European woman: features, appearance and photo

By the appearance of a person, you can determine where he comes from. This rule is not always valid. A European woman can be classified based on the color of her hair, skin, shape of her nose, lips, skull, and eye shape. The female phenotype in these countries can be classic, southern or northern.

The appearance of women in Europe

Ladies of the classical type live in Germany, France and the UK. They have large round or almond-shaped eyes. You will not meet them with white skin and they have light brown or brown hair color. The nose is straight, lips of medium fullness. Most often, there are girls with brown or gray eyes.

The southern type prevails in the south of Europe - Italy, Spain, France. Representatives are distinguished by dark skin, dark hair and eyes, short stature and a nose with a hump.

European women style

For the European appearance, women of the northern type are characterized by having blond or red hair, growth above average, white skin covered with freckles, blue eyes and middle lips. These are the ladies of the northern countries and the Baltic states.

From a photo of a European woman, you can determine which part of Europe she belongs to. But this is indicative of the indigenous inhabitants of small cities, which are mixed with residents of other countries to a small extent. In big cities, it’s more difficult to find out the girl’s home country in appearance.

Features of European women

Such an image is rarely seen in its pure form. Many peoples have mixed up and representatives of different types live in countries. European women know how to present themselves beautifully in society, look natural, dress practically. It is by these criteria that they determine that a lady is from Europe.

The life of girls in European countries leaves a mark. They have features compared to representatives from other countries:

  1. They earn their own living without hoping for luck.
  2. Sooner become independent and often begin to work as a student.
  3. Prefer not to move after marriage to the husband or his parents.
  4. Do not rush into marriage.
  5. First they make a career, and then they think about children.
  6. Loved for breakfast and lunch there are sandwiches.
  7. Appreciate personality.
  8. They don’t worry if they don’t know how to cook and farm.
  9. Epilation is carried out only before a date.
  10. Do not make high demands on men.
  11. Little use of cosmetics for daytime makeup.
  12. Travel a lot.
  13. Have safe sex.
  14. Make up a prenuptial agreement.
loose fit


European woman values ​​individuality in people. Any girl knows that flaws in appearance can be passed off as virtues. She is confident and knows that it’s impossible for everyone to like. Europeans do not spend half a day in front of a mirror and are convinced that perfection does not exist. Their size of chest, waist and hips will not affect the development of personality.

Women in Europe do not chase men's attention. The energy of the weaker sex is not aimed at men, but inside of itself. A woman strives to become better, develops qualities inherent only to her. Thanks to this, a love for the world and others is formed.

The development of the internal qualities of the fairer sex allows you to not pay attention to external shortcomings. They accept themselves for who they are. Do not try to seem better in the eyes of others.

The individuality of man in Europe is brought to the level of worship. Skin color, hair and facial wrinkles make a woman original. It’s not customary for them to go for plastic surgeries and redo their appearance in order to become like someone else.

Appearance does not play a big role. Europeans prefer comfortable clothes. Sneakers and jeans are popular. Studs are not suitable for daily wear, but events become an indispensable attribute.

Central Europe style

The style of European women depends on the country in which they live. In the UK, ladies dress strictly, avoiding excesses. In honor of strict cut dresses, plain pencil skirts, business jackets. An elegant brooch or jewelry is welcome.

female style

In France, prefer sexy clothes. However, women do not wear tight dresses. They know how to combine top and bottom. Be sure to have an element of romance - a clutch, beret or long gloves. More attention is paid to quality, not quantity of clothing. French ladies are well-groomed and use little makeup.

German women dress depending on where they work. Strict jackets, dresses and skirts are welcome. Studs are not successful. You can often find low-heeled shoes. No one pays attention to whether a thing goes to a person or not, they simply put it on. The situation in society is evaluated by clothing brands.

Style and Fashion of Northern Europe

Girls in northern Europe love to wear dark colors. Here you can find gray and black dresses, short sweaters, T-shirts, leggings. Such clothes are worn regardless of age. Preference is given to natural fabrics.

Scandinavian style is found in Sweden and Finland - simplicity and minimalism are combined with convenience. The clothes are loose, which hides the flaws of the figure and allows you to get comfort. The main color palette is blue and black. The main transport in Sweden is a bicycle. Therefore, here ladies can be found in sweatpants and sweatshirts going to work. Another feature of the Scandinavian style is practicality. It is rare to find winter clothes made of natural fur; girls buy light down jackets.

Ornaments in Scandinavia do not like. The maximum that can be seen on a woman is a watch and an engagement ring. Girls’s shoes are simple. Sneakers and sneakers are worn until they fall apart.

Scandinavian style

Southern Europe

Italy is considered the capital of fashion. Women look stylish at any age. The most popular was the style of elegant casual. Dark trousers or jeans are combined with a long cardigan. Flat shoes, a coat and a scarf - this is what the Italian looks like. To match the style, girls most often buy well-known brands.

European women's fashion is a guide for other countries. Famous fashion designers come from Europe. Italian ladies do not stand out for any special features that distinguish them from residents of other countries. On the streets you can meet representatives of other countries who have contributed to the formation of the Italian style. In small towns, women often wear comfortable sportswear. Discreet makeup.

In large cities in Spain, the style is more reminiscent of the classic. Most go to dresses and skirts, the colors are mostly black and gray. Spanish women have an innate taste. Shoes are bought only leather. It is rare to meet a lady after 30 years in sneakers and a T-shirt.

sporty style

What do ladies wear

European women are beautiful at any age. Here you will not meet a lady over 50 in patches and a horny shawl. At age 70, ladies wear low-heeled shoes, a graceful stole and classic black trousers. They have pearl jewelry around their neck. Until the last breath, a European woman takes care of herself.

Ladies from small towns can not always afford to wear brands, but they often look neat and dignified, giving preference to quality things.

Full European women look after themselves no less. They buy stylish accessories by which you can determine the style. Such ladies can wear a skirt above the knee or tight leggings.

In France, women wear the same clothes as their daughters. There is no such thing as "age." With growing up, French women like to wear more expensive things, but even in old age you can meet a lady in jeans or a dress.

winter style

East European ladies

The country that has mixed Eastern and European lifestyles in itself is Russia. East European women are known to the world for their beauty. Their main value is family. Their feature is sensitivity, attention and care for loved ones.

The figure of many Russian ladies is in the form of an hourglass, which indicates a high level of female hormones. This gives girls femininity and attracts a stronger sex.

The passion for bright colors in Russian women is incomprehensible to Europeans. Often Russian beauties are accused of excess, love of gold jewelry and precious stones. In this, women of Russia are similar to representatives of oriental culture.

There are always furs in the wardrobe. In the harsh winter, you can not do without them. But Russian girls like to wear fur products not only in cold weather, but in autumn, spring, and even buy such accessories for the summer.

Russian style

The difference between European and Russian girls

A European woman first builds a career, and then thinks about the family. It is typical for Russian individuals to create a family up to 30 years old, to combine work and parenting.

The figure of East European women is more aesthetic. In Europe, an apple-shaped silhouette is more common, which indicates a low content of female hormone.

The Russian girl is looking for a defender in her husband, the maintenance of the family lies on the shoulders of the stronger sex. In Europe, representatives of the weaker sex rely only on themselves and seek to conclude a marriage contract with a lover.

Ladies in Russia cannot stand dirty linen in public, while European women solve family problems in court.

Russia is famous for its hospitality, relatives who come to stay live in an apartment, even if it constrains the owners. In Europe, a hotel is rented for guests.


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