DIY dream catcher: ideas, materials, step-by-step instructions

Many people see unpleasant or frightening dreams and want to get rid of them. It turns out that this is not as difficult as you think. There is an amulet called a dream catcher. It protects a person from bad night dreams. In this article we will tell the story of the origin and significance of this little thing. We’ll also talk about how to make such an interesting amulet with your own hands.

Mascot meaning

Beads bugles

The meaning of the dream trap is quite simple. This talisman is also called a cobweb. According to Native American traditions, scary and unpleasant dreams get entangled in a web (weaving of threads), and good ones slip into holes. You can give this talisman to someone for a holiday or make it for yourself if you have bad dreams at night. The main thing is to do everything correctly. You can believe in tradition or not, but there is no doubt that such a little thing will decorate the bedroom.

Dream Catcher Overview

This talisman served the North American Indians, who at night guarded themselves from evil dreams. They believed that all kinds of evil spirits contribute to nightmares.

In its original form, this amulet was made of deer veins and threads of great stiffness, which were worn on a willow ring. Also, feathers of different colors were woven into this amulet.

The dream trap and its significance was discovered by the Indians. They believed that this amulet incorporates all human dreams, but it misses only the kindest visions and does not allow nightmares to sleep. Everything bad is glued to the threads of the talisman and cannot get out of there in the same way as a fly cannot get free from the web. With the first rays of the sun, everything that falls into the trap disintegrates.

History tour

Even at the dawn of the history of human existence, an Indian from the Lakota tribe saw a wonderful vision in the mountains. The great shaman in the form of a spider appeared to him and began a conversation on eternal topics. He bent the willow branches and covered with cobwebs. At the same time, the shaman said that a person can choose his own destiny. He is born in need of care, and in old age he again becomes a child, and so closes the circle, which represents the willow branch.

A man throughout his life's journey chooses his path and must refrain from passions. At the same time, one must carefully listen to what the soul tells him and follow good desires. Then the road will be right. At the end of the conversation, the shaman wished the tribe to draw wise thoughts from dreams. He handed the mascot to the young man, saying that the bad will come out through the central hole of this circle.

Learning about this vision, fellow tribesmen of that Indian began to weave such amulets and use them throughout their lives.

Other peoples in the ritual ceremonies used this amulet. Siberian shamans made these charms so that the magician could come to realize himself in his dream, which was an important part of practice.

Among the Asian peoples, sorcerers made this amulet with special meaning. Their nodes were intertwined in a certain order. The images of the zodiac signs were tied to these talismans.

In its classic form, the talisman is a circle of willow, which is braided by a harsh thread. Beads can be strung on it, and feathers can be attached to the circle.

Amulet from other nations

The dream catcher has analogues in other cultures, for example, in the Scandinavian. It was believed among these peoples that this talisman stops negative energy and does not allow evil into human dreams. However, this is not only a talisman, but also a wonderful decoration for any home. In the twentieth century, designers from Italy used such a little thing in the interior. Their circle with an openwork pattern was decorated with multi-colored beads, feathers. He fit perfectly into different styles and contributed to the creation of a holistic image of the entire living space, visually linked colors from different colors.

The best thing about the talisman is that a do-it-yourself dream trap is done quite simply and quickly. To have such a little thing at home, it is not necessary to go to an esoteric store. You can make a mascot yourself. Moreover, there are currently no strict requirements for materials. However, we must remember that you can not step back from the underlying technology. Otherwise, the amulet will not fulfill its main function.


The circle always had a sacred meaning, because it was identified with cycles, solar movement, return to the starting point and the repeatability of everything that happens in the world.

Beads were usually made of wood or bone. One single bead symbolized a guardian spider. Four beads are 4 sides: North, South, West, East. If there are many beads, and they are spread throughout the talisman, then this is a renewal of life, the presence of hope for a happy future.

Feathers symbolized breathing and air important to life. Owl feathers were needed by women. They symbolized their wisdom. Eagle feathers were used to make male amulets. They could only be taken from live birds, as they quickly absorb bad information.

Meaning shades

The color of the mascot was also of great importance. Hues varied in different tribes. The following were mainly used:

  • White. It is usually associated with chastity, purification from negativity, spiritual purity.
  • Green. Associated with the immortal soul. With it, a person can achieve what he plans to do. green also symbolizes faith.
  • Red. Reminds of fire and passion. With its help, the creative potential of a person is activated.
  • Purple. It is connected with deep understanding, intellect, hope for improvement. It helps to make the right decisions and helps to make a person’s state balanced.
  • The black. It symbolizes peace, the mystery of being, peace. With its help, strength of mind and intuition are developed.
  • Blue. Cleanses from confusion, helps to fill a person with positive and clairvoyant abilities.
  • Pink. Awakens the joy of life, kindness and tenderness, contributes to the establishment of personal life.
  • Blue. Connected with wisdom, knowledge of the depths, renewal in the spiritual sense.
  • Yellow. Heals the body and spirit. It helps to make sense and free thoughts from fetters.
  • Orange. Symbolizes the sun and endless movement. It promotes a balance between masculine and feminine.

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands

Not in every village you can find such a thing in a store. Yes, and outlets where they sell esoteric goods are not everywhere. No problem. You can make a dream trap yourself. We offer a master class below.

To make this mascot with your own hands, you need to prepare the tools and all the materials necessary to create this thing. You can buy a set for needlework. In it you will find many useful and useful items.


