Museums in Moscow that you must visit: list, reviews. Moscow military museums

Muscovites themselves sometimes do not have time to follow the cultural life of the capital - new exhibitions and expositions open every week. But much more interesting are the collections of large museums that travelers from all over the world are eager to see.

Museums in Moscow that you must visit:

  1. Historical Museum.
  2. Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin.
  3. Tretyakov Gallery.
  4. Central Museum of the Armed Forces.
  5. Bunker-42.
  6. Borodino panorama.
  7. Darwin Museum.
  8. Museum of retro cars.
  9. Planetarium.

In fact, this list can be continued for at least another twenty lines, but it is simply impossible to talk about all interesting cultural objects in one article.

Historical Museum

The museum was founded by order of Emperor Alexander II in 1872. For eleven years, the construction of the famous building on Red Square continued. Despite wars, revolutions and coups, the collection continued to replenish. Today, more than 15 million historical documents and 5 million exhibits are stored in the storerooms of this museum.

Museums in Moscow that you must visit

In 2006, the museum completed the creation of a permanent exhibition. Now visitors can get in touch with the history of our country, starting from Ancient Russia and ending with the beginning of the 20th century - only 39 halls. The collection contains many personal items belonging to the legendary commanders, rulers, public figures and political figures.

Some guests find it rather difficult to navigate the museum without a guide. The exposition is very interesting, but not for independent study. The disadvantages, for the most part, relate to the organizational part:

  • Handsfree commercial announcements
  • in the exhibition halls there is a flavor of cuisine from the restaurant.

It will not be boring

Like many state museums in Moscow, the History Museum keeps up to date. Here you can’t touch valuable exhibits that children so often want to do, but you can visit one of the unique theatrical excursions.

In the lecture hall of the museum, adult visitors participate in conversations, discussions and seminars, meet interesting people and ask their questions to experts. In addition, in October, the Literary Living Rooms project was launched in the History Museum. This form of meetings takes participants to the times of the 18th - the first half of the 20th centuries, when the noble literary salons were very popular .

Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin

Museums in Moscow, a must-see, are located in the heart of the capital. History Museum - on Red Square, and the Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin - on the old Volkhonka street.

The opening of the museum took place in 1932. A special library, a numismatic collection, casts from ancient sculptures and vases from the collection of the Imperial Moscow University became the basis of the exposition. Later, originals of the works of culture and art of Ancient Egypt were purchased.

Moscow military museums

More than 670 thousand works of art are stored in the collection - modern museums in Moscow cannot boast of such a volume. Only a small part is available for visitors, but the exposition is constantly changing. Unfortunately, some of the rare paintings and sculptures will never be presented to the general public, because they require special storage conditions.

Tretyakov Gallery

We continue to talk about museums in Moscow. This list is impossible to imagine without the Tretyakov Gallery.

The founder of the collection, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, in 1856 acquired two works by Russian artists Vasily Khudyakov (“Clash with Finnish Smugglers”) and Nikolai Schilder (“Temptation”). Five years earlier, the patron's family moved to the building we knew in Lavrushinsky Lane.

Tretyakov’s collection was replenished quite quickly; premises were needed for the demonstration and storage of works of art. For this reason, new premises were repeatedly attached to the residential part of the house, and in 1902-1904 the building acquired the famous facade created by the project of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

Moscow museums list

The Tretyakov Gallery differs from other museums in the collection of works by Russian artists dated to the second half of the 19th century. Vasnetsov, Repin, Serov, Kuindzhi, Levitan, Savrasov, Vrubel, Korovin and Shishkin - their names are known all over the world, but only Muscovites and guests of the capital have a unique opportunity to see works of art live.

Visitors note a friendly atmosphere, which is sometimes violated by strict "rangers". Comfortable sofas are installed in the halls - this allows you to stay at your favorite work of art and just take a break.

Central Museum of the Armed Forces

The Central Museum of the Armed Forces, founded in 1919, is considered the most important in the list of “Moscow Military Museums”.

Documents, trophy and battle flags, awards, weapons, photo documents, personal items of soldiers and officers - more than a million valuable exhibits are stored in the funds. Under the open sky, approximately 157 units of military armored, missile, artillery and naval equipment and weapons are represented.

Military-historical museums in Moscow, which must be visited by children, will be interesting to everyone - from small to large. The complex, located at ul. The Soviet Army, d. 2, is of great importance in the process of educating the younger generation. Guest reviews talk about a modern interactive room where you can try on a military uniform, touch a weapon and even shoot from a bow.


Samples of equipment, weapons and uniforms - Moscow military museums, as a rule, have a similar exposure. In search of unusual surroundings, head to the “Bunker-42”.

Museums in Moscow which you must definitely visit

Today, historians call the Cold War relations between the USSR and the USA, which have remained rather tense for 40 years. The arms race, including nuclear, only exacerbated the situation. The whole world was preparing for the start of the Third World War, so the construction of bunkers for the first persons of the state was quite an ordinary occurrence.

In the heart of the capital

For a special object “Bunker-42” a place was allocated in the Taganka area, near the Kremlin. Its design was agreed after the first nuclear tests of the USSR. The construction of the bunker was entrusted to the best specialists of Metrostroy, who faced a difficult task - not to damage the city communications and not to draw too much attention to the project.

