Children's cigarettes: regular sweet candy or attempts by manufacturers to impose bad habits from childhood?

Progress and development are two concepts that imply rapid improvement literally in all areas of life, a giant step forward to a brighter future. However, many people, especially those who were born and raised at the end of the last millennium, for some reason take with hostility the seemingly gifts and blessings of modern civilization. Some complain, they say, computers, tablets and smartphones only spoil the young generation's eyesight. Others talk about the dangers of snacks (chips, crackers) and the "fast" food offered at McDonald's, which many teens prefer.

But today we will touch on the topic of sweets, namely children's cigarettes, which are sold almost all over the world to the delight of little ones. They are not easy to distinguish from the real ones, because in their shape the candy is fully consistent with the prototype. True, this feature of it is completely harmless, along with others, which we will discuss in the material. You can only buy such a miracle only in the confectionery departments or specialized stores for children.

baby cigarettes

To the joy of the kids?

These sweet cigarettes excite the minds of adults, and the debate over the ban on their sale in some regions has reached its climax and the public has achieved a ban on the mass distribution of such unusual sweets. In the article we will try to deal with all the issues related to sweets, which, according to the manufacturers, were created exclusively for a variety of children's assortment of sweets and to the delight of the younger generation.

Holland - a country of contrasts

baby caramel cigarettes

Holland is known to many for its attitude to the forbidden. Many narcotic substances and prostitution are legalized there. But the indigenous population of the country, and many who come there, notice that on the streets you will not find a huge number of asocial personalities who have been affected by permissiveness. On the contrary, many do not even try to take advantage of the legal right to do whatever they please.

Children's cigarettes are a special product that was invented and first produced in the Netherlands. These sweets are not just repeating the shape of a regular cigarette. This product is a complete analogue of its predecessor with all the ensuing details:

  1. Children's cigarettes in a pack are sold, as well as products manufactured for people over 21 years of age. True, the confectionery copy indicates the age of "3 plus".
  2. As noted above, the shape of the candy is fully consistent with the prototype, even the filter area is clearly visible here.
  3. The most important and, perhaps, the most shocking circumstance that shocked the adult population is that children’s cigarettes need to be lit with a regular cigarette lighter or match.

The last point should be given special attention, because the manufacturer claims that the closest possible copy of the candy to a real cigarette is in no way capable of harming the child.

shop for children

Give me a light

So, igniting one end of a cigarette for children with a match, the baby should do the same manipulations with his candy that any smoker does by lighting a regular cigarette: draw in the smoke. The fact that a small child after three years will cope with such a task, the manufacturer takes for granted.

But what about flammable objects - lighters and matches? After all, not only in our country, but also abroad, everyone knows that matches are not a toy. A logical conclusion suggests itself: the parent himself must give his three-year-old child his cigarette with caramel or strawberry flavor, for example. Is it not funny, although perhaps this state of affairs only in the post-Soviet space can cause shock and misunderstanding, because upbringing and mentality will not allow the overwhelming majority of our compatriots to understand the Europeans who look far ahead.

baby cigarettes in holland

Caramel smoke

When all the manipulations with lighting a sweet cigarette have been done, caramel smoke with a pleasant confectionery aftertaste begins to stand out from it, which, according to the assurances of the manufacturer of this product, should give an indescribable delight to a little smoker of sweets. Moreover, the baby will also have to smoke the rest of the smoke, like an adult amateur, smoke, let it out through the nose or mouth.

This circumstance makes children look like their moms and dads, who got into the network unhealthy habits. By the way, it is worth noting that children's cigarettes with caramel in the Netherlands are in greatest demand, because, according to reviews, the smoke in them is especially tasty.

Fears and warnings of doctors and psychologists

cigarettes for children

Most of all, psychologists are worried by teaching from childhood to meet adult living standards. They assure that children with their fragile psyche just get used to feeling a cigarette in their hand, even at first confectionery. Then there is no thought at all that this could somehow harm health or lead to more serious consequences.

The child, by virtue of his development, understands that all products sold in stores for children are absolutely harmless and created specifically for him. Growing up, he will easily replace the candy with a regular tobacco cigarette. Moreover, the child will not even think that she is somehow better or worse than the previous instance.

It is worth mentioning another important statement of psychologists: the age when a teenager tastes tobacco for the first time in his life will significantly decrease. That is, because of such sweet baby cigarettes, even first-graders will soon begin to smoke for real. The doctors, in turn, are also not sure that the smoke, even if it is formed from melting caramel, does not in any way harm the developing lungs of a small person.

On a note

The governments of Australia, the UK and Canada have banned the distribution of such children's products in their countries after numerous protests and rallies. Children's cigarettes in the Netherlands are still sold and are in great demand. However, it is worth noting that conscious teenagers with a desire to abandon the harmful habit of smoking tobacco also became interested in such a toy.


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