Cones of cypress: purpose, features, structure, useful and medicinal properties, description and appearance with photo

This evergreen tree is a typical representative of plants growing in nature in temperate zones of the northern part of the earthโ€™s hemisphere. Its homeland is the northern parts of the Mediterranean, the islands of Cyprus and Crete in the Aegean Sea, as well as the south of China. This is cypress.

Cultivated it to a greater extent as a decorative decoration in gardens and parks, as well as to protect against winds. In addition, its fruits have wonderful healing properties.

Cypress cones containing beneficial substances are very useful. We will tell about their properties and features below. Before we get to the question of what properties cones have, in general we will present information about the plant itself and its varieties.

Cypress as a fence

External description of cypress

Cypress is an evergreen tree or shrub. Its height can reach from 25 to 40 meters, depending on the species. Barrel diameter - from 50 cm to 1.2 meters. This tree grows relatively slowly, and reaches its average size only at the age of about 80-100 years.

The sprawling crown has a pyramidal shape to a greater extent, trees are less common, in which all branches, many-branched, are located in the same horizontal plane. The bark of the plant has a grayish-reddish hue. Small opposite leaves, tightly pressed to the stems, have a triangular shape. The root grows to 20-30 meters in length.

The structure of needles and cones of cypress

The evergreen cypress needles are scaly, cross-pair. The bluish-green needles are located in a bunch of 2 pieces. Their length is about 6 cm, and the thickness is up to 2 mm. In shape, they are slightly curved with fine-toothed edges. Their life expectancy is from 2 to 6 years (in Central Russia - up to 3 years). Young trees have longer needles (up to 9 cm) than old ones.

Spherical cones with seeds have dense rounded scales. After ripening, they turn yellowish gray. Woody, roundish cones are slightly flattened at the very base. Thyroid scales cover numerous flat seeds. They reach maturity in the second year.

And what is the density of cypress cones? The main plant species have a moisture content of 460 to 485 kg / cu. per meter. And with Arizona cypress, it is 590 kg / cu. per meter. Cypress refers to poorly saturated rocks.

Mature cones

Some features of cypress

The cypress family consists of approximately 20 genera and 130 species. Moreover, they include not only cypress shrubs and trees, but also juniper and thuja. Although these plants are similar to coniferous trees, they cannot be attributed to those, since their leaves are presented in the form of needles only at a young age. Cypress trees are more mature (over 4 years old) have a scaly shape of leaves. In addition, part of the โ€œscalesโ€ grows with age with branches, only the top remains free, which gives the plant a special decorative effect.

And what are the features of cypress cones ? What are their specifics?

Cypresses with cones having a surprisingly interesting pattern look beautiful. They are both male and female, safely adjacent to the same plant.

Cypress in garden design

The most popular varieties

These are the following:

  1. Arizona cypress. Homeland - Mexico and the southwestern United States. In vivo grows in Transcarpathia and in the Crimea. The height of the tree, which has a fairly high growth rate, reaches 21 meters. Crohn's shape is wide, pint-like. The needles containing the etheron glands are bluish-green. Arizona cypress cones are large enough - up to 3 cm in diameter, and the scales are thick and sharp.
  2. Italian cypress (dwarf species). Homeland - Mediterranean. It grows in height up to 7 meters. Feature - at the base of the trunk is bare, and the upper part of the crown is magnificent.
  3. Gowena Cypress (Californian). Grows in North America. In appearance, it is similar to large-fruited cypress, but its cones are smaller.
    Evergreen cypress
  4. Common cypress (evergreen). The natural habitat is western Asia and the southern part of Europe, as well as the Mediterranean. In height, the tree reaches up to 30 meters, and in diameter - up to 60 cm. Life time - up to 2000 years. The growth rate is quite high. The shape of the crown can be spreading and pyramidal. The color of the needles containing the etheriferous glands is bluish-green or bluish-green. Cones of cypress (photo presented in the article) are large (up to 3 cm in diameter), with sharp and thick scales.
  5. Large-fruited cypress. The South USA is the birthplace of this species. Height - up to 25 meters. Growing relatively fast. The crown shape of a young plant is columnar, in an adult - sprawling. Needles with a lemon flavor are yellowish green or golden. The size of the cones is up to 3.8 cm in diameter.
    Kashmir cypress
  6. Cypress Kashmir. Homeland - North India and the Himalayas. It is the most elegant among cypresses. Height - 45 meters, trunk diameter - up to 70 cm. The crown is specific, narrow-pyramidal in shape: the main branches are raised, and young thin shoots hang down. The bluish-green color of the needles from the heat can change to intense bluish.
  7. Mexican cypress (Lusitanian). Homeland - Mexico. Height - 40 meters, diameter - 16 meters, life span - up to 2000 years. The bark is reddish brown. The crown of the young tree is wide-pyramidal, the old one is sprawling, tent-like with drooping branches. The needles are tightly pressed to the branches. The size of the cones of cypress is up to 1.5 cm in diameter.
  8. Cypress McNaba. It reaches a height of 12 meters. There is a plant shape in the form of a shrub. The crown of the tree is wide-pyramidal.
  9. Cypress weeping. Homeland - China. Branches of a light green plant drooping. The height of the tree is 18 meters.