From 1956 to 1986, from the bunker on Taganka, they commanded strategic bombers with nuclear weapons, and after the point was moved to another place. Today, everyone can visit a “secret” facility.

Ventilation installations, warehouses, huge halls equipped with communication facilities, various departments of the command unit - the premises feature samples of equipment and weapons, as well as a model of a nuclear bomb. A short documentary tells about the causes and consequences of the Cold War.

Museum guests note some obstacles that must be overcome. For example, a staircase 18 floors down. Yes, and people avoiding cramped space, it’s definitely not worth planning an excursion to “Bunker-42”.

Borodino panorama

The Museum-Panorama “Battle of Borodino” is dedicated to another period of history. The building at the end of Kutuzovsky Prospekt was built to mark the 150th anniversary of the legendary battle. This place was not chosen by chance, because it was here that the Old Smolensk road passed through the village of Fili, where a military council was held in September 1812.

Choosing museums in Moscow that you must visit? Reviews enthusiastically talk about the unique panorama of the Battle of Borodino. The author of the main exhibit was Franz Roubaud. Despite the French origin, the battle painter always considered himself Russian. The legendary canvas was created by order of the military department in 1912.

Museums in Moscow must be visited

With the advent of Soviet power, difficult times began for a work of art. First, in 1918, the museum building on Chistye Prudy was demolished, and the canvas "moved" to warehouses and basements that were not suitable for storage. Then they were going to remove paint from it and use it in the national economy. Fortunately, this was avoided. The work of Roubaud was restored, and the new museum building was opened in 1962.

Over time, the panorama keepers managed to put together a rather large exposition telling about the Patriotic War of 1812. Part of the collection is dedicated to Field Marshal Kutuzov: personal items, portraits and books with his biography. The “Stronghold of the Fatherland” showcase introduces guests to the life of Russian officers - here you can see weapons and uniforms of infantry, cavalry and artillery.

According to guest reviews, the value of the Borodino Panorama is not only in unique exhibits. The guides enthusiastic about their work generously share historical facts that evoke a sense of pride in their homeland.

Darwin Museum

Looking for museums in Moscow that you must visit with children? The State Darwin Museum will be interesting for kids and adults.

From childhood, the founder of the museum, Alexander Fedorovich Kots, showed interest in nature. At the age of 19, Cotes went on his first expedition, where he received an incredible amount of impressions from the beauties of Western Siberia, and began to master taxidermy. The first stuffed birds formed the basis of the future collection.

A little later, Alexander Fedorovich met with zoologist Friedrich Lorenz, who owned the best taxidermy workshop in Moscow. The stuffed animals made by Lorentz were acquired by almost all the famous zoological museums of the Old World. Cotes not only gained experience, but also tried to replenish his own meeting, despite the rather modest financial situation.

Moscow state museums
Alexander Fedorovich Kots literally “bit by bit” assembled a collection, the equal of which does not exist today.

“Know yourself - know the world”

A year ago, the interactive center “Know Yourself - Know the World” began working in the museum. Here, natural exhibits in combination with the latest technology will introduce young guests to the variety of plants and animals that live on our planet.

A huge amount of emotions and impressions will remain with you after the visit - these should be the museums in Moscow that you must visit. Visitors are advised to plan a trip to the Darwin Museum for the whole day to get the most out of the tour.

Retro style

Retro museums in Moscow take us back to the past. Best of all, according to visitors, the museum on Rogozhsky Val, where old cars are collected, copes with this task .

Since 2003, a unique collection has been presented in the building of the former motor depot, which continues to be continuously replenished. Her keepers are ready to give a second life to cars from private collections, regardless of their condition. The exhibits in the museum tell us about technological progress, the development of science and fashion trends of the past.

retro museums in moscow

In one of the halls the whole “color” of the domestic automotive industry is exhibited: IL, Moskvich, GAZ and ZAZ. Visitors can see the ZIS-101. The first executive car created in the Soviet Union was equipped with a radio, a thermostat, a heated interior and parts from a rare beech variety.

Almost all the museums in Moscow, which you must visit, have huge storerooms. The Retro Car Museum has a total of 260 units. You can watch them yourself or find out even more interesting details with the help of a guide. In addition, the keepers of the collection offer to visit one of the thematic tours.


Which of us in childhood did not dream of becoming an astronaut? Even if you choose another profession, do not despair, but rather look into the “star” museums of Moscow. The list is headed by the Planetarium.

The largest dome in Europe, where you can see the stars, is located in the capital. Hall area of ​​1000 square meters. m is equipped with a unique fiber optic projector of the starry sky, showing guests more than 9 thousand twinkling stars.

The halls of the Museum of Urania are devoted to the history of the development of methods and tools for understanding the Universe, as well as the history of the Planetarium itself. A special place in the exposition is occupied by “aliens” from Space - meteorites. These stones, found at different times on the surface of the planet, have become sources of invaluable information. By the way, visitors note that meteorites are in the public domain - this means that you can touch them and make a wish.

Huge queues are still lining up at the box office of the Planetarium, so buying tickets through the museum’s official website is especially relevant. Most of all positive reviews received films about space, which are shown to all guests.

The list of “Museums in Moscow that you must visit” is not limited to a few dozen cultural sites. Take the time and energy to discover something new!


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