Crochet Description for Kids

Each mother at some point thinks about how to crochet for children. Therefore, we prepared the material presented below. In it, we will analyze in detail the topic of interest, explain the technology for performing the most necessary things.

What is important to know when choosing yarn

Many beginning masters, buying knitting threads for a conceived product, are guided exclusively by the color of the skein. Although experienced needlewomen note that it is much more important to evaluate the quality of yarn. Especially when the product is knitted for a child. Moreover, if the needlewoman cannot independently determine which yarn is suitable, you can purchase a special nursery. Using such a thread, crocheting for children will bring joy not only to mom, but also to the baby - the thing will turn out to be pleasant to the body.

what to tie daughter

How not to make a mistake when buying a tool

The next part of the preparatory phase also needs special attention. Indeed, according to professional masters, it is the hook that largely determines the success of the intended thing.

If it is light, comfortable, well-turned, correctly sized, it will be possible to knit much faster and more accurately. Therefore, the best option would be a tool made of metal, which is convenient to hold in your hand. Its diameter should correspond to the thickness of the thread chosen for crocheting for children. Then the canvas will turn out smooth and the pattern clear.

How to keep the idea in harmony

Most mothers try to connect a very complex, and sometimes even loaded, product for their baby. They include many ornaments, use colorful yarn and add various decorative elements. As a result of this, the child looks ridiculously dressed and does not produce the desired wow effect.

Therefore, experienced needlewomen advise when focusing on crocheting for children to focus on one thing. For example, an unusual style, an interesting yarn, a complex pattern or a bright finish. In addition, it is not recommended to knit a patterned product with variegated threads. It is better to use pastel or other plain.

crochet hat

Measurement Technology

Another important tip that experienced needlewomen often give is that beginners should not use the standard parameters when working. It is much more reasonable to independently measure a specific baby. And the reason is quite banal: each person is individual and may not fit the generally accepted standards. Therefore, having decided to do crocheting for children from 0 and older, we are preparing a centimeter tape, a notebook for notes and a pen. Then we decide who we will knit for and what. Indeed, different products will have different parameters:

  1. For sweaters - product length, chest circumference, distance from the bottom edge to the armpit, sleeve length, neck width.
  2. For a skirt - the length of the product, the circumference of the hips.
  3. For dresses - measurements for skirts and sweaters.
  4. For hats - head circumference, product height.
  5. For socks, booties and knitted slippers - the length and width of the foot, the girth of the base of the lower leg.

Features of the translation of centimeters into loops and rows

loops and centimeters

In many descriptions of crocheting for children, it is recommended to measure the child, and then prepare a full-sized pattern. After that, knit a conceived product on it. However, most experienced needlewomen call this technique obsolete and extremely uncomfortable. They strongly advise novice masters to take measurements by linking a sample of the selected pattern. And you don’t need to do too much. A square with a side of 10 cm is enough. When it is ready, carefully consider the loops and rows. After that, we divide the parameters of the desired product by 10. And depending on how we knit, along or across, we multiply the new values ​​by the number of loops and rows. Recall that loops are horizontal, rows are vertical.

Knit a sweater

sweater description

It doesn’t matter at what age crochet is intended - for children from three months or 3 years old, you just need to substitute the appropriate sizes. The technology of the product marked in the title of the current item will be the same in any case. It begins with a set of loops equal to the circumference of the chest. Then we close the loops in a ring and knit, moving in a circle. Having risen to the armpit, we share the back and front. We knit each detail separately. Then we separate the gate and sew the jacket along the shoulder seams. We tie the armhole line and form the sleeve of the desired length. In the end, if desired, add cuffs. We decorate the finished thing at our discretion.

We knit a skirt

Experienced needlewomen insistently advise newcomers not to think about crocheting for children up to the year of this product. And all because the baby in it will be extremely uncomfortable. It is much better to prepare booties or a hat, the technology of which we will introduce later. But for older kids, you can safely knit a skirt.

To do this, we gain the number of loops equal to the circumference of the hips. Then we knit several rows of elastic and go to the main pattern. If you want to make a flared skirt, add new loops. Or we knit an even cloth. Having reached the desired length, we break off the thread. If desired, we tie the outer edge of the product. Below is a master class in knitting skirts for any age.

It should also be noted that to complete the dress, you need to crochet a skirt and then a sweater from the top edge. Moreover, it can not be decorated with gloves.

We knit a hat

Many mothers think about crocheting for children from 0 years old. And most often the choice falls on the original summer hats. Masters recommend that kids make a classic model, and hats for older children. Both technologies are available for those who are just learning to knit. They begin as follows:

  1. We wind the thread on the index finger of the left hand, getting a loop.
  2. Tie it in a circle.
  3. Then gently tighten the center by pulling on the initial tip.
  4. Then we knit in a spiral, making an increase through two loops.
  5. When the number of loops is equal to the girth of the head, we knit the product in height. No increase or decrease.
  6. The first model ends here, and the second is supplemented by fields. They are knitted according to the same technology as the upper circle.

One of the options for knitting hats is given below.

crochet hat

Knit booties

we knit for children

To knit interesting children's slippers, you need to dial the number of loops equal to the width of the foot. Then knit in a spiral, adding new loops through two intermediate ones. Thus, form the sole of the desired length and width. It’s better to record all your actions, because by analogy later you will need to make the second part of the pair.

So, we count the number of rows in the insole and subtract from the girth of the lower leg base. As a result, we find out how many rows you need to climb. After that we tie the finished sole in a circle without increases and decreases. When five rows are left to the end, we begin to slightly tighten the bow, closing three loops exactly in the center. After passing the remaining number of rows, we raise the upper part of the booties to the desired height. If desired, add a lace frill along the upper edge. More details - in the master class above.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in crocheting for children from 3 years old and younger. Therefore, we boldly get to work!


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