What is demobilization and what is its difference from being laid off?

The article talks about what demobilization is, when it is carried out, what is its meaning. And also examples of the erroneous use of this term are analyzed.


what is demobilization

Probably every adult heard this word, and it is associated primarily with the return of soldiers from urgent universal military service. However, if you understand the nature of this term, it becomes clear - the word is often used erroneously, and its meaning is distorted over time. So what is demobilization when it is carried out and what does it mean? This we will understand.


The word comes from the French démobilisation, dé - cancellation, mobiliser - set in motion. In essence, this is the process of transferring military forces to a peaceful position, the general withdrawal of troops from clash lines and the dissolution of soldiers. But it is not worth confusing with surrender, since demobilization is carried out after the victorious end of the war or its end, as a result of which the armed forces were not defeated.

Also, when answering the question of what demobilization is, it is worth mentioning the fact that not only the army, but the entire state as a whole is involved in it, as the economy and other spheres are being transferred to a peaceful position.

Erroneous use

Nowadays, this term is often confused with a dismissal, but about everything in order.

What is demobilization? This is the dissolution of part of the troops, the transfer of the army and the economy to a peaceful position after general mobilization. But if one was not carried out, then it is a mistake to use the term "demobilization". For example, in the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation, demobilization was carried out only three times: after the end of the Russo-Japanese War, the Civil and World War II. And in all other cases, it’s correct to talk about the transfer to the reserve, as is the case with conscript soldiers.

Nevertheless, the transfer to the reserve in all years was called precisely demobilization. The process of preparing for returning from military service gave rise to whole rituals that are transmitted by soldiers of an older appeal to the young, these are "demobilization" albums, various unregistered modifications and form decoration, unofficial memorable dates, etc.


demobilization order

Probably the most famous and significant demobilization order was issued by the USSR People's Commissariat of Defense after the Second World War. In connection with him, first of all, people of a certain age were dismissed from the armed forces, they were issued a monetary reward and provided with delivery to their place of residence.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19970/

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