How to make a rose from a ribbon with your own hands: step by step instructions

Flowers have always been a symbol of beauty, grace and tenderness. From ancient times people gave flowers to each other, presented to the gods and decorated their homes with them. And today, flowers are popular, and on some holidays are almost the only gift. They can be live or artificial, made from ribbons, paper, beads, plastic bottles or stuck together according to one of the mass of technologies known today. Flowers made by hand do not fade, for a long time they retain their original appearance and carry a piece of warmth and love of the master.

The meaning of roses

One of the most popular flowers is the rose. Its petals are very delicate and silky, twisted into a bud seem defenseless, and the spikes can seriously hurt. Perhaps that is why she became a symbol of love, and poets and fans loved her wholeheartedly. In addition, according to the generally accepted alphabet of flowers, a bright red rose symbolizes passion, white - tenderness, burgundy - reverence, cream - seriousness, yellow - sadness, separation, and maroon - sorrow.

There are many ways to create it, but the most realistic are self-made roses from satin ribbons. Making such flowers is quite easy and fun, and the result will be excellent even for a beginner.

What are roses from ribbons?

On the Internet, there are a lot of different ways to create roses from ribbons with your own hands.

You can make flowers from a whole ribbon or cut individual petals out of it, use a thread, glue to form a thread or not use additional fasteners at all. The rose can be voluminous, flat and on the stem. The technique of execution is chosen depending on which rose of the ribbons, made with your own hands, is needed at the moment.

Whole ribbon rose

This method is the easiest. To make a flower, you only need a tape and a lighter.

The width of the tape may be different. To make a small rose from a tape 1 cm wide, you need to take a tape not less than a meter. If the width of the tape is 2.5 cm, then you will need two meters, etc.

In this way, it is very simple to make a rose from a ribbon with your own hands. See the step-by-step photo below.

So, the algorithm is as follows:

  • Bend the tape in half.
  • Take the lower part to the right at an angle of 90 Β°.
  • Throw the tape from right to left.
  • Move tape from bottom to top.
  • Now you need to return the tape from left to right.
  • Lower the tape from top to bottom. Repeat until the end of the tape.
    Rose from ribbon
  • Release the resulting volumetric spiral, holding the edges of the tapes.
  • Gently pull on one end of the tape. Closely monitor the end of the accordion. Once it is sufficiently formed into a rosebud, fasten the ends of the ribbon with a double knot. As a rule, from 1 meter of tape folded with an accordion, it is necessary to stretch about 40-50 cm.
  • Cut the tape near the knot, singe the edges, if necessary, decorate with leaves.

Such a rose can be used to decorate clothes, handbags, create jewelry or panels.

Two-tone rose

Two-tone rose

This flower is also made from whole cuts of tape, only 2 colors are already needed. You can use tape of the same width. In this case, it is necessary to take 1/4 of the length of one color and 3/4 of the length of the other, their edges are fused and stitched. And to make a self-made rose from ribbons as in the photo, the width of the ribbons should be different.

It is performed according to the algorithm described above. In the case of the same width of the tapes, you need to pull for the one that was originally longer.

Flat rose

It is very convenient to decorate a topiary or other convex surface with such a flower.

To create such a rose you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • tape;
  • glue;
  • lighter.

The manufacturing process is quite simple:

Step number 1. Cut a circle from cardboard equal to the required diameter of the flower.

Step number 2. Make a cut along the radius of the circle. Glue the edges, forming a cone of the required height. At this stage, it is very easy to try on the surface on which the finished flower will be attached.

Step number 3. To melt the edge of the tape with a lighter, fix it on the cone so that the upper side of the tape is at the level of the top of the cone.

Step number 4. Twist the tape from the bottom up, fix it on the cone, round the top, repeat the action. This will form the petals. If the tape width is 1 cm, then the pitch should be 1.5 cm.

Step number 5. Thus fill the entire area of ​​the cone.

This method of making roses from ribbons with your own hands for beginners will be easier if you choose less slippery material, for example, cotton or rep braid, and fix the bends with English pins.

A rose from rectangles: method number 1

Kanzashi rose

In this technique, you can execute any flowers, and depending on the initial cut length of the tape, form petals of the most diverse shapes.

To make roses you will need:

  • 1 m of tape 5–6 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • pins
  • candle;
  • glue.

Important! When working with fire, avoid blackening of the fabric. Therefore, it is better to choose decorative candles with a small tongue of flame. In addition, you need to ensure that when blowing, the smoke from it rises white, not black.

Thus, the edges of the tape can be easily melted, giving the necessary shape and bending, avoiding the mourning edges and smoke spots, and you can work with two hands, which is not the case with working with a lighter.

Petal Method 1

Making roses from satin ribbons with your own hands. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

Step number 1. Cut the tape into pieces. You will need 3 segments 10, 11 and 12 cm wide.

Step number 2. Place the cut face down on the table. Connect the sides with the bottom edge, forming a triangle or trapezoid, depending on the width of the cut. Secure with safety pin.

Step # 3. Corner of the base of the triangle (trapezoid) to connect with a side cut.

Step No. 4. Carefully melt the bottom edge, securing the folds. Thus form all the petals.

Step number 5. Twist one of the narrow petals into a roll, forming the middle. Secure with glue.

Step number 6. Glue the following petals in a spiral with a slight overlap. If it is necessary to make a rose from the ribbons with your own hands, the petals of which have already fully opened, then it is better to stick the petals on a round felt base.

Step number 7. We decorate the rose with leaves.

A rose from rectangles: method number 2

In this case, you will need:

  • tape 5 cm wide - 1 meter;
  • scissors;
  • candle;
  • safety pins;
  • thin needle;
  • a thread.


  • Prepare pieces of tape 10, 11 and 12 cm, 3 pieces of each size.
  • The edges of the ribbon melt over the candle. Make sure that they remain soft.
Petal method 2
  • Join the fused side cut to form a triangle or trapezoid.
  • Secure with safety pins. So prepare all the petals. Expand to fit.
  • Sew along the bottom edge of each petal, leaving them on one thread. Remove the pins.
  • Gently pull the end of the thread, twisting the workpiece into a spiral. Narrow petals should be in the center.
  • Form a bud. Lock the position of the petals with a few through stitches. Decorate with sepals.

Rose from single petals

This flower most of all resembles a living one, however, some skill will be needed to make it.

How to make such a rose from ribbons with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions (in the photo) are presented below.

For this flower you will need:

  • 90 cm satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • paper;
  • candle;
  • scissors;
  • thread with a needle or glue.


Rose petals
  • Cut petal patterns from paper, 5 cm high and 4, 5 and 6 cm wide.
  • From the ribbon cut 6 petals of each size.
  • The most difficult part of the job is singing a candle. It is necessary to process each petal along the cut line so that a small wave is formed, but no dark edges appear. Also, each petal needs to be held above the candle with the entire area closer to the bottom edge face up. When the fabric is slightly fused, a natural deflection of the petal will form.
  • Arrange the petals in size and begin to form a bud. There is also a nuance. If the flower does not need a stem, then the first petal must be twisted into a tube, secured with a thread, then each subsequent petal sewn to the bud in a spiral with a small overlap.
Collecting a rosebud
  • But if you need a flower on a hard stalk, then it is better to make a blank in advance. It can be a wooden skewer, a straw, or a thick wire and a bead with a diameter of about 1 cm with a wide hole. If there is no such bead, then you can mold a ball of the right size, for example, from puff pastry, put it on a future stem and dry it.
  • It is better to glue the petals on this workpiece, laying one on top of the other in a spiral.
  • For the largest petals below, it is better to form a hall in the center: this will give the bud a more magnificent shape.
  • If necessary, decorate the flower with sepals and leaves.
  • To make a handmade rose from the ribbons look a little blooming, medium and large petals must first be attached with the wrong side outward, and already a little bit out of the finished flower, giving the bud the desired shape.

wild Rose

A wild rose or dogrose can be made similar to the previous one, but you only need 12 petals: 6 each. 5 and 6 cm wide, and also a yellow tape 1 cm wide, a felt circle with a diameter of 5 cm and glue.


  1. Prepare the petals as shown above.
  2. Stick them on a round base in 2 rows in a spiral from the edge.
  3. To make the core, it is necessary to sew the yellow braid in the center and, pulling the edge of the thread, assemble it into a tight accordion. It is important to ensure that both edges of the tape are on one side, and it folds itself in half.
  4. Glue the yellow ribbon in a spiral, filling the core of the flower.

Despite the many options for making roses from ribbons with your own hands, each master, as a rule, chooses one that is most convenient for him. But at the same time, regardless of whether a flower is made from a single cut of the ribbon, or from its pieces, the rose will delight the eye with its elegant shape and delicate petals.


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