What is a winter solstice

The solstice is an astronomical phenomenon when the axis of rotation of our planet with respect to the Sun deviates to the greatest value. So, on the day of the winter solstice, the position of the Earth in orbit with respect to the Sun is on the right, and in the summer on the left.

In the literal sense, it is impossible to see the solstice with the naked eye. After all, the movement of the Sun in relation to the Earth is very slow. Therefore, it is impossible to notice the moment when the object stopped moving. You can only see changes when using astronomically calibrated equipment, observing the sunrise and sunset.

Day is replaced by night

Winter solstice

The day when the winter solstice comes is the shortest, and the night is the longest. Depending on the time zone, this day may be December 21 or 22. And in the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice comes in the summer, in June (on the 21st or 22nd). In a leap year, this day falls on June 20 or 21.

Date setting

As early as 45 BC, the winter solstice was set on December 25 in the Julian calendar. However, due to the difference between the tropical year (365, 2421 .. days) and the calendar (365, 2500 days), a shift occurred over 4 centuries. This date fell on December 12, in fact , it ran for 3 days for each century, which was not true.

This situation was decided by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. But a mistake was made in the calculations, the 10 days that ran from the 4th to the 16th centuries were canceled, however, the period of the formation of Christian holidays was taken as a reference point. It turned out that the time from the 1st to 4th centuries was not taken into account. As a result, they calculated that December 22 is the day of the winter solstice.

Winter solstice

Historical meaning

For many peoples of the world, the solstice was an important moment of the year. There are many legends and myths around this date. Archaeological sites of the Neolithic and Bronze Age, the same Stonehenge, suggest that these structures indicate the sunset at the winter solstice. And the Irish Newgrange is focused on sunrise.

In addition, for ancient people, this day was a harbinger of winter, which should last up to 9 months, and there was no certainty that they were well prepared and that there weren’t enough blanks. After all, the period from January to April is the most hungry, and few survived until the summer. Most domestic animals were slaughtered, since there was no way to feed them for months. But on the day of the winter solstice there was a holiday, and the largest amount of meat was eaten, in comparison with the whole year.

Subsequently, this day became a cult day and for many peoples it was the date of the revival or birth of the Gods. In many cultures, this day was the beginning of a cyclical calendar, for example, in Scotland, a revival period begins.

Slavs and Christians

In almost all Christian cultures (including the Orthodox Church until 1917), Christmas is celebrated on this day.

According to the Julian calendar, this date falls on December 25 (the current number of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ). And according to the Gregorian calendar, it falls on January 7th.

The ancient Slavs also noticed that after December 21 or 22, the day of the winter solstice, changes in nature appear. The night gradually became shorter and the day longer. On this day, conclusions were drawn about what to expect from the harvest: if the trees were covered with hoarfrost, then there would certainly be a lot of grain.

In the 16th century, an interesting rite appeared in Moscow. On the day of the solstice, the king rang came to the king and informed the good news that the nights would now be shorter, for this the king granted the minister money.

Wolf - servant of Karachun


Pagan Slavs on the day of the winter solstice, on the 21st, revered the formidable Karachun or Chernobog. It was believed that this is an underground god who commands frost. His servants were connecting rod bears, which are associated with snowstorms, and wolves, that is, blizzards. Over time, Karachun and Frost became synonymous with words, but the latter image is more harmless and is just the lord of the winter cold.

Saint Anne

Christians on the day of the winter solstice in December 21 or 22 must remember the conception of the righteous Anna Mother of God (mother of the Virgin Mary). In the Holy Scriptures there is no mention of the grandmother of Christ, however, in the proto-gospel there is evidence of this woman. She is described as very merciful and compassionate to the poor. But she and her husband could not give birth to a child, and after many years of prayer, it was on December 21 that God's promise was fulfilled.

This is the most revered day by pregnant women, they must have fasted, in no case was it possible to do serious work, and if you had a headache, it was forbidden even to spin. It was believed that if a woman in the demolition blows up a fire in the furnace, then the child will have a red mark on the body.

Young girls were already gathering for Christmas celebration planning. Mistresses cleaned the houses, fed pigs so that there was fresh meat for the holiday. It was not recommended to go hunting alone until the first shots at Holy Baptism were heard. It was believed that from the day of the winter solstice, wolves gather in packs and attack absolutely everyone.

Festive ceremony


The Slavs always believed that on the day of the Solstice, one could change one’s own destiny, ask for a rich harvest, and if one enlisted the support of higher powers, any desire would be fulfilled. Many rituals and ceremonies have survived to this day and are held on the day of the winter solstice, from December 21 to 23, and are actually timed to the beginning of Christmas time.

It is on this day that you should map your plans and throw away all old and unnecessary things. It is recommended to get on with your thoughts, forget about grievances and pray more.

In some villages, the Old Slavic tradition remained to light a ritual bonfire, which symbolizes the revival of the power of the Sun. Also, old trees were “decorated” with pies and bread, and branches were watered with nectars and drinks. This was done in order to propitiate the Gods, who will give a wonderful harvest.


Young girls on the longest night of the year can safely guess. It was believed that on this day the cards “speak” exclusively of the truth.

Another fortune-telling that has survived to this day. At night, the girl wrote on paper the names of the guys, mixed them and laid them under the pillow. At the same time, she read the words that the dear would appear in a dream, and a treat was promised to him. In the morning, before getting out of bed, it was necessary to get one piece of paper at random. And the name that appears on her will belong to her narrowed. The main thing is for the girl to fulfill her promise and treat the guy with pies.

Holiday in Canada


Signs of this day: if there is a lot of snow in the yard, then you should not wait for the harvest, and vice versa, a small amount - to a rich harvest. And if a woman asks for a child that day, then God will give it.

Windless weather testifies to a good harvest of fruit trees. If the day of the Solstice turned out to be windy or cloudy, a thaw is observed, then on New Year's Eve there will be gloomy weather, and if it is clear, then it will be frosty. If it rains, then be wet in the spring.

An interesting weather prediction from the day of the winter solstice, but starting on December 25th. So the 25th day corresponds to January, what the weather will be like on this day, it will be the same in the first month of the year, if it rains, then January will be rainy. December 26 corresponds to February, 27th to March and so on.

Holiday in Scotland

This day in the culture of different countries

Almost all the peoples of the world believed that, no matter what the day of the winter solstice, during this period, absolutely all obstacles between the world of the living and ghosts are erased. That is, it is precisely at this time that one can freely communicate with the Gods and spirits.

For example, residents of Germany and partly Europe believed that it was on the night of the Yule that all the worlds (living and dead) converge in Midgar. And a person can communicate not only with elves and trolls, but also with the Gods.

And in Scotland, a rather unusual ritual was carried out: a burning wheel was launched from the mountain, reminiscent of a fire star from afar. It could be an ordinary barrel, which was smeared with resin. The ritual symbolized the Solstice.

There are 24 calendar seasons in China. Winter is associated with the rise of male power, and it was an omen of the beginning of a new cycle. On the day when the winter solstice was, everyone celebrated: both commoners and the emperor. The border was closing, there was a universal day off. Sacrifices were made to the god of heaven. Beans and rice were eaten in huge quantities, it was believed that these dishes could save from evil spirits, they also symbolized wealth in the house.

The Indians call this day Sankranti. On the eve of the celebration, bonfires were lit, and the flame of fire was associated with the rays of the Sun warming the Earth.

Celebrations and rites

What day is the winter solstice

This year the Solstice will come on December 21st. The Solstice from 2020 to 2022 falls on the same number. In 2019, the winter solstice will be on December 22.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19888/

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