Animals of the Voronezh region: rare and common

Voronezh region is located on the border of the steppe and forest-steppe zones. The nature of this region is rich and diverse. Several large rivers, a large number of forests and picturesque meadows provide excellent living conditions for a wide variety of animals. Reserves in the territory of the region allowed to preserve several rare and endangered species. Animals of the Voronezh region - this is its wealth. The amazing world of flora and fauna attracts the attention of not only residents of the region, but also tourists.

Features of the nature of the Voronezh region

This is a unique corner of the Central Russian Upland. The rivers Don, Voronezh, Khoper, Usmanka and Bityug make the nature of the region uniquely picturesque. Basically, animals and plants of the Voronezh region are common in other regions, but there are unique species. Almost 10% of the territory is forest. In addition to small groves and oak groves, there are large ones, for example, Tellerman and Shipov forests, Usman pine forest. On the uncultivated, steppe lands, there remains a wild forbs in which many animals feel differently: gophers, mice, hares and others.

animals of Voronezh Oblastsi description

Some plants have been preserved since ancient times, for example, chillim or Donate cinquefoil.

Animals of the Voronezh region

Description of the nature of the region is very interesting. More than 400 species of animals are found in this territory. Among them are many ubiquitous and rare. And they all deserve respect and protection. Animals of the Voronezh region feel comfortable in floodplain floodplain meadows, in dense forests, and even near human housing. What species are the most common here?

  • In the steppe zones and in the fields live a hare, gophers, field mice and ferrets. Of the birds - partridges, steppe eagle and lark. Closer to the south there are baibak, bustard and osprey.
  • Forests populate the largest animal areas: moose, red deer, roe deer. There are also squirrels, wild boars, badgers and a lot of different birds.
  • Beavers and minks like to settle on the banks of water bodies, in some places there is a muskrat.
    animals of the Voronezh region photo
  • Ponds themselves are inhabited by many fish and amphibians: catfish, sterlet, pikeperch and pike - are valuable commercial species, and sometimes the marsh turtle is very rare.
  • In any place of the Voronezh region - both in forests and in the field - you can find ubiquitous foxes, wolves, weasels and raccoons.

Rare animals of the Voronezh region

Photos of endangered species can be found in the Red Book. More than 300 species of animals, birds and insects belong to this category. Animals are listed in the Red Book of the Voronezh Region, the population of which has been greatly reduced under the influence of human economic activity. They need protection.

  1. These are mainly insects, for example: the blue-winged desert, common mantis, steppe cicada, dipper, silkworm, and others.
  2. Several species of fish are also in danger of extinction due to severe pollution and shallowing of rivers. These are sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, trout, pike perch and other commercial fish.
  3. Birds also suffer from atmospheric pollution and vigorous human activities. Black grouse, bluefin, woodpecker, osprey, white-tailed eagle and black-faced shrike are protected.
    animals of the Voronezh region

Some animals are so rare that they are listed in the Red Book of Russia. This is a desman, bison, black stork, bustard and some others.

Nature conservation of the Voronezh region

Both the plant and animal life of the region suffer from human activities. Many species have completely disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. Therefore, nature requires a careful attitude to itself and protection. To do this, in the 20s of the 20th century, the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve was created . The river beaver, whose protection and breeding has been involved there for many years, has now settled throughout the country. A lot of hares, squirrels, elks and muskrats live there. People are forbidden to be on the territory of the reserve, so the animals of the Voronezh region feel at ease. Foxes, wolves, martens, ferrets, minks and raccoons are common there. Another reserve, Khopersky, is breeding a very rare animal - muskrat.

animals and plants of the Voronezh region
This amazing animal lives on Earth for many thousands of years and is now almost never found. The bison and sika deer took root well there, the white-tailed eagle and the golden eagle are widespread. Animals of the Voronezh region - both rare and fairly well-known - are under protection, their number is gradually increasing.


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