How much noise can you make in the evening?

Noisy neighbors rarely please anyone. Sometimes it seems that they specifically wait for the moment when everyone goes to bed and cut the music to full volume. Of course, people who have to get up in the morning and go to work, an unexpected concert on the eve of the night does not bring joy. Intelligent people, as a rule, suffer this noise, in extreme cases, they knock on the battery, especially if the neighbors make noise infrequently, a couple of times a year on the eve of the holidays. However, it also happens that concerts with loud music are repeated weekly, or even every other day.

What can be done in this case?

To begin with, you can go up to the neighbors and inform that 23.00 is the deadline before how much you can make noise by law. Accordingly, at 23.02, all music should be turned off or at least diminished so that no one except the owners can hear it. If adequate people come across - the problem is solved. However, often they don’t open the door at all, and if they open it, they say that they are not interested in how much noise they can make, their apartment does what they want. And in general, the music center on their balcony, and not in the apartment.

Another possible situation is that the company celebrates in the courtyard, in a cafe, or drinks alcohol, sitting on a bench and cutting the radio at full volume. Many leave this behavior unpunished, believing that the information, as far as you can make noise, specified in the law, applies only to apartments.

In fact, if you rely on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 9 p. 1, then for people using sound reproducing devices at high volume, including devices located on balconies, vehicles, kiosks, etc. and disturbing citizens after 23 pm, an administrative fine of 500 to 1000 rubles may be imposed.

Therefore, if your neighbors do not know how many hours you can make noise and do not turn off the music in time, you can safely call the police. An administrative fine of five hundred to a thousand rubles will be imposed on the offender, which will surely discourage him from bothering citizens at night. If the offender is not an individual, but an official - fines are increased from a thousand to one and a half.

People who are repairing their apartment or arranging a redevelopment are often interested not only in how much you can make noise, but also how much you can make noise. The law in this case is quite loyal, because you can make noise in the morning - from 6 o’clock.

By the way, not only neighbors can disturb at night. In megacities, and not only in them, construction is constantly ongoing on the streets - they are building a new house, repairing an old one or remodeling an apartment into a store. From morning till night, workers crush the asphalt or pave the walls, buzz heavy trucks, bringing new materials - in general, there is a fair amount of noise.

If you focus on the same article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 9 p. 2, all construction, loading and unloading and other types of work during construction (except for emergency recovery, rescue and other urgent types of work) must be completed no later than 21 hours. You can start work related to increased noise, which may disturb citizens, no earlier than 8 o’clock in the morning. People who do not comply with this provision can be intimidated by fines - they range from 500 rubles for individuals, for officials from 1000 to one and a half, and for legal ones from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. However, for the first time, the police can issue a warning without writing a fine.

The opposite situation also happens - neighbors come in the afternoon or at 7-8 a.m. to complain of noise and demand to stop the repair. Using these provisions and articles from the Civil Code, if necessary, you can prove to them the invalidity of these requirements. Of course, you can make concessions, pause and give people who come from the night shift a good night's sleep, but this will be a voluntary and not a forced step.


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