Brick partition: design, layout, cash calculation, selection of quality material, design and decoration ideas

When assembling the boxes of any building, only two main types of structures are erected: walls and partitions. Both of these elements perform the function of fencing the premises of the house. Partitions in this case have a smaller thickness and are not supports for the roof and floors of the building. Such structures are not subjected to any horizontal loads.

Although structurally partitions are less important elements of a building than walls, the approach to their construction, of course, follows with all responsibility. Norms of SNiP during the construction of such structures must be observed exactly. This also applies to the most solid brick partitions.

Brick wall in the house


Before proceeding with the erection of a brick structure dividing the premises of the house into zones, it is, of course, necessary to draw up a detailed drawing of it. When developing a project for the construction of a partition, it will be necessary to determine:

  • with the thickness of the structure;

  • the location of the doorway;

  • the method of construction of the supporting structure.

You will also need, of course, to pre-determine the amount of brick and mortar needed, while calculating the upcoming costs.

What should be the thickness of the structure

The dimensions of the interior partitions are usually small. After all, the main function of such structures is precisely the zoning of space. That is, to build too thick a brick wall in a house is simply not practical.

According to the norms of SNiP, the thickness of such structures must be such that they provide sound insulation of rooms by 40-50 dB. Brick is not capable of absorbing sounds, as you know, not too well. To comply with this condition, most likely, it will be quite enough to lay out a brick partition, the thickness of which will be at least 10 cm. In most cases, such structures are erected using a half brick method. This allows you to build a high-quality partition 12 cm thick. It is this width that a standard brick has.


The place for the door in the brick partition during the preparation of the project is selected, of course, first of all, being guided by the features of the building layout and the convenience of the people living in it. You should not, for example, have a door in the partition opposite the window. This is fraught with the appearance of strong drafts in the future. It is undesirable to equip the doors, including in the partitions, opposite the furnace furnaces.

Partition Rules

The opening itself in a brick zoning structure can be rectangular or arched. In most cases, homeowners provide for the first type of door in the partitions. Arched openings give the wall an attractive and original look and in most cases do not even close with a canvas. But to lay out by all the rules such a door in the partition is only possible for an experienced bricklayer.

The width of the most popular rectangular doorways in partitions is usually 0.6-0.8 m. In heavy solid zoning structures, four bricks are most often left under the opening, the standard length of which is 25 cm. In this case, after installing the box, the door width will decrease to the required 60-80 cm.

What to lean on

The weight of the brick partition, despite the fact that they do not differ in large thickness, is significant. Therefore, they need to be erected on a reliable support. Most often, interior partitions are built on foundations. However, this assembly method can be used only at the stage of building construction. The foundation for the partition should be erected simultaneously with the foundation of the house itself. In the future, it will not be possible to fill it with standards. This can lead to the destruction of the existing foundation of the house.

In prefabricated buildings, brick walls can only be laid on thick concrete floors. If the coverings in the house are wooden, its owners will need to think about pouring screeds under them or to equip the house not with brick, but with panel or drywall partitions. The latter type of structures can be erected on the boards without additional support.

The construction of partitions

Which material to choose for masonry

Of course, the owners of the houses, who decided to divide it into separate rooms, are interested in including those from which brick partitions to build the most appropriate. Most often, such structures are built, of course, from a hollow material. This choice is primarily due to the fact that the loads during operation of the partition are not exposed. And therefore, of course, they do not need excessive strength with an increase in the cost of erection.

In addition, a hollow brick weighs less than a full-bodied one. Accordingly, the load on the support of such a partition will not have too much. Another advantage of structures built from such a brick is the best degree of sound insulation.

Sometimes, for the construction of zoning structures in houses, corpulent material is also used. However, such a stone is used for the construction of partitions, usually only in wet rooms. For example, a good solution would be to lay out a brick wall of this kind in a bathhouse or in a sauna. Solid material is less hygroscopic in comparison with hollow material. Therefore, in a humid room, the partition erected from it can last much longer.

Masonry mortar

Partitions are erected in 1/2 bricks using cement mixtures. It can be either purchased formulations, or prepared independently. In the latter case, cement of a grade from M300 is taken for mixing the solution. Sand must first be sifted. Also, a little lime is added to the solution. This ingredient allows you to make the mixture more ductile, and therefore convenient to use. Sand for the preparation of masonry mortar can be used both river and quarry. The main thing is that it does not have all kinds of organic inclusions, stones and garbage.

