A way to develop the imagination and logic of a child: a riddle about mushrooms

How to occupy a baby and replenish his luggage with new knowledge? One way each parent can learn is to learn a funny rhyme question. Any riddle about mushrooms, about animals and plants can entertain and comprehensively develop a child. In a relaxed game, the kid learns new information. Everything that is learned with pleasure is remembered firmly and remembered for a long time.

What is a riddle?

Perhaps you first need to look into the dictionary. The Great Encyclopedic interprets this word as a description executed in allegorical form. Often it has a poetic basis. This genre of folk art is always aimed at testing the wisdom of the one who unravels it.

Whatever the riddle: about mushrooms, bushes or trees, about animals, birds or flowers, people or their professions, it always only describes the plan. It never sounds in the question. If puzzles are composed for children, then special emphasis is placed on the unique features of an object or phenomenon. In situations where this is not possible, a comparison is made with other things.

For a long time people used riddles in folk art. Fairy-tale heroes necessarily fell into situations where they needed to be smart. Only after difficult tasks were solved, did they manage to pass through locked doors or receive treasured things.

riddle about mushrooms

What is the use of puzzles for the development of children?

Their effectiveness is seen by most leading educators from around the world. Among the advantages of using puzzles are those that are located in the list below.

  • The development of imagination and ingenuity, observation and logic.
  • In the process of solving the riddle (about mushrooms and other objects of the surrounding world), mental functions are actively involved, the child is encouraged to analyze what he heard. This helps to develop his speech, filling it with new words-synonyms and descriptive phrases.
  • Expanding horizons and strengthening memory. After repeated repetition, the child remembers not only the answer, but also the wording of the riddle. In addition, information is acquired during the game.
  • If the answer to the riddle turns out to be unexpected or ridiculous, then this allows the child to develop innovative thinking. He also develops a sense of humor and imagination.

5 puzzles about mushrooms

What topic of puzzles?

Based on the preferences and interests of a particular child, someone is impressed with rhymes about animals, someone will be delighted with riddles about natural phenomena. One child will constantly repeat poems about spiders and bugs. Another will ask for a bird task. And someone will love the riddle of mushrooms.

Well, if their theme coincides with the occupation, which now occupies the attention of the crumbs. When he is on the street, puzzles about cars, buses and other vehicles will do. During a walk through the forest, by the way, there will be a riddle about mushrooms and berries. On the river - about fish, in the zoo - about exotic wild animals.

riddles about mushrooms with answers

Or maybe make a riddle yourself, and not just guess it?

It so happened that preschoolers more often solve riddles rather than invent them. Moreover, no one gives specific recommendations on how to get to the bottom of the answer. From the experience of specialists, it became clear that the most quick-witted children solve puzzles as if by itself. Sometimes this happens by enumerating possible answers. If such a game takes place in a team of children, then most of them are simply outside observers who only remember the answer. The maximum benefits of solving will be observed in the individual solution to the puzzle. In such a situation, all mental functions will be actively involved in the child.

But what if you offer the baby to compose a riddle himself. May she not be a verse at first. The main thing is that there is a question and an indication of an important sign of a hidden subject. The baby will not remain indifferent and will be bombarded with questions-riddles of the attentive listener. And over time, his tasks will become more perfect. And those who have inclinations will delight in rhymes.

riddles about mushrooms

Possible examples of mushroom puzzles

Not every adult can boast of being able to make puzzles. In addition, today you can find a huge number of them in various sources: from books to the Internet. Here, for example, are 5 riddles about mushrooms. These are slightly modified already well-known poems.

1. Toddler hiding in the woods.

They are looking for him, but he does not respond.

2. The forest eccentric has only one leg.

He put on a hat, but didn’t want a shoe.

3. Under the tree and aspen

the boy is standing very long.

He takes a little red one

a gray coat, but no boots.

4. The red-haired family settled at the edge of the forest.

And their name is like a forest trickster.

5. He is small, walked around the earth.

Found a little red riding hood.

Since these are riddles about mushrooms, there should be no difficulty with answers. If something is unclear, then the guesses of the first two and the last is the word "mushroom". The third hides a "boletus" underneath. The fourth deals with chanterelles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19953/

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