Pediment of a gable roof. Calculation, device, finishing options

If you decide to build a house, then you definitely need to think about what the gable roof gable will be. For its arrangement, it is necessary to make accurate calculations and correctly choose the material for decoration. It is important to select the lightest materials, but strength should also be among their qualitative characteristics. After all, the pediment will be exposed to the constant effects of negative environmental factors throughout the year. The surface should not only steadily undergo the influence of aggressive factors, but also maintain a decent appearance, since the facade of the house is the hallmark of its owners.

Gable device

If we are talking about a simple gable structure, then for a start it is necessary to mount the gables on both sides of the building. Next, you should create a support for the rafters, using a massive Mauerlat as the supporting base. It is made of hardwood. The cross-section of the beam, as a rule, is square, and its side is 10 cm.

gable roof gable

Before installation, it is important to carefully treat the elements with antiseptics. This will significantly extend the life of the materials at the base of the pediment. Thus, you will protect them from rot and mold. This is especially important if the house is built in conditions of constant winds and frequent rainfall, which can negatively affect wood.

Brick usage

If a brick will be used in the construction of the pediment, and the structure will have standard dimensions, then it is necessary to prepare 35 elements per 1 square meter. As for the mass of bricks, it varies from 2.5 to 7 kg, which will depend on the variety and thickness of the product. In order to facilitate the design, it is recommended to use a hollow brick, this will reduce the load on the floor.

gable roof

The gable of the gable roof can be made using blocks that have an external glazed finish. This eliminates the need for finishing work. Among other things, if there are no decorative materials in the structure, this will not exert additional load on the walls and foundation. It is necessary to erect a pediment in 1/2 brick.

Features of the installation

If the upper part has a large area, it is important to strengthen the structure. To do this, the lower rows must be reinforced. After this, concrete is poured. However, it must be remembered that such a gable of the gable roof will have more significant weight. In order to solve the problem, it is recommended to strengthen the structure by erecting walls in the form of struts from the attic side. In order for the attic to be warm, the gable should be insulated inside. This procedure can be combined with waterproofing the roof, which should be done after the installation of the roof.

In order to make the pediment more aesthetic, you can use plaster, sandwich panels or siding. In some cases, decoration is carried out using plastic panels or wooden planks. Before starting work, it is important to determine what height and shape the pediment will have. In the area of ​​fixing the top of the structure, you need to mount the mast. After the cord is pulled from the top of this element, then it is necessary to fix it in a tense state. The next step is to proceed with the installation of the structure itself.

how to sew up the gable of the roof

The gable of the gable roof for a living room, as a rule, has a height of 0.7 m. This is true in the absence of an attic. When arranging a full-sized pediment, which is one of the walls of the future attic, the height should be equal to 1.5 m. If it is planned to erect a full-fledged room, this figure can be increased to 2.1 m.

Implementation of the strengthening of the pediment

The device of a gable roof suggests the need to strengthen the pediment. This allows you to firmly fix the structure. To ensure rigidity, a separation wall must be erected, the minimum thickness of which is 24 cm. It must be installed perpendicular to the gable wall. Can be used to strengthen the columns. Some builders use the method of constructing a reinforced concrete frame, it is reinforced with four rods, the diameter of which is 10 cm.

Pediment construction technique

The wooden pediment of the roof of the house involves the use of boards with a thickness of 3 centimeters. They must be laid horizontally, located in the interroof roof. Finishing in this case can be done with facade plaster or sheet materials according to the type of siding. If we are talking about unheated and utility rooms, then the pediment can be made in the form of a frame structure, which is made of steel mesh. To do this, it is necessary to assemble the frame using the corners, which are fixed mechanically and are fixed on the mesh-netting.

gable trim

Before you make a gable of a gable roof, you must take into account how it has a slope. If it is insignificant, then metal siding can be used for decoration. The use of this material will provide a good aesthetic appearance and protection against climatic factors. However, a minor strength is a minor strength.


After you find out which device has a gable roof, you can ask about the features of the calculation. This will determine the area of ​​the structure. If we are talking about a triangular shape, then the skate will act as the top of a right triangle. Its height is a leg. The width of the house will be the second leg, if we are talking about a shed roof. In a gable structure, the second leg is the width of the house, which must be divided into two. You can determine the height of the ridge by multiplying the length of the leg with the tangent of the angle of inclination of the roof. The tangent table can be found in the geometry textbook.

how to make a gable roof gable

Before deciding how to sew up the gable of the roof, it is necessary to make calculations. Thus, if the house has a width of 10 meters, and the slope is 35 degrees, then the tangent will be 0.7. This indicates that the height of the pediment is 3.5 meters. This indicator was found by dividing 10 by 2 and multiplying by 0.7. After this value has been calculated, the area of ​​the triangle can be determined . The height should be multiplied by the length of the base, and the result should be divided into two. In the given example, this value will be equal to 17.5 square meters.

Trim pediment siding

If you are thinking about how to sew up the gable of the roof, then you can use siding for this. This technology involves the use of rails that are mounted vertically. These elements will make up the frame and should be 40 cm apart. If you decide to use wood as the basis for the cladding, then it must first be treated with an antiseptic composition. Between the ends of the panel during installation, you need to leave some distance, it will compensate for temperature changes in linear dimensions.

pediment of a house roof

In order for all the elements to be securely fixed, special nails should be used. Finishing the pediment of the roof with siding, it is necessary to choose self-tapping screws that are devoid of a drill at the end. The length of the hardware should be equal to 30 millimeters, this will be enough for reliable fastening of the panels. The average consumption of self-tapping screws during siding installation is approximately 1600 pcs. per 100 square meters.

Cladding of the pediment

Finishing the pediment of the roof can be carried out using lining. In this case, L-shaped profiles based on PVC should be used as guides. These elements are installed using self-tapping screws, which have a wide head. They must be mounted around the perimeter of the pediment and around the door. If it will get off, then you should install this profile along its perimeter. The step between the clamps should be equal to 35 cm, but no more.

Features of installing the lining on the pediment

Sheathing of the pediment should be made taking into account the strength. In order for the profile not to be torn by the wind, PVC panels must be installed vertically. At the same time, installation can be performed much easier, because an oblique cut will have to be done on only one side. If cutting is necessary, use a construction knife with a removable blade. In the process of work, it is recommended to use stainless screws that have a wide hat. The use of metal staples that are clogged with a stapler should be discarded. Conventional self-tapping screws of small diameter will not work either. A strong gust of wind can disrupt the panel if used.

gable roof siding

In order to fix the last panel, if the guides are already installed, it is necessary to determine the distance from the edge of the front of the penultimate panel to the central shelf of the guide profile. This will allow you to get a clean size. Then 5 millimeters should be subtracted from it, which will indicate the width of the last panel. There are several such measurements, given the fact that the panel will be installed obliquely. The workpiece must first be installed in the guide until it stops, and then press the chamfer a little. At the same time, the lining should lie flat on a plane.


After the device of the gable roof was made, and the installation of the finishing material on the pediment was completed, we can assume that you managed to cope with the process. It is important to comply with the technology, choose high-quality materials, and then the result will be as expected, which means it will delight your whole family.


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