DIY partition

Knead the composition intended for the construction of the partition should be as thorough as possible. Water should be added to it so that the mixture does not crumble into pieces and does not flow.

Material calculation

It will be easy to determine the amount of brick required for the construction of the interior partition. To do this, the length of the shared room must be multiplied by its height. As a result, you can get the area of ​​the future partition. From this parameter, you will need to subtract the area of ​​the doorway. The calculation of the required amount of material is done on the basis that the standard dimensions of one brick are 120x250x65 mm.

When performing the calculations, of course, the thickness of the seams is also taken into account. For example, for a partition 5 m long and 2.5 m high, laid out in a half brick, with a doorway of 1x2 m, 558 bricks will be needed. Such an amount of material will need to be purchased with a joint width of 8 mm in the masonry.

Partitions are assembled in most cases, as already mentioned, from hollow bricks. The cost of such material in different regions may be different. But in most cases, the price of 1 brick of this variety is on average 10 p. That is, laying a partition of such an area without finishing will cost the owners of the house 5580 p. This, of course, is not too expensive.

Construction of the partition: the main stages

The foundation before the construction of such a structure must be waterproofed. Perform this operation using roofing material and bitumen mastic. On the concrete floor before the construction of the partition, marking is made according to its thickness. Further, the notches are knocked out in the material and the floor is abundantly watered with water.

Partition decoration

Brick walls are laid according to standard technology with dressing and joint stitching. The first row is first laid out dry. When distributing bricks, it is taken into account that the thickness of the joints in the interior partitions, according to the norms of SNiP, should not exceed 12 cm. It is necessary to lay the bricks of the first row dry from the edges of the doorway towards the walls.

When constructing a partition, among other things, it is recommended to do reinforcement of the masonry. In this case, the mesh is supposed to be inserted in each 4-5 row. In order to make the masonry smooth, when building the partition, you should definitely use a mooring cord and a plumb line.

If it is supposed to plaster the partition at the final stage, it is allowed not to do the jointing during its construction. Such a procedure is carried out without fail, usually only when laying zoning structures made of decorative or facing bricks. Such partitions are subsequently not finished with finishing material. Facing and decorative brick by itself looks quite aesthetically pleasing. The only thing is that such material is usually somewhat more expensive.

Wall mount

In most cases they do not have partitions. And therefore, they are unstable designs. Therefore, when erecting a partition of brick to the walls, it should be fixed. This procedure is usually carried out using reinforcing bars. The latter is driven into the bearing walls and at the same time they are embedded in the masonry partitions. Sometimes fastening is also carried out using corners of a special design. One part of such elements is mounted on the screws to the wall, and the second is embedded in the partition wall.

Ways of registration

At the final stage, the erected structure will need, of course, to be finished. They do not require additional decoration, as already mentioned, only partitions erected from decorative or facing bricks. Such original designs are usually built in houses decorated in a loft style.

In all other cases, brick partitions are finished without fail. In this case, first of all, such structures, of course, are plastered. In dry rooms gypsum mixtures can be used for this purpose, in wet rooms - only cement.

Sometimes, instead of plastering, brick walls are sheathed with GKL sheets. This method allows you to get guaranteed perfectly flat surfaces, which, in turn, has the most positive effect on the appearance of the shared rooms of the house.

Align alignment

At the final stage, brick partitions can be made using:

  • Wallpaper

  • decorative plaster;

  • plastic panels;

  • lining.

The last two types of material are mounted on partitions on a frame assembled from a metal profile.

Original ideas

In addition to popular inexpensive materials, such designs in country houses can also be made using, for example:

  • slatted, tiled, sheet panels;

  • tension walls;

  • 3 D panels.

Partition Design Ideas

Extremely impressive on solid interior partitions made of bricks, as well as on the walls, looks like a flexible stone or, for example, leather. If the owners of the house don’t particularly spend money on the design of the zoning structure, it can, of course, be simply plastered and painted with water dispersion or any other construction paint. Such a partition will look especially beautiful if it is previously pre-finished with decorative plaster on top of an ordinary one.


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