorky Park. Resting in a large well-kept park with a large number of attractions will bring tourists a definite pleasure. Gorky's flowering park is something to show a foreigner in Moscow in the spring.


A beautiful park with a large number of ponds attracts city residents on weekends who want to get in touch with nature after a busy working week. Tourists who are interested in the parks of the capital are happy to visit Sokolniki.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in 3 days?


Magnificent views of the Tsaritsyno palace and park ensemble make every tourist want to admire. Therefore, those who come to get acquainted with the capital must visit this amazing place. Those who have already visited magnificent St. Petersburg parks will not be disappointed with his view.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in the fall?

New Year's Moscow

The Russian capital loves to pamper its residents and guests with a variety of New Year's entertainment. Moscow is transformed annually for the holiday and becomes like a fairytale city.

What to show a foreigner in Moscow in winter? GUM Fair. On New Year's Eve, Red Square has a real fair with an entertainment program. There is also a large ice rink, where you can have fun riding, contemplating the main attractions of Moscow.


Moscow is a huge city. Not all of its corners are interesting for tourists. Those who come for a short time to get acquainted with the Russian capital prefer standard routes that include the main attractions. But if a tourist wants to get in touch with the bustling life of the capital, to visit the favorite places of leisure of Muscovites, he needs to return to Moscow again, but for a longer time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1987/

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