How to clean and how to wash a leather jacket at home?

Of course, when a person gets his clothes dirty, there are several options for solving this problem. You can ignore the dirt and continue to wear wardrobe items, and some do. There is also an option to get rid of the soiled thing and buy a new one, but not everyone can afford such a "luxury". Well, the easiest way is to wash your clothes. It is him who many choose when faced with the problem of soiled things.

However, not all things can be safely put into the washing machine, being firmly convinced that they will not deteriorate after the procedure, and they can be worn. One way or another, but we must not forget about the existence of "delicate" fabrics, clothes from which it is not recommended to wash.

Leather Jacket Care

It should be noted that outerwear made of leather has always been in high consumer demand, so the question of how to wash a leather jacket at home and whether this is possible at all is relevant for many today.

How to wash a leather jacket at home

The above attribute of the wardrobe provides reliable protection in cold and frost and the person in it is as comfortable and warm as possible. Of course, when a stain suddenly appears on a leather product, then the first thing you think about is how to wash a leather jacket at home? In order for a thing to serve you as long as possible, you must provide proper care for it.

Dry cleaning

The question of how to wash a leather jacket at home will disappear by itself if you take the item to dry cleaning, where it will be put in order. Moreover, experts recommend doing this at least once every 12 months. As a rule, outer clothing made of leather is “given” to dry cleaning at the end of the season before the onset of summer. Believe me: specialists will eliminate the most persistent dirt and stubborn stains, cope with unpleasant odors, and you won’t have to think about whether you can wash your leather jacket yourself.

Can I wash a leather jacket

Moreover, in dry cleaning you can order the service of painting the jacket in a new color. You will receive your product in perfect condition, it will be packed in a plastic bag, and for storage to be correct, you will need to transfer it to a special, air-permeable bag for clothes.

How to carry out the cleaning procedure yourself?

And yet, it is important for thrifty people to get an answer to the question not only about how to wash a leather jacket at home, but also about whether it is possible to clean the product yourself. Of course you can. Naturally, for this it is necessary to arm yourself with special chemical agents, although some prefer "natural" ones. What specifically to choose? Everyone solves this issue on their own, but consumer reviews indicate that most cleaning products are effective, so it all depends on the "thickness of the wallet."


  1. Greasy stains on the sleeves and collar are removed with a solution of glycerin soap, and at the final stage of the procedure, a damp surface should be wiped.
    How to wash the lining of a leather jacket
  2. You can use another way: put a paper towel on the area of ​​contamination, and then gently iron the problem area with an iron. Under the influence of high temperature paper absorbs grease.
  3. Dried dirt should be removed with a damp cloth, which should first be moistened with soapy water, but it is important to remember that there should not be a lot of water on the leather jacket.
  4. Acetone or gasoline can effectively cope with spots of paint, and a specific smell will evaporate as soon as you treat the contaminated area with a slice of lemon.
  5. From salt stains that form after precipitation, a napkin processed in a solution of acetic acid will help.
  6. The faded color of the product can also be eliminated. To do this, treat the surface of the skin with lemon juice, after which it will again shine.
  7. The roughness of the material and cracks can be eliminated with a sponge previously moistened in a solution of glycerol. After this, microcracks will become almost invisible. As an alternative to the glycerin composition, you can recommend a regular chicken yolk, which should be beaten in advance.
  8. Mold traces on the jacket are cleaned with gasoline.
    How to wash a leather jacket

So can you wash or not?

Nevertheless, the question of whether it is possible to wash a leather jacket worries a huge number of housewives. The answer to it will be: "It is possible, but not desirable." It should be noted that the skin is a rather delicate matter, and any inaccurate effect on it can lead to damage to the product. If you still intend to use the washing machine to solve the issue under consideration, then be prepared for the fact that your leather jacket may be damaged, and you only have one thing left: throw the attribute of the wardrobe into a garbage container. Guarantee that after automatic washing you can, as before, wear a jacket, no one will give you. Again, to minimize the likelihood of adverse effects, you need to follow certain recommendations.

So, for those who want to know how to wash a leather jacket at home, the following information will be useful: for a leather product, you should choose the delicate “wool” mode, and the spin should be 300 revolutions. After the clothes have dried, they should be soaked with a composition, the recipe for which is quite simple. You will need ½ liter of boiling water, 100 grams of salt, 75 grams of glycerin, 2 beaten egg yolks, which are added last after the mixture has cooled.

How to wash a leather jacket at home

After that, you can repaint the jacket with special paint, and so that it can be firmly fixed, you should treat the surface of the skin at the final stage with glycerin.


Many also care about how to wash the lining of a leather jacket. This should be done in manual mode, and it is very important to observe precautions so that moisture is present in a minimal amount on the outside of the product.

Those who do not have the slightest idea about how to wash the lining of a leather jacket should know that before the procedure itself, outer clothing should be turned out and try to separate the above attribute to the maximum extent possible. The washing should be done in cold water, and you should remember the frequency of the procedure: no more than once a year.

How to remove dirt from a white leather jacket?

How to wash a white leather jacket

For some, the issue of how to wash a white leather jacket is also relevant. Again, this should be done manually using a cloth treated with soap and water, and cleaning should be done with gentle movements so as not to spoil the material. At the final stage, it is necessary to wipe the product with a damp cloth to remove traces of soapy water.

Now you know how to wash a leather jacket. After washing is completed, it is necessary to dry the product by hanging it on its shoulders in an inverted state and only at room temperature.


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