Active substances

The main feature of cypress cones is that they contain proanthocyanidins, which are an effective remedy for venous insufficiency. These active substances belong to tannins (derivatives of catechol). Molecules of substances can be combined both in two (dimers), and in larger quantities - polymers. Tannins are only polymers. However, both dimers and oligomers are of wide interest in terms of preventing heart and vascular diseases.

As a rule, for the manufacture of infusions, powders and extracts, the cones are still collected in green. Of these, tablets, solutions and gelatin capsules are produced in the pharmaceutical industry. They are also used in the manufacture of cosmetics (ointments and gels for external use).

Cypress cones contain not only proanthocyanidins, but also flavonoids, which also act effectively on the tone of blood vessels, improving blood circulation. A relatively small amount of the plant contains both essential oil and diterpenic acids.

Cones of a young plant

Medicinal use

For medicinal purposes, cones collected during the ripening process when they are still green are used.

Thanks to flavonols, remedies from cypress cones improve metabolism in the vessels, reducing the swelling of their walls. The plant has properties that contribute to the enrichment of the air space around it with a variety of bioactive substances, thereby exerting an antimicrobial effect. As a result, air can be cleaned of harmful microorganisms by 56%. In chronic lung diseases, the plant can have an excellent therapeutic effect.

Active substances, as mentioned above, perfectly affect the walls of blood vessels, so the means of cypress cones are successfully used in the treatment of severity in the limbs. They are recommended for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It should be noted that for greater efficiency, cypress cones are combined with horse chestnut and virgin hamamelis. Decoctions from plant cones are effective as a local bath for gout.

Green fruits for infusions and decoctions

Recommendations in traditional medicine

Plants of the cypress family are hardly ever used in official medicine, but essential oil, decoctions, infusions and tinctures from cones, as well as an aqueous extract and extract from shoots and needles of cypress, have been successfully used in folk medicine, as well as in medicine in Tibet and China.

Since ancient times, cypress resins have been used in the treatment of ulcers and wounds, since many pathogens die under their influence. Good means and in the treatment of cough, bronchitis and colds. Essential oil helps with hematomas and stops bleeding. Apply it in various massage mixtures. The use of cypress eliminates edema, hemorrhage, and urinary incontinence, and also relieves hiccups, intestinal and stomach cramps.

Cypress cones

Recipes of infusion and broth

How to use? Here are a few recipes:

  1. An infusion of cypress cones for the treatment of vein disease. One tablespoon of crushed raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused. It is used between meals or before meals (2-4 glasses per day).
  2. A decoction of cones for external use. 1/3 of the volume of the bucket with cones is filled with water until the top layer of cones is completely covered. The whole mass is boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled to 40 ยฐ C. It is applied in the form of bathtubs.


It is important to note that so far there is no information about the toxic effects of cypress preparations on the human body, even with prolonged treatment.

However, the use of drugs is prohibited for children under 12 years of age, lactating and pregnant women, as well as suffering from cancer and mastopathy. They are undesirable for people with thrombophlebitis and having increased blood coagulability, as well as patients in a state after a heart attack. Cypress can not be used with individual intolerance, in the presence of an allergic reaction.

Brief historical background

The island of Cyprus gave its name to this sacred plant. Cypress with its valuable bactericidal properties has been known since ancient times. The oil was treated with papyrus and parchments, and also impregnated with dressings for embalming those who had gone to another world. There is one legend about a young man named Kuparissos, in which he was turned into a cypress tree. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was made of this tree, and in ancient Rome and Greece, cypress was planted in cemeteries.

The wood of this tree was valuable because of its durability and resistance to decay. Sarcophagi, ships were made from it, and houses were also built.


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