Chekhov's works: list of the most popular

The creative period of A.P. Chekhov covers more two decades, for which about 900 works were written. These are short and more voluminous stories, novels, plays, essays on topical topics.

Early works by Chekhov

The list is opened by the first ones printed “What is most often found in novels, short stories, etc.” and "A Letter to a Scientific Neighbor." This was followed by many short stories-scenes that were humorous or satirical in nature and ridiculed the realities of life, vices of people, including soullessness, servility, reverence, etc. These are well known to the modern reader, Unter Prishibeev and Chameleon, Tolstoy and thin ”and“ Horse surname ”,“ Joy ”and“ Over-salted ”,“ Burbot ”and“ Surgery ”,“ Attacker ”and“ Dad ”,“ Smudge ”and“ Longing ”,“ Death of an official ”and many others. In total, more than 400. Conciseness, expressiveness, the special role of the artistic detail, speaking surnames - these are their main signs. The stories of the 80s were published mainly in comedy magazines under pseudonyms.

Chekhov's works list

Chekhov’s more voluminous works complete the early period. This list includes the novels “Late Flowers”, “Boring Story”, “Drama on the Hunt”, “Steppe”. The latter marked a turning point in the writer's worldview and the transition to a new stage.

Mature creativity

The 90s are often referred to as the Melikhov period in the literary activity of Anton Pavlovich. This was the time when he tried to get as close as possible to the people and understand his difficult fate. The symbol of the era are many works of Chekhov. Their list is also long: “House with a mezzanine”, “Ward No. 6”, “Student”, “Jumpers”, “Lady with a dog”, “Darling”, “Bride”, “Guys”, “In the ravine”. The pinnacle of Chekhov's prose was The Little Trilogy (The Man in the Case, Gooseberry, On Love) and Ionych. The heroes of later stories and tales are, as a rule, intellectuals, fenced off from the surrounding reality and living in their comfortable little world, or poorly educated, brought by human indifference to a state of indifference, people from the people.

Chekhov works list for children


The theater has always played a significant role in the life of the writer. A visit to him at the age of thirteen turned into a passion for Chekhov. And the first drama was written while studying at the gymnasium. Of course, the play “Fatherless” did not receive fame, but to some extent determined the future of the Chekhov playwright.

A sad fate awaited the work “On the High Road” of 1885 - censorship did not let him go to print. Thus, if we consider the dramatic works of Chekhov, the list should begin with the play "Ivanov". Next will be the one-act “Bear”, “Wedding”, where the writer's skill in creating comic scenes will come to the fore. The undisputed masterpiece of Anton Pavlov’s dramatic talent is considered The Seagull (1996), Uncle Vanya (1896, a revised version of Leshiy — 1889 criticized by friends), Three Sisters (1900), and The Cherry Orchard (1903). These plays occupy an important place in Russian literature. A.P. Chekhov became one of the founders of a new drama that combined the classical traditions of Russian prose and the late heritage of Ostrovsky. His heroes, modest and charming, sincere, and sometimes helpless, are concerned about the search for the meaning of life in rapidly changing historical conditions.

Chekhov's works for children list

Works about Sakhalin

The year 1990 was marked for the writer by the fact that he went to Sakhalin. The purpose of the trip was to fight hunger. However, what he saw left such a deep mark in the soul of Anton Pavlovich that the result was new works by Chekhov. Their list is not large: the book of essays “Sakhalin Island”, the stories “In exile”, “Murder”, sometimes they also include “Chamber No. 6”. But they are sharper than before, there is a protest against the prevailing order in the country, limiting the normal life of its citizens.

Chekhov's works for children

The list here is not large, since Anton Pavlovich wrote mainly for adults. He believed that there was no need to come up with something for a small audience. It is enough to choose from good literature that which can be given to boys and girls to read. And even those works by Chekhov whose heroes were children (Vanka, Grisha, Want to Sleep) are clearly addressed to adult readers. So, if you revise everything that Chekhov wrote, works, the list for children will be limited to “Kashtanka”, “Beloloby” (the writer jokingly called these and similar stories as animals) and “Boys”. The story of the dog undoubtedly enjoys success. But for the last two stories, younger schoolchildren and adolescents often prefer "Joy", "Fat and thin", "Horse surname", "Chameleon", "Nalima" ...

list of works by a n Chekhov

Of course, in one article it is not possible to give the entire list of works by A.P. Chekhov. Yes, this is not the main thing. It is much more important that the modern reader takes a volume with the surname of the writer and fully, story after story, appreciate all the charm of Chekhov’s language, and Chekhov’s humor, and Chekhov’s irony ...


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