Quotes about trust for the most beloved

Quotes about trust are very popular. They are all different, but what unites them is that each author recognizes the fragility of this feeling, which is the most important of all existing, acting as their basis. Quotes about trust in love, friendship and society in the article.

Trust Quotes

Famous people about trust

Quotes about celebrity trust:

  1. “My dad always told me: don't trust those people who have a huge TV and a small bookshelf” (Emilia Clark).
  2. “There will always be those who want to hurt you. Continue to trust people, just be a little more careful” (Marquez).
  3. “Always trust the most important woman. She does not remember anything that is really important” (Oscar Wilde).
  4. “I trust you, I need you” (Mason Cooley).
  5. “One cannot believe in illusions; one has to pay for them” (London).
  6. "In gullibility, men's weakness and the strength of children" (Lam).
  7. When your eyes speak differently, trust first (Emerson).

Quotes about trust in relationships

Beautiful sayings about trust

Quotes about the trust of unknown authors:

  • "A woman with what hair color is best trusted? - Only gray-haired, and a man should not be trusted, even if he is bald."
  • "Trust is when you give the hand to another person, close your eyes and allow him to behave along the road."
  • "To everyone you trust, you put a knife in your hands. He will either protect you or kill you."
  • "The deeper the trust in a person, the greater the temptation to betray you."
  • "If you met a man and it seemed to you that you can trust him, as yourself, remember that you are still different."
  • "Everything tends to end: trust, love, and juice in a glass."
  • "Friendship is based on mutual trust."

Trust in the pages of books

Quotes about trust can be found not only among famous people, but also on the pages of books. Literary characters are sometimes inclined to talk about this feeling better than any psychologists and philosophers. Quotes about trust in relationships from books:

  1. "Better not to believe people, Yu. They are much worse than any vampires and demons."
  2. "Trust is the most fragile thing in the world, like the girl’s heart. If you break it, you can’t gather it in parts, and the fragments can cause deep wounds."
  3. "You can’t just love, distrust and not consider the other equal to yourself. Distrust destroys even the most vivid love."
  4. "Trust to be betrayed."
  5. “Why don’t you trust me? - You didn’t deserve it. I meditate daily to control my strength. Do you think I just believe that you began to control what you have? Trust needs to be earned. - How to do it? -First trust me".
  6. "I don't trust you enough to hurt."

We hope that these quotes about trust will help to better understand the essence of this feeling, to find and maintain it in a relationship.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19985/

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