The meaning and origin of the surname Osipov

The origin of the surname Osipov, according to one version, originates from the church name Joseph. The ancient Slavs had a widespread custom to add the name of his dad to the baby’s name. Thus, the patronymic could indicate whose son or whose daughter. Today it is believed that Osipov is a derivative of Osip (Joseph). The name is Semitic in origin. Its meaning: "The Lord God will increase, increase, add."

In the photo - Josephus Flavius ​​- the famous Jewish politician and military leader.

Josip Flavius

Christians deeply venerate Joseph, who was the husband of the Virgin Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mary. In addition to Joseph the Righteous, they honor Joseph of Arimathea, who was a secret follower of Jesus Christ. It was he who took the body of the crucified Lord, begging him from Pontius Pilate.

Nobles by the name of Osipov

coat of arms of the Osipovs

There is evidence that tells about the genealogy of the nobles who bore the name of Osipova. The history of the origin of the clan tells us that they belonged to the feudal lords of the Vologda Oblast. The most famous of them was P. A. Osipova (Praskovya Aleksandrovna), who was a neighbor of the great poet A. S. Pushkin.

Praskovya Alexandrovna was born on October 4, 1781. Already in 1799, she became the wife of N.I. Wolfe. They lived in with. Trigorskoye, which was located in Opochetsk district. They had 5 children. Pushkin and many other famous poets and writers were on friendly terms with Praskovia Alexandrovna.

Nationality, as well as the origin of the surname Osipov, is difficult to find out. First of all, because many Jews were counted everywhere as Russian. No less well-known carriers of this surname are considered theologian A.I. Osipov and painter S.I. Osipov. They define themselves as Russians, however many sources testify to their Semitic roots.

Surname roots

The surname, a derivative on behalf of Joseph, in different nations can sound differently. The English call their children Joseph, the Germans - Joseph, the Spaniards - Jose, the Italians - Giuseppe, the Russians and Ukrainians - Osip. It was from the last form of the name Joseph that the Russian surname was formed.

Speaking about the system of Russian generic names, it should be said that it was not ordered immediately. Until the end of the XVII century, many surnames were formed by adding the suffixes –s or –– to the base of the name. Over time, they became the names of famous noble families.

Such surnames were possessive. Suffixes (s and s) were added only to the base ending in a consonant or letter o. Those last names that ended in -in were formed from nicknames. For example, Sutorma - Sutormin, Cannon - Pushkin, etc.

Based on the information received about the origin of the surnames, it should be affirmatively said that the surname Osipov came from the name.

Jewish origin surname

saint josip

The Jewish name Joseph served as a building material for the origin of the Osipov surname. This surname translates as “born Joseph”. Joseph was a Semite, the son of Jacob, a righteous man. When he was 17 years old, the brothers gave him slaves to the Egyptian ruler. But he was not a slave for long. Soon he took a high post at the pharaoh, as he helped the Egyptian ruler survive the hungry years.

Jews living in the Republic of Ingushetia (the Russian Empire) began to receive surnames in the 18th-19th centuries. When Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic states, etc. were annexed to the territory of Russia, a large number of Semites fell into the Republic of Ingushetia. Many of them did not have surnames, which later became an occasion for them to obtain surnames characteristic of the feudal lords of that time. So the “nominal" basis of Russian society began to take shape.

For the convenience of counting citizens and a faster draft in the army, surnames were given to all segments of the population. A census took place every 10 years. It was during this period that the Jews received their surnames, since they had to be rewritten and made part of the “accounting”.

The Caucasian Semites began to receive their surnames only in the first half of the 19th century. This became possible during the territorial annexation of these territories to the Russian Empire.

Popular version of surname origin

Peasant grandfather

Most often, experts come to the conclusion that the origin of the Osipov surname is Semitic. Because it is formed from a noun. Previously, such surnames were a reflection of “belonging” to a father or grandfather. By the special sound of surnames similar to Osipov, you can simply find out who is the father and the "ancestor" of a given surname.

Other versions of the origin of the surname Osipov

According to another version, the genus name is considered to be a formation from toponyms. These are the names of various rivers, city names, etc.

People who were forced to leave their usual places formed new villages. One of them was the village of Osipovo. The name of the village was formed from the name of the first settler who began to live in the village.

It is almost impossible to say exactly what the meaning and origin of the Osipova surname is. Since the clan names were formed for a rather long time. As a result, it’s becoming a problem to say with certainty exactly when a given surname happened.


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