Prison "White Swan". What is hidden behind a beautiful name?

The White Swan is a prison where people are sentenced to life imprisonment. The official correctional institution is called PKU IK No. 2 of OIC No. 2. Here those who are convicted of the most serious crimes: maniacs, murderers, rapists, members and leaders of gang units are serving their sentences. All of them committed terrible acts: kidnapping, hostage taking, contract killings and so on. Do not bring the Lord to someone first hand to find out where the White Swan Prison is located. For reference, we can inform you that the colony is located in the city of Solikamsk, in the Perm Territory.

where is the white swan prison
There are various versions of why the prison received such a beautiful and romantic name. Or because of the walls of buildings built of white brick, symbolizing the alleged wings of a bird; either because of the method of moving prisoners through the prison territory - bending forward almost 90 degrees, with arms thrown behind the back, that is, in the swan pose; or because of the monument to the white birds standing in the courtyard of the colony. Surely everyone knows the legend that the swan, having lost his beloved, dooms himself to loneliness or even death. Circling over a dead lover, he falls headlong swiftly and crashes to the ground. So some criminals believed and still believe that the White Swan Prison is the place where they will sing a swan song and find their last refuge. Perhaps all of these versions are just echoes of prison romance. Nevertheless, swans are everywhere in the colony: on bars, above the entrance to the building where the head of the prison’s office is located , and even litter bins are made in the shape of swans.

white swan prison
The correctional institution began its history in 1938. At first, only political prisoners were kept here, and only in 1955 did the colony become criminal. Since 1980, when the well-known EPTK was created, thieves in law began to be sent here from all over the Union for re-education. Prison "White Swan" debunked the myths of a gracious and beautiful thieves' life in places not so distant. In 1999, the correctional institution was reorganized into a colony for life prisoners. I didn’t have to rebuild anything strongly - the buildings are so constructed in such a way that any shoots, communication with the will are excluded. Statistics show that for every prisoner there are an average of three ruined souls. After ten years of being in a colony, criminals are transferred to lighter conditions of detention: they have the opportunity to receive news from home, to see relatives.

The White Swan Prison organizes the life of convicts in accordance with international standards. Three people are kept in one cell, they are resettling everyone, based on the psychological characteristics of the prisoners, who are being studied by a professional psychologist. Prisoners take a shower once a week, walk for one hour daily in the cells located on the roof of the prison building. Learning and working for those sentenced to life imprisonment is prohibited in the first years - criminals must be under the supervision of colony employees every second. The only thing that the White Swan Prison allows is self-education; there is a library in the correctional facility. In addition, many here become religious - in the center of the prison there is a small church built by the hands of the prisoners themselves. Around and around the perimeter of the colony there are fences, powerful barriers, barbed wire, security cameras, trained dogs. There has not been a single case of a successful escape in history.

white swan prison
When the convict dies, a telegram is sent to his relatives. If the body is not taken within three days, the deceased is buried in the city cemetery. Among those who died within the walls of the correctional institution, there are also very famous figures of the criminal world. So, in 2002, another well-known field commander and Chechen terrorist Salman Raduev went into the world here . Some leaders of Chechen gangs and thieves in law are in the colony now. Many do not withstand the hellish conditions of detention, so there are few "authoritative" criminals. They behave quietly, calmly and wait for the hour when they “lay down their wings” in the dungeons of the White Swan prison.


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