The only Sun Museum in Russia is located in Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is a city that should be visited as soon as possible. Here you can see a huge number of very unusual sights, many of which are recognized as unique not only by Russian standards, but also globally. An interesting place in this city is the Museum of the Sun, whose exposition does not leave anyone indifferent from children and adults.

Ancient cults and modern art

Sun Museum
The Solar Museum in Novosibirsk invites its visitors to look at the celestial body not as a cosmic body, but as an important mystical object of world cultures and traditions. Even in ancient times, people realized that without heat and light of sunlight, life as such is impossible. It is for this reason that for many centuries the Sun has been deified, animated and endowed with a variety of mythical qualities. Solar gods, special rites and holidays dedicated to them, existed in almost all cultures of the ancient world. The Museum of the Sun in Novosibirsk acquaints its guests with the history of solar cults of the world, as well as demonstrates an impressive collection of images of the celestial luminary, made in a variety of techniques. A significant part of the collection is devoted to the beliefs and crafts of our ancestors - the ancient Slavs. The museum also hosts all public holidays, one way or another connected with the cult of the Sun, during which you can learn more about ancient rites and traditions.

How did the sun find its own home?

Museum of the sun in Novosibirsk
Permanent director of the solar museum Valery Lipenkov was born in the Altai Territory in 1941. This amazing person worked for about 30 years as a laboratory assistant at the Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS. In addition to his main activity, Valery found time for woodcarving, in which he excelled. Lipenkov designed the interiors of the Globus Theater, the hall of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS and some other significant public organizations. Often the artist organized solo exhibitions, and during one of them (1986), it was decided to create a whole museum of the Sun in Novosibirsk. The history of this cultural institution begins in 1992. Today in the museum’s collection there are about 2000 exhibits. Valery Lipenkov also runs the Solnechny municipal teenage club, where he teaches children various crafts and varieties of applied art.

Museum collection

The Museum of the Sun in Novosibirsk is today one of a kind in all of Russia. In his collection you can see copies of the most ancient objects associated with solar cults, images of gods and goddesses, personifying the heavenly luminary or controlling it. For the most part, these are copies of real archaeological finds and historical monuments, the originals of which are stored in the largest museums in the world. The museum’s collection also contains original author’s works made by V.I. Lipenkov. Many of the exhibits are related to Nepalese, Indian, Native American and Old Russian cultures.

Activities and educational activities

Museum of the sun Novosibirsk photo
The real happiness for a tourist is to get to the Museum of the Sun during some public holiday. Shrovetide and Lark are most magnificent here, but sometimes solar celebrations and ceremonies are held in accordance with Japanese, Muslim traditions and beliefs of many other peoples. The museum has a teenage club in which children can learn various folk crafts. One-time hand-made master classes are also held here, and each of the guests can participate in them. The most successful works have every chance of getting into the main exhibition exposition. Regularly in the territory of the museum themed evenings of author and folk songs, mini-festivals and meetings with special guests are held.

Museum address and opening hours

Museum of the sun in Novosibirsk history
You can view the collection devoted to the Sun at the following address: Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, 11 Ivanova Street. The Museum of the Sun is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. No appointment is required to visit the exposition. But the conduct of group excursions is better to coordinate with the administration of the museum in advance. In the exhibition halls you can take pictures on your equipment at no extra cost. Many residents of Novosibirsk regularly visit the Museum of the Sun and bring their children here. This is a unique place where you can truly relax and recharge with positive. Some residents believe that this museum is endowed with a special mystical power. People come here before important events and decisions in life in order to receive their dose of “solar” energy. Be sure to visit the Museum of the Sun (Novosibirsk)! Photos of his collections can be found in our article. We are sure that after that you will even more want to get on such a sunny tour!


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