Amnesty is an act of goodwill by the state

The commission of a crime must inevitably result in punishment, as provided for in the Criminal Code. Amnesty is a form in which the state can forgive a person who has committed a certain

amnesty is
th act. After all, not all people commit crimes intentionally and violently. It is logical that leniency can rarely be applied to them. But there are compositions for which you can apply such an act as amnesty. This allows you to save some of the convicts from the deprivations that they suffer.

Related concepts

It is important not to confuse several concepts that are in the same row, because they suggest similar consequences, but completely different in content. This is amnesty, pardon and rehabilitation. Briefly explained in a simple accessible language, the pardon can be carried out by the president of the country. Amnesty is the prerogative of the State Duma. In addition, the "forgiveness" on the part of the head of state is isolated. There is also such a thing as rehabilitation. In this case, it is recognized that the person did not commit a crime at all (judicial error), respectively, he has the right to release. With amnesty and pardon, there is no such thing, the person is guilty and has already served some part of the punishment, but

economic crime amnesty
the state lets him go.

Amnesty for Economic Crimes

To better understand the essence of this phenomenon, it is important to give an example. Note that in our country quite often various amnesties were carried out, which extended to certain categories of prisoners. The last decision, which resulted in several thousand prisoners being released, was signed not so long ago in the State Duma. The 2013 amnesty in Russia will affect prisoners who are serving sentences for such unlawful acts, which in the complex can be called economic. This is connected with illegal business, and with tax evasion, as well as with some other compounds, which are completely meaningless to list. It is important that the state thereby wants to boost the economy in the country, because behind the bars were people who did business and did it quite successfully. They bet on them.

2013 amnesty in Russia

Legal implications

Amnesty is an act that has a legal form. Accordingly, it is mandatory for execution by the bodies of the penal system, which means it gives rise to certain consequences. First of all, a person can be completely released from punishment. If this does not happen, then there may be a reduction or replacement of the type of punishment with a milder one. All this is provided for in the decree. It could also be a criminal record. If you delve into the legal terminology, the withdrawn or extinguished criminal record indicates that a person is considered legally criminal. This means that no one (the employer, interested parties) has the right to demand materials that a person once sat in a correctional camp. True, there are exceptions that relate to teaching and occupation of certain public positions.


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