The riddle "I see the lake, but you can’t swim." The guess is pretty simple

A riddle, as a rule, is a metaphorical expression, thanks to which one can depict, through a word or some action and manipulation, a concept or object that will have a hint or distant resemblance to what is a riddle of the riddle. For example, the riddle "I see the lake, but you can’t swim."

Mystery of nature

Riddles can be found in the culture of any nation, regardless of what stage of development it is at. So "I see the lake - you can’t swim" - a riddle that excites the minds of different generations. Every secret needs a solution. So the inquiring human mind is arranged that in everything he wants to get to the bottom of the matter, to understand and unravel everything. For this reason, with the development of civilization, humanity is trying to find a logical explanation for all the phenomena that concern it. However, even in our age of development of technology and science, there are many questions to which there is no single answer. One of such mysteries of our planet, which does not have a full explanation, satisfying all scientific minds without exception, is a mirage. It is this natural phenomenon that comes to mind when one recalls the riddle "I see the lake ..."

riddle see lake but you can’t swim

Mirage and timing

There are many stories where people are absolutely sober and sane see visions, sometimes group. This phenomenon can affect every person, even a very skeptical person. However, many noted the fact that, as a rule, visions or mirages tend to appear in the same places and in the same form, while in front of very different people and at completely different time intervals. It is enough to recall the mirages of ships that excite the imagination, about which experienced sailors can tell a lot, or visions in deserts, where the natural mystery is "I see the lake, but you can’t swim" - this is quite a common phenomenon. There are many stories told about sudden visions of houses with people or some settlements and entire cities. They dream of a variety of people, strangers to each other, and often in the same places. Moreover, the described details are surprisingly detailed and identically transmitted by eyewitnesses of mysterious phenomena.

riddle lake see

What is a mirage?

Translated from French, the word mirage means “visibility”. The phenomenon is atmospheric and optical, and it arises from the refraction of the sun's rays in the atmosphere. So, objects that are far from the place where the mirage is observed are made visible. Often displays are significantly distorted, and sometimes imaginary. But no matter how hard physicists and other scientists try to explain the nature and essence of mirages, not every vision corresponds to their competent and detailed interpretations. Therefore, such phenomena as the one mentioned by the riddle "I see the lake, but you can’t swim", as well as visions of bizarre castles, armies, beautiful cities and crowds of people in them are still unknown.

lake see swimming impossible riddle

Victims of mirages

It is believed that mirages are of the following types:

  • lower (most often lacustrine);
  • upper or distant vision (in the sky);
  • side.

Perhaps, most often, caravans in the desert become victims of mirages. Exhausted and exhausted people who spend long days under the scorching rays of the sun, become easy "prey" for optical visions. You can, of course, explain the pseudo-oases by the fact that the layers of air located on the Earth’s surface are glowed by the sun so much that the light rays emanating from objects are distorted and distorted, and this causes a mirage. However, how can we explain the fact that the eyewitnesses of this mystery testify to a light breeze from the side of the lake, to the freshness and sound of the waves? In addition, there is still no logical explanation for many other optical phenomena, as well as chrono-mirages, which are more like time travel. Therefore, the riddle "I see the lake, but you can’t swim" remains an unsolved mystery of the Universe.


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