Collection ā€œMasterpieces of World Literature in Miniatureā€: description, features and reviews

Every person has a hobby. Someone grows indoor flowers, someone draws, and someone prefers collecting. For lovers of various original gizmos, the DeAgostini publishing house produces unique collections. One of the published ones is ā€œMasterpieces of World Literature in Miniatureā€. What is this collection?

Acquaintance with ā€œMasterpieces of World Literatureā€

The collection ā€œMasterpieces of World Literatureā€ in a miniature format was created especially for those people who like to devote free time to reading, are connoisseurs of literature. The publishing house "DeAgostini" she created in the form of small books, made in a beautiful binding. A similar collection has been acquired by many people. She became a real decoration in their family and personal libraries. Some bought it as a gift to friends, acquaintances, relatives, because it really is able to surprise and please with its design, unusualness.

The collection ā€œMasterpieces of World Literature in Miniatureā€ was released in 2012. Until 2015, the publishing house pleased buyers with new products. When the planned number of books was released, the collection was no longer updated. However, she continued to arouse interest. In this regard, it was decided to reissue the collection in 2017. The new series includes books from the previous collection. It also included several new works. The prepared series was called Golden.

masterpieces of world literature in miniature

Benefits of Original Books

The collection ā€œMasterpieces of World Literatureā€ has several features. Firstly, it is unique in its performance. Each book fits in the palm of your hand. Its format is 50 mm by 65 mm. Secondly, the books are made in a special "gold" design. A similar design looks noble and original. Thirdly, the collection acquaints readers with the works of great people, allows you to once again enjoy well-known literature to someone.

Miniature masterpieces are immersed in a unique world of works, they allow you to touch spiritual and moral values, to feel those emotions that the main characters experience. You can familiarize yourself with books from the collection with various life situations, take an example from some of the personalities described.

deagostini masterpieces of world literature in miniature

The design of miniature masterpieces

The collection ā€œMasterpieces of World Literature in Miniatureā€ is elegant and exclusive. Its unusual design attracts the eye. Each book can be called a work of art - there is a gold stamping on the covers, a beautiful binding, an elegant narrow ribbon for bookmarking pages.

A well-designed collection for many people has become part of the interior. Miniature books, according to people, can make the atmosphere more charming, noble. The proposed masterpieces of world literature are not excerpts. These are full-fledged works of famous writers. One can be proud of such a mini-library. She is not ashamed to show the guests.

Works included in the collection

The collection "Masterpieces of World Literature in Miniature" from "DeAgostini" presents many interesting works by Russian and foreign authors. Here are some examples:

  • ā€œPoor Lisaā€ by N. M. Karamzin;
  • "Cunning and love" F. Schiller;
  • ā€œEugene Oneginā€ by A. S. Pushkin;
  • "Lord Golovlev" M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin;
  • poetry of M. Yu. Lermontov;
  • favorites of A. A. Akhmatova.

If we analyze the entire list of masterpieces of world literature in miniature, we can conclude that the collection of the DeAgostini publishing house includes works of prose, poetry, dramaturgy, and philosophy. 100 issues planned. Each new miniature book goes on sale weekly.

masterpieces of world literature in miniature list

Gifts for Gold Series subscribers

DeAgostini Publishing House seeks to please subscribers not only with beautiful and high-quality books. Unique gifts have been prepared for people who decide to purchase a collection. One of them is to provide an additional discount of 50% to those people who fill out the first package by ordering 4 magazines at once.

The second planned gift from the publishing house is 2 casket books. Such an original gift is sent to readers with the 3rd package. The casket book has the same format as a miniature book, i.e. its design and size are similar. Inside there is an insert made of wood.

The third gift is unique bookmarks for books. They are sent to subscribers with the 5th package. The condition for receiving bookmarks is to pay for a subscription to the Golden Series of world literature masterpieces in miniature by credit card on the official website of the publishing house.

The fourth gift is a special cabinet for storing miniature books. It is made in the desktop format and is able to accommodate all issues of the collection. A wardrobe made of wood. The doors are glazed, and graceful metal handles are attached to them for convenient opening.

a series of masterpieces of world literature in miniature

Why buy a collection?

Many people, having seen a collection, fall in love with it almost immediately. And some are considering buying it. In search of an answer, it is worth recalling that classical literature, represented by poetry and prose, always has a positive effect on readers, changing them for the better.

Each person, reading a work, travels with the characters in a fictional world, gets acquainted with good and negative characters, evaluates situations. The final conclusions allow self-improvement, set noble images as an example, and not make mistakes in real life that the heroes of books made.

books masterpieces of world literature in miniature

Schedule of the release of masterpieces of world literature in miniature

Specialists of the DeAgostini Publishing House, when deciding to release the Golden Series, made a schedule for the release of issues. The very first book went on sale on January 5, 2017. These were the poems of A. S. Pushkin. The second issue (novels and short stories by A.P. Chekhov and ā€œTwo Tragediesā€ by W. Shakespeare) took place on January 19. Subsequent books began to be released weekly.

The schedule for all issues is not yet complete. Periodically new books are introduced into it. This was reported to readers on the official website of the DeAgostini publishing house.

masterpieces of world literature in miniature release schedule

Reviews of people who bought the collection

Connoisseurs of world literature, who have begun to assemble a new collection of books, leave positive feedback. They note that the miniature issues are full-fledged miniature copies of real books. Their advantages are a hard cover, well-readable text.

Some collectors note that they acquire masterpieces of world literature in miniature not only for themselves, but also for children. The unusual format attracts the younger generation and is of interest to boys and girls. Children have a desire to read books, get acquainted with the works of great writers. Among the shortcomings note a very small print. For people with vision problems, this collection is very unfortunate.

masterpieces of world literature in miniature gold series

Negative reviews are very rare. For example, you can find comments that the first premise turned out to be of poor quality. Books - masterpieces of world literature in miniature - had corners erased. Readers also noted that the ā€œGolden Seriesā€ included the same books that were in the first collection, issued since 2011. Many readers wanted to see new issues, rather than reprints with a new design.

Some were frustrated by gifts intended for subscribers. Caskets, as readers say, turned out to be simple cardboard boxes that are glued with paper. And there are people who have not received gifts at all. In such situations, the publishing house recommends contacting the operators through the official website. Specialists understand all the misunderstandings that arise.

To buy or not a collection of miniature books? Everyone will give an answer to this question himself, but one has only to consider that a series of masterpieces of world literature in miniature are liked by intellectual and creative personalities, delight people who appreciate works of world literature, and will not leave indifferent either adults or children.


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