Setting "DotA-2". Detailed setup "DotA-2"

Computer games in most cases require individual settings. You can play the way the developers initially offer you, but this may not suit you - management does not fit, image quality is too high, very few details, large map, and so on. In some games this can be configured, in some it is impossible. But we will talk specifically about "DotA-2" - a popular game in the MOBA genre. In general, “Dota” is not just the most famous game of this genre, but its progenitor - it was with its appearance that it began to exist, new projects similar to “Dota” began to be implemented. But it is she who remains by far the most successful in her environment. And if you like to spend time in this game, then it will be useful for you to know that it can be fully customized to your needs and tastes. Here you can change almost everything to make the gameplay as convenient as possible. And this is very important, since you will play against the same gamers as yourself, and therefore every second will be counted. Therefore, setting "DotA-2" is a very important step to success.

Using vertical sync

setting up bunker 2

It is best to start with the most basic parameters, gradually moving towards more complex ones. Setting "DotA-2" to your taste will allow you to enable vertical synchronization - a special feature that allows you to correct twitching and downloading images, remove its imperfections, and so on. However, caution must be exercised here, since on older computers, activating vertical synchronization can lead to unpleasant consequences. The fact is that this process increases the number of frames per second displayed on the screen. And if your video card together with the monitor does not support such functionality, then the extra ones will be eliminated, which will lead to overloading the video card. Instead of improving the image, you get degradation, so use vertical sync only if you are sure that your computer can handle it. However, this is not the most useful setting for Dota-2 - the fact is that this property is mainly used in shooters and other dynamic games, where frames can change very quickly. In “DotA,” everything happens rather slowly and smoothly, so if vertical synchronization does not harm you, then it can hardly be said that it will greatly help you.

No console anywhere

DotA 2 graphics settings

As with any other game that you can customize to your needs, you will need a console. It will be specifically about her and her capabilities that will be discussed later, but now we should only deal with how to activate it. Setting up "Dota-2" is not so complicated, because you only need to specify -console in the launch options, and then along with turning on the game, the console will also be activated, which you can then use. This step should never be missed, because it is one of the most important. Without it, Dota-2 graphics cannot be set up, and other useful manipulations are impossible.

Disable intro video

dota 2 settings from dandy

The intro-video is always quite interesting, as the developers try to make it as exciting and intriguing as possible so that users want to know what will happen after it. Ahead you still have a rather complicated graphics setup "Dota-2", so now you can do less significant tasks. For example, turning off the intro. Naturally, the video is very interesting, bright and colorful, but given the fact that you will go to Dota every day, maybe even several times, you will quickly get tired of watching the video every time. Therefore, the -novid value for the launch options will play an important role - you can start the game much faster without wasting your time watching unnecessary frames. Settings "DotA-2" from Dandy, a well-known game blogger who describes this process in detail, will facilitate the task, but most likely, you will be able to cope with the task yourself.

Resolution Selection

DotA 2 settings not saved

It's time to choose how your game screen will look. You can view absolutely all Dota-2 settings from Dandy, but it will take a lot of time. With the help of our guide, you can create a game client to your taste much faster. So, you can change the resolution of the game screen so that it is less than that which automatically adjusts to your monitor. In fact, you can play in windowed mode, with the window size you set yourself. This opens up quite a lot of opportunities, since in parallel with the battle you can do some of your business on the computer, and this will not interfere with the gameplay. This function is very useful, but the syntax must be strictly observed: first you need to write -w, then through the space, the desired window width in pixels, then through the space -h, again through the space, the desired window height. If your Dota-2 settings are not saved, then you should check the spelling of all the items that you activated - perhaps an error has crept in somewhere that prevents you from saving your work.

Enabling Mouse Acceleration

initial setup of bunker 2

Many gamers suffer from the fact that they cannot adjust the speed of the cursor. Therefore, for some it is too low, but for someone it is too high. The initial setting of "Dota-2" sets a potentially optimal value for acceleration, but at the same time, all people are different. And even if the majority of such a cursor speed is suitable, that is, those whom it does not suit. They, in the same way as in previous cases, will have to change the launch parameters. You already have experience in this, so everything should turn out pretty quickly. And here a big question arises regarding Dota-2: what settings can I set for the game through the console? And here before you unfold a real field for activity, since there are a huge number of these settings.