Needlework set

What is needed:

  • Hoop.
  • A cord of leather or suede three and a half meters long.
  • A cord soaked in wax (one and a half meters).
  • Set of feathers (decorative).
  • Set of seashells.
  • The desired number of beads.
  • Lace.
  • Tapes.
  • PVA.
  • Clothespins.
  • Scissors.

In stores specialized in creative goods, many of the items listed are commercially available. The needlework kit can also be used, as you can find scissors, beads, beads, ribbons and other items in it. The cord should be of such a length that matches the size of the dream catcher. Each colored feather that you will use should correspond to the goal that is your priority. For example, if you need to enhance your creativity, focus on red shades.

The threads that serve as the "web" must maintain their integrity and not be interrupted even once in the process of weaving. These threads indicate the path that a person follows, and each bundle is a significant milestone.

Manufacturing process

Color feather

We begin to create a dream catcher with our own hands. Step-by-step instruction:

  • The first step is to mark and fix the places on the hoop. Next, you need to tie a cord around it, and leave fifteen centimeters for the tail and for feathers. It is important to ensure that the cord has a tight tension, and its curls fit tightly one against the other. The cord should be wrapped around the entire hoop and tightened very tightly.
  • We tie the ends very tightly. It is necessary to cut off the excess, but so that a tail of fifteen centimeters remains.
  • Getting started creating a network. The end of the thread should be secured securely in the vicinity of the knot formed by the cord. From this place the web begins. Do not forget to use large beads. Beads bugles can also come in handy. It is important that the process is not interrupted by anything.
  • We need to weave a web until very little space remains in the center. The end node must also be tied tight. Next, you need to cut the thread and spread the knot with glue so that it does not bloom over time.
  • It has already been said about the tail of a length of fifteen centimeters. Now you need to cut off two cords of thirty centimeters and tie off the pieces so that feathers can be attached to them.
  • Proceed to decorate the mascot. To prevent the beads from slipping off, you need to make large nodes on both sides of them.
  • Another piece of cord must be threaded through the hoop at the top. This will be a loop with which to hang the talisman over the bed. The loop cord needs to be threaded into a bead.

Important Tips

Natural wood hoop

A self-made dream trap is ready. Now you can hang it where you have chosen. It will be a wonderful decoration for the room.

A dream catcher of beads is made in a similar way. Here the web is woven from threads with beads strung on them, but the algorithm remains the same.

In no case should you create a dream trap if:

  • There is no mood or it is bad.
  • There is no sympathy for the person to whom the amulet will be presented.
  • Bad state of health.

The energy embedded in the talisman is sure to be transferred to the person. Therefore, it must be done exclusively with good feelings.

What materials to choose

Bead Dream Catcher

We told you how to make a dream catcher with your own hands. A step-by-step instruction will be incomplete if you do not indicate which materials are optimal for this talisman.

Previously, people used only natural products in their work. Now there are many innovations. It is important to consider that synthetics will not contribute to the proper transfer of energy.


A self-made dream trap will not work if the material for the circle is incorrectly selected. It is better to take a hoop made of wood or a wreath that was woven from willow branches as a frame. The ring should be prepared at the very beginning of the work. Not everyone knows how to make a hoop from natural wood, for example, willow. You need to cut a fresh rod, bend it so that you get a circle of the desired diameter. Fasten. You got a wireframe. However, you can not use it right away - you need to let it dry.

To make the circle beautiful, you need to go around the rod around some cylinder, fasten and allow to dry in this position.


You can use cotton or floss. Synthetics are undesirable.


Glass, wood or stone will work best. Glass beads will bring much more benefits than metal or plastic, which magicians never use to make amulets. A self-made dream trap will be very beautiful in combination with a bugle.


They can be purchased at the store. If this material could not be obtained, pieces of fur can be used. So did the peoples living in the north, because they have not so many birds.


It takes only two hours to weave a catcher, but you can spend several days on this business. The fact is that people work at different speeds. In no case should you be in a hurry. An important role is played by the complexity of the design. Sometimes the threads break up as soon as they are released from the hands. To prevent this from happening, you need to use clothespins. They help fix the thread and maintain tension.

Tape measure.

It will be nice to use this tool. Even a good eye can fail, and the geometry of patterns in ancient peoples plays an important role. You must correctly divide the length of the circle into fourteen parts. If the winding is made in dark color, you can mark the segments with the help of pieces of soap. On a light background, a marker or threads having a contrasting color are useful.

Classic dream catcher

DIY dreamcatcher step by step instructions


In order for the catcher to be the same as he was known in antiquity, it is necessary to strictly observe the production technology of the amulet that has reached us. For the male mascot, you need to take the feathers of a pheasant, hawk, and other birds flying in the afternoon. They carry solar energy. For a woman, feathers of an owl, duck, partridge are suitable.

The stones.

Beads should be made of them. Stones must be chosen according to their energy, which they carry for a particular person. You can take the mineral corresponding to the name or zodiac sign under which a person was born.

Such stones are suitable:

  • Amethyst.
  • Rose quartz.
  • Jasper.
  • Malachite.
  • Onyx.
  • Coil.
  • Black agate.
  • Amber.
  • Coral.


For willow twigs, young and thin enough branches should be chosen so that their diameter does not exceed six millimeters. For a better connection of the ends, you need to cut them at an angle of forty-five degrees. At the end of the docking, the connected ends must be bandaged with a dense thread for the duration of the drying. Willow can dry on a battery.


Dream trap meaning

Dreamcatcher is a very useful talisman. It should be done independently and endowed with its positive energy, saturated with love. This is a very beautiful thing that will help get rid of nightmares. To make this amazing amulet is quite simple. Even if you don’t believe in magic, this little thing will come in handy for decorating your home.


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