S. A. Yesenin, works

Golden curls, reminiscent of ripening spikelets ... A friendly and enthusiastic face with blue eyes radiating light and warmth ... A constant thirst for activity, striving forward ... Unlimited love for the native land and everything connected with it ... Short but incredibly bright creative life ... Such thoughts come to mind when mentioning the poet with the brightest name - Sergey Yesenin. His works are well known to every Russian person, including those who, in principle, have little interest in poetry.

Yesenin works

On the way to creativity

His homeland is Konstantinovo, a small village in the Ryazanshchina. The pristine Russian nature and its indescribable beauty forever entered the heart of a boy captivated by her greatness, early aroused in him a penchant for poetry. By the age of eighteen, the young poet already had a notebook containing his first works. Yesenin, who sent them to St. Petersburg and confident in the speedy recognition, was very surprised that they never got into the capital’s magazines. Then he decides to personally go to meet the glory. And the memories of his native house will warm his soul all his life and inspire him to new creative searches.

First collections

In St. Petersburg, the young man was warmly welcomed. “Goy, my native Russia ...” - this and other works of Yesenin impressed Blok, Gorodetsky, and later Klyuev. His poems carried joy, sounded sincere and unique. The first collections, which are published one after another, bring real fame: “Radunitsa”, “Pigeon”, “Village Watch”, “Transfiguration”. They are mainly composed of Yesenin’s works on nature: “Bird cherry”, “A cloud is butting a month with a horn”, “Niva harvested ...”, “I left my home ...” and many others. The reader will see a special world in which nature is humanized and becomes the main character. Everything here is harmonious, colorful, picturesque and without the falseness characteristic of people.

Young Yesenin treats animals with trepidation and tenderness, which is most clearly manifested in the Song of the Dog, which tragically survives the death of only born puppies.

Unusual metaphors, epithets, comparisons caused surprise and general admiration: “the gloom swam out ... with a swan”, “lace knit ... clouds” and, of course, the famous “Rus - raspberry field”.

Yesenin's works

After the revolution

The changes taking place in the country, the poet initially perceived with enthusiasm. He associated with the revolution "transformation", which should go to the benefit of the people. Esenin’s works appear on this perild: “Jordanian Dovecake”, “Sky Drummer”, etc. However, very soon the tone of the poems changes, and instead of delight, melancholy notes sound more often due to observation of the changes taking place in the country - the poet increasingly sees “a storm disrupted” life ”- and troubles in his personal life. Most fully, these moods were reflected in the collections of the beginning of the 20s “Confession of a hooligan” and “Moscow kabatskaya”. And the attitude towards him becomes controversial: for some he is still a singer of blue Russia, for others he is a brawler and rowdy. The same contrast is seen in verses 21-24, including “A blue fire was noticed”, “I am the last poet of the village”, “I do not regret, I do not call ...”, “Honey, we’ll sit next to you” ...

"Fun" - perhaps the most famous work of Yesenin from the cycle about Moscow, conveying the thoughts and feelings of the poet. In it, he as if sums up the life he has lived, shares with the reader the innermost.

And soon followed by an acquaintance with A. Duncan and a European journey. Being far from the homeland, Sergey Alexandrovich took a fresh look at his country. Now he was full of hope and dreamed of serving the Motherland and the people. It was after returning that the poems “Dissuaded the Grove ...” appeared, in which autumn is related to human life, the incredibly warm and tender “Letter to Mother”.

Yesenin's most famous work

Trip to the Caucasus

Speaking of Yesenin, one cannot help but recall his "Persian motives." They were inspired by a trip to the Caucasus, where Sergei Alexandrovich most acutely felt how dear to him his native places. He expressed his feelings, contrasting the Russian expanses with the distant Persian nature - the dream to visit this country never came true. The verses of the cycle resemble a painting, complemented by lively sounds. But love poetry became a real poetic masterpiece, including Yesenin's most famous work from this cycle - Shagane. This is a monologue addressed to a distant Persian, to whom the author told secret thoughts about his native Ryazan land, about the girl who remained there.

Yesenin's works on nature

"Goodbye my friend ..."

With these words, the poem written by the poet before death begins. It more closely resembles the epitaph that the poet addressed to himself. Frank, born of prolonged mental anguish, this poem is, in essence, Yesenin's farewell to life and people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19905/

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