Console and config

Before delving into the various commands that will allow you to configure Dota-2 in small things to your taste, you need to understand what a console is, how to use it, and how it differs from a config. The minimum settings for Dota-2 are already set by the developers, so if you are comfortable with how the game functions without your intervention, then you can not touch either the console or the config. If you have any complaints, then you still have to deal with these concepts. So, the console is the working line of the game, called by the ~ button if this function was activated by you in the launch options. It is in it that you can prescribe certain teams that will change the game itself, adjusting it to your taste. But it is worth considering that these changes will be one-time, that is, when you turn off the game, the settings will be reset to standard. How to avoid this? In fact, everything is not so complicated - this is where the config will help you out. This is a game file that contains all your settings. That is, you can create your own config by making all the changes that you previously made to the console. Thus, we can say that the settings of the Dota-2 console are a draft, in which you check the actions of certain teams, adjust the game to your taste. And when you're done and get what you dreamed about, you should transfer all these settings to the config, save it and keep it in a safe place. And when you are going to play, just replace the standard config with your own - the convenience is that you can do this not only at your computer, but also in any other place.

Dota 2 what settings


Naturally, the first thing to do is to introduce commands that directly affect the gameplay. The settings of the Dota-2 video, for example, will not be so important for the gamer, because they are only secondary. And the gameplay is the basis of the game itself, so here you need to think carefully. Here you can activate auto-attack, automatic activation of spells and purchases in the store. Moreover, you can swap the action of the mouse buttons, activate or cancel the order to the group using the Ctrl button, and so on. After that, you can make settings for the Dota-2 thematic map, but still it is recommended to postpone it for the last time, and first do everything necessary for your personal config.

Shop conversion

The way the store will look in DotA can be configured using the console or config. For example, you can add recommendations for certain classes of characters to make it easier to navigate in the goods, as well as add the ability to change the way goods are displayed - again, to facilitate the navigation process.

Change the minimap

With a mini-map you can do a lot of interesting and useful things. First of all, change the display colors for your hero and your troops, as well as for opponents and their subordinates. But this is far from all - you can also change the size of the icons or even replace them with mini-images of classes of heroes or with their nicknames. At the same time, you can simply turn off the background image of the minimap so that all the signs remain on a black background - for many, this helps to better navigate the battlefield.

DotA 2 minimum settings

Health strip

Incredibly, you can even change the appearance of your "health bar", that is, your character’s health bars. First of all, you should decide whether it will be continuous or whether it will have certain divisions. You can also choose the option in which the numerical value of your lives will be displayed above the strip itself. If you have selected a strip with divisions, then you may be interested in a team that changes the amount of life for one division. That is, if your hero has 500 HP, and you decide to make the price of one division with this command - 50 HP, then there will be 10 divisions in the health bar. This can be very useful when you think through battle tactics and then use them in battle. But there are also additional opportunities - for example, you can make your health taken away from you disappear instantly, rather than gradually decline. As you know, seconds are everything, and instant functionality is sometimes much more important than beautiful visual effects.

A bit of interface magic

Sometimes a convenient interface can be the key to a long-awaited victory. And in DotA, you can configure this interface yourself. That is, make sure that the nicknames of the players are not displayed if they annoy you. You can activate a demonstration of the range of creatures, which will greatly facilitate the planning and the battle itself. It is also possible to turn on the radius indicator for your character, if you choose one or another skill to use. If you don’t like text messages (just like nicknames), then you can remove them too - though not completely, but partially. You cannot turn them off, but you can reduce the time they spend on the screen to a minimum. And if you set the minimum value for this parameter, then any message will burn for less than a second.

Camera optimization

Another big problem in computer games. In some projects, it is so naughty that players have to quit passing, as it is not possible to deal with the camera. In “DotA” everything is all right, but this does not prevent you from correcting certain aspects that seem imperfect. For example, you can increase or decrease the speed of movement of the camera, add smoothness to it, change the key intended for zooming in or out. Also, using the console or config, you can make your camera rotate all 360 degrees.

Chat Settings

When you set up chat for Dota, remember that you will not have a huge amount of opportunities. You can only turn off automatic entry to certain channels, add the ability to create your own channel, and so on. But the most important thing is a chance to bind certain phrases to certain keys. You no longer have to waste time writing something in the chat. If this is a standard phrase, then add it to the config and send it to partners or opponents with the click of a button. This is very convenient if you do not use a microphone, but at the same time have an urgent need to communicate with your partners.


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