Principles of organization and activities of the state apparatus, civil servants

What are the principles of organization and activity of the state apparatus? What are his goals? What functions does it perform? What does the state. employee? These, as well as other issues will be considered in the framework of this article.

principles of organization and activities of the state apparatus

general information

To begin, let's decide what constitutes the state apparatus. The concept of this implies a system of organs that are interconnected by a foundation in the form of general principles of organization and activity. They may vary depending on the country and the traditions and circumstances prevailing here. Most features of activity are regulated, as a rule, by the law on public service. Additionally, a certain number of regulatory documents and acts can be created that are aimed at improving the working mechanism. A feature for the modern world is that some kind of reform of the state apparatus is constantly carried out. And this is not surprising - because the conditions of existence are changing at a frantic speed. So, one of the latest clearly positive innovations is electronic services. But let's not get distracted.


So, the organs of the state apparatus can be identified by such features:

  1. They are part of a holistic hierarchical system. All this is based on common principles, tasks and goals.
  2. The primary structural elements are state institutions and bodies where public servants work. They are interconnected on the basis of coordination and subordination.
  3. To ensure the implementation of the decrees, there are immediate instruments of coercion.
  4. Through the activities of the state apparatus, the power of the state and the fulfillment of its functions are carried out in practice. Moreover, there is a direct connection between this. After all, the state apparatus was created in order to fulfill the functions assumed by the state.
    state apparatus concept

We put in a word about the structure

The state apparatus is represented, as a rule, by the following types of bodies:

  1. Legislative. These are the "primary" organs that act as the basis for all other structures and structures.
  2. Executive bodies. Engaged in the conduct of daily operational work, which is necessary for public administration of public processes. Moreover, they are obliged to perform their activities in the interests of the whole society or its separate component. The auxiliary control apparatus helps them in this.
  3. Law enforcement agencies. They are needed to ensure and maintain stability. Also, law enforcement agencies serve as the guarantor of public relations and processes that develop under the influence of the state. The material and organizational apparatus of coercion helps, the components of which are the army, intelligence, police, security services, and prisons.

But what are the principles of organization and activity of the state apparatus? We will now consider the answer to this question.

civil servant

Principles of organization and activities of the state apparatus

By this we understand the key provisions and ideas from which the basis of the structure and functions of the state apparatus is formed. The most significant among them:

  1. Priority of freedoms and rights of a citizen and a person.
  2. The expression of democracy in the form of broad participation of people in the formation of government structures.
  3. The division of power into separate branches (legislative, executive, judicial) and the creation of mechanisms that will minimize arbitrariness on the part of the authorities.
  4. Legality, which is expressed in the fact that everyone is equal before the adopted rules in society.
  5. Publicity, which consists in informing the public about the real activities of specific government bodies. This is necessary to maintain the transparency and honesty of officials performing their functions.
  6. Federalism, which is to take into account the interests of the entire region.
  7. Professionalism. In this case, the emphasis is on the fact that it is necessary to use the most qualified people in the activities of the state apparatus.

It should be noted that all this does not have to be put into practice. Quite a lot of provisions are not displayed in the legislation, but only displayed in legal science. It is rather difficult to say exactly which principles of organization and activity of the state apparatus are, and to indicate their optimal configuration, therefore, there are quite a lot of different opinions on this subject.

Specific features

civil service law
Some pitfalls of this issue should be considered so as not to get confused in the future. We consider what the state apparatus is. The concept of this includes a fairly wide range of definitions. But terminological inconsistency may arise. So, for example, quite often the state apparatus and mechanism are identified. This is fundamentally wrong, since the first is only part of the second. It should be remembered that the state apparatus is understood only as a set of bodies that are endowed with the power to implement something. State institutions, as well as state enterprises, are also additionally referred to the mechanism. That is, it is a broader concept. So, state. employee who issues passports, representative of authorities. But the doctor who heals with state money is a representative of a particular institution, which, in turn, is an integral part of the mechanism for ensuring the formation of society.

What other principles are there?

state apparte organs
What has been listed above is not a complete list of the foundations according to which states act. We will name a number of principles:

  1. Normativeness. Everything directly or indirectly should be enshrined in law.
  2. Consistency. In other words, there should be nothing contradictory.
  3. Completeness. This principle stipulates that the most important conditions for the formation and implementation of state bodies, as well as their activities, must be pre-established.
  4. Independence. Duplication of existing principles is not acceptable.
  5. Humanism. This principle proclaims the priority of individual rights during the implementation by the state apparatus of its activities.

Division into groups

The principles considered earlier can be attributed to general ones. They can be divided into two conditional groups:

  1. Socio-political.
  2. Organizational.

What we previously considered is more relevant to socio-political principles. Now let's pay attention to the organizational component:

  1. Hierarchy.
  2. Responsibility for the decision (and their non-fulfillment or unfair implementation of duties within the framework of the powers provided).
  3. The combination of unity of command and collegiality in decision making.
  4. Differentiation of powers and functions.

The functions of the state apparatus are based on such general principles.

Private principles

functions of the state apparatus
But if there is a common, then there must be something that applies to individual organs of the state apparatus, right? And these are private principles. So, if we consider the situation with the Russian Federation and the state apparatus of the Russian Federation, then it is almost impossible not to mention the fact that for effective work personnel with special training are required. To do this, we need management officials who have the necessary qualifications and professionalism. People who will be busy with this work stand out in a separate layer - the bureaucracy (literally - the "clerk").

It should be noted that this term is often used to generically denote the negative aspects of the state apparatus or its individual moments like formalism, red tape, careerism, corruption, the pursuit of personal gain, as well as to indicate indifference to people and their problems. To overcome the negative phenomena and used democratic styles and methods of work. A whole system of mechanisms and measures is being created that are aimed at restraining and curbing bureaucracy.

In this case, the Law on Civil Service may provide for the filling of posts on a competitive basis, contract work, restriction in commercial activities and the establishment of high wages. In other words, everything is done to interest a person in honest service. After all, the state apparatus is only an instrument of power, which is elected and controlled by the people.


government reform
The state apparatus is a very multifaceted and interesting topic that deserves a more detailed study. So, we should not forget that it was created for the primary goal - to maintain the activities of an ordinary citizen. Therefore, if certain problems arise somewhere or someone consciously confronts, then one should not assume that the whole world hates and creates obstacles. If something does not work or there are problems, it is necessary to inform the appropriate authorities: the internal security service, law enforcement agencies and human rights organizations. You need to understand that no one will bring everything ready-made. And to live in a state in which everyone is satisfied with the state of affairs, you need to try hard. And then it will be possible to calmly work, relax and live.


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