Ski suits for men, women and children

The first ski suits appeared in the early fifties of the 20th century and since then, both professionals and amateur skiers are keenly interested in the choice of this specific clothing. Novice skiers, getting into a sports store, are lost among the variety of equipment hanging on hangers and lying on numerous shelves: here there are ski jackets, overalls, and gloves. You can also find smaller details of the ski wardrobe, such as glasses, masks, hats and even thermal underwear.

How not to get confused and choose exactly those things from the assortment that will be of high quality and will last more than one year? Professional skiers, who have been skiing in the mountains for more than a year, give some tips on choosing clothing for a vacation in the mountains.

The first thing to remember is under what conditions the costume will be operated. We are talking about the fact that the jacket and other accessories of the boot are worn by you at temperatures below zero, with strong gusts of wind, in snowfall, storms, and, possibly, in a blizzard or rainy weather. In addition, a large amount of time will be spent in an immobilized state, namely during the ascent to the beginning of the track in open cabins. So you should pay attention to such materials, the clothes of which will correspond to the season, will warm in severe frost and will not let you sweat during an active movement down the mountain. That is why, all the equipment should be thought out to the smallest detail and, when purchasing ski suits, do not forget about such things as thermal underwear and even special warming socks.

In the process of fitting, please note that such details of the suit as cuffs, freebies, pants, collar must fit snugly to the body, otherwise after the first descent from the mountain snow will accumulate in them and your vacation will be ruined. In addition, it is desirable that the clothes have at least a few well-stitched and moisture-proof pockets. This is necessary in order to put various small things in them, for example, a handkerchief.

When choosing ski suits, it is better to consider bright colors. Wearing such equipment, you will be sure that in the event of an unforeseen situation, it will be easier for rescuers to detect a bright spot in the snow. It is also desirable that there are reflectors on the sleeves of the jacket.

It is imperative that the suit has at least three layers of materials, the first of which should provide maximum ventilation of the body, the second - protection from low temperatures, and the third - from external factors such as snow or rain. At the same time, in expensive suits, the moisture protective properties of the outer layer can be achieved through the use of membrane fabric, which breathes well, but thanks to its structure, does not allow moisture to pass through. The fabric of cheaper suits either breathes perfectly, but at the same time lets water through, or your body will not remain dry, but it will not breathe normally either.

Separately, you should talk about such an important trifle as thermal underwear. Thanks to a special thread twisted from many fibers, it turns out to be loose to the touch, due to which air is stored in it, which is an excellent thermally insulating layer. Please note that in the case of thermal underwear, it should fit the figure well - only in this case the thermoregulation will be the best.

As for the prices for ski suits, they start from 150-200 dollars per person - the cost is rather big, but you should not save, otherwise the next year you will have to visit the sports store again.

Some believe that women's ski suits in their appearance should be significantly different from men's. Yes, there is a fashion for this equipment, but it is not so categorical as in the case of everyday clothes.


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