Is the crisis of three years good or bad?

The crisis of three years is a completely natural phenomenon that every child faces. After all, this is a kind of transitional period when early development ends. Therefore, you should not be afraid and worried about this - parents only need to know how to behave properly and what to expect from their own baby.

crisis of three years

The crisis of three years in a child: when does it begin?

The crisis of 3 years is a conditional psychological concept. It is used to characterize the emotional and mental transition of the child. At this stage, the baby begins to actively change and explore the people around him, the world and, first of all, himself. From that moment, active development will begin - your child learns to build relationships and make independent decisions.

In fact, there is no exact age at which such changes begin. As a rule, this period begins in the second half of the third year or the first half of the fourth year of the child's life. It is worth noting that the crisis of three years is accompanied by significant changes in the behavior of the baby. Parents need to be prepared for change.

The crisis of three years in children and its main signs

The period of transition to preschool age is accompanied by very characteristic signs. In most cases, parents are very worried that the child is simply getting out of control and practically does not look like herself.

  • crisis of three years in children
    The most striking "symptom" of the crisis is stubbornness. The kid is just unbearable. He wants to put on his boots in the heat, refuses to eat his favorite dishes, demands a new toy, etc. It is obstinacy that becomes the main system of a childโ€™s behavior.
  • Negativism is another very characteristic feature. Your child suddenly begins to make decisions independently. And any advice on the part of parents is perceived with hostility. Sometimes the baby refuses to do something, not because he does not want to, but because the offer did not come from him.
  • Despotism is another inalienable sign of growing up. The child literally requires people around him to do what he wants.
  • In most cases, a crisis of three years is accompanied by obstinacy and disobedience. The child does not just refuse to do what his parents tell him - he does not even try to listen to them.
  • The kid becomes masterful. To his goal, he goes at almost any cost. And in case of failure, scandals and real tantrums are arranged.
  • At the same time, the so-called devaluation of communication with parents occurs. For the first time, a child can call mom and dad, tell them something offensive, etc.

Indeed, during this period, the baby is in a state of conflict, not only with his parents, but with the whole world around him.

The crisis of three years in the baby: how to build a relationship?

crisis of three years in a child

Many parents are lost and do not know how to behave during such active changes. But here you need to very clearly determine the model of behavior. To begin with, understand that now your child already considers himself an adult and requires that his opinion be considered. Take it accordingly. Expand his responsibilities, do not interfere with his learning to do something on his own, treat him as an equal to yourself.

On the other hand, you should not indulge the baby in everything and always - you need a clear balance. Yes, sometimes you can step aside and do what your child wants. But if you always do this, then you simply lose his respect. It is very important that all family members develop a similar system of behavior. If the father allows something, and the mother forbids, the child will quickly learn to use this situation.

And, of course, remember that a crisis of three years is a short period that will end sooner or later. And how smoothly and quickly the process of growing up will largely depend on others.


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