Hats made from improvised materials. Hats for carnival costumes. Handicraft Ideas

Do you like to master new types of needlework? Learn how to make hats with your own hands from improvised materials. Some options look spectacular, but they are very simple. You can use the acquired skills for the manufacture of carnival costumes, hats for textile dolls or just fashion accessories and original gifts.

DIY hats

DIY hats

If you are a creative person and like to needlework, you should like this type of activity, especially since there are a lot of opportunities in this direction. You can make a hat from:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • tissue;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • combining several techniques at the same time.

So, there are a lot of options for how to make hats with your own hands from improvised materials. The choice depends on the time available, the purpose of manufacture and, of course, what you have in stock.

paper hat

Materials and Tools

Do you want you to have a beautiful hat made of paper, cardboard, fabric? Then be patient and turn on the fantasy, plus everything you need the following:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • the cloth;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • pins
  • needle with thread;
  • decorative elements (beads, ribbons, bows, lace, flowers);
  • base material (paper, cardboard, newspaper tubes).

The simplest options are easy to make in just half an hour.

Cone Hat Blank

Whatever version of headgear you choose, the foundation will still have to be done. As a rule, the role of the frame is performed by a hat made of cardboard or paper. There are two ways to make an accessory of a triangular shape:

  1. Minimize from a rectangular sheet.
  2. Run from a semicircle.

In the first case, when the bag is twisted from the sheet, you will have to cut off the excess on the underside. The second option involves the initial execution of the workpiece of a certain shape, namely in the form of a semicircle. The bottom, thus, is flat and does not require trimming.

cardboard hat

The seam is usually first fastened with a stapler, so that you can correct the size if you made a mistake the first time. The bracket is pulled out, and the base is fixed in another place. If the shape suits you, you can glue the seam. In addition, they usually try to make it invisible, tuck inward or beautifully decorate.

How to make a cylinder hat blank

If you need such a form, you will need to complicate the technology somewhat (compared to the previous one) and perform more actions. A hat-cylinder made of cardboard or paper will always consist of three elements:

  1. Twisted in the form of a pipe sheet of the desired size.
  2. Fields.
  3. Top "cover".
    cardboard cylinder hat

As for the fields, they can be performed for the product in the form of a cone.

To make a cylinder hat, you need to work like this:

  1. Take a thread or rope and measure the circumference of the head in an appropriate place so that the future hat does not fall through and is not cramped.
  2. Cut the rectangle of the desired length (which you got on the rope), taking into account the size of the seam. The width of the sheet should correspond to the height of the hat. Roll the cylinder from the workpiece and glue the seams.
  3. Using a compass, draw a circle. The circumference will correspond to the indicators from points 1 and 2. Draw another circle with a slightly larger diameter. This distance is necessary for gluing parts.
  4. Follow the previous action, but on a larger sheet of paper, since, in addition to the inner circle, you will need to draw an outer one. It will limit the size of the fields.
  5. Take both parts made in the previous two stages, and on those parts that will be glued, make cuts around the perimeter after a short distance. Determine it depending on the size of your product. If you make a hat for a doll, and it is all no more than 10 cm, then cuts must be made after a few millimeters. If the accessory is intended for an adult, the distance between the notches can be chosen about 1.5-2 cm.
    cardboard cylinder hat
  6. Now bend the incised parts in the desired direction and glue the seams.

All is ready. It remains only to paint the base or decorate in any other way.

cardboard cylinder hat

Newspaper Hat

It is clear to everyone that the waste paper is waste material, but not everyone knows that colored, and even black and white sheets can be used to make spectacular souvenirs and even headwear.

newspaper hat
Not everyone can guess that you are wearing a paper hat. Such a thing will resemble a straw hat due to the characteristic weaving. You can make it in color by any color, either by pre-painting the sheets, or by creating a colored pattern on the finished product. So, the work is as follows:

  1. First, you will still have to make a frame of the appropriate shape and size, although you can use a ready-made hat or even something else, for example, a bucket or pan.
  2. Now you need to prepare the tubes. They are twisted from sheets of newspapers or magazines using knitting needles or a round skewer. Try to make one end of the tube a little larger. This will allow you to easily increase the length of the material during weaving. Joints, as well as seams of individual elements, are glued.
  3. When everything is ready to start weaving, get to work. Different technologies may be used, but their meaning is the same. First, several tubes are taken, folded crosswise, then one or two more will be needed to braid the "frame". So the bottom is made in the