Cold porcelain recipe: secrets from the masters

Cold porcelain is material

cold porcelain recipe
for the manufacture of souvenirs, toys, jewelry, panels. In artistic modeling they prefer to use this particular material. It is easy to make small parts from it, it is malleable in work, pleasant to the touch, well solidifies. The masters of stucco work have learned how to cook cold porcelain at home, which is not inferior to industrial in quality.

Cold Porcelain Recipe


  • Corn starch - 200 grams.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • PVA glue - 50 grams.
  • Pharmaceutical glycerin - 1 small spoon.
  • Hygienic cream - 1 small spoon.

From two containers we build a β€œwater bath”. In a smaller pan, fill the recipe with water, add cream, glycerin, glue and mix. Next, fall asleep starch. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath, stirring constantly, until its consistency looks like dough. Then put the future porcelain on a wet towel, wrap and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this time, a slightly warm porcelain mass must be thoroughly mixed, sprinkling with starch. Put the finished stucco material in a plastic bag for storage. As you can see, the recipe for cold porcelain is very simple and does not take you much time. And as a result, you will get soft and high-quality material for making exquisite jewelry and funny souvenirs.

It should be said that experienced craftsmen constantly improve the formulation of home-made porcelain. And as a result of many experiments, the formula for the ideal stucco material in all respects was found. And the whole secret lies in the use of citric acid. So, let's look at another way of making cold porcelain.

cold china improved recipe

Improved Recipe

Essential Ingredients :

  • Corn starch - 150 g.
  • Clay "Titan" or "Moment" - 150 g.
  • Glycerin - 3 small spoons.
  • Massage oil - 3 small spoons.
  • Lemon juice - 1.5 teaspoons.

Pour glue into a pan with a thick bottom, add glycerin, massage oil and lemon juice there. Stir until smooth. In small portions introduce starch into the resulting mass. Stir and leave to swell for a quarter of an hour. Transfer the contents of the pan into a container for a microwave oven and at a power of 800 warm three times for 30 seconds, then three times for 20 seconds and several times for 15 seconds. After each heating, the sticky mass must be mixed. Spread the table with any fat cream, put porcelain on it and mix thoroughly. For storage, place the resulting material in a plastic bag or jar.

Previous methods for the preparation of porcelain provided for the thermal treatment of its components. But progress does not stand still. Masters of stucco work have developed a good cold porcelain recipe that does not require heating. Try it, maybe you will like this option more.

cold porcelain recipe without cooking

Cold porcelain. Recipe without cooking


  • Corn starch.
  • Glue.
  • Soda.
  • Glycerol.
  • Massage Oil.

Mix 2 tablespoons of starch with 1 spoon of massage oil and a few drops of glycerin. Pour a quarter of a small spoon of soda into the total mass, add 2 tablespoons of glue and mix well. If the material is very thick, add a little glue. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

Each cold porcelain recipe has been tested and approved by experienced craftsmen. Feel free to prepare stucco material for them for your creativity. Be sure that cold porcelain will turn out to be high-quality and reliable, and products from it - beautiful and durable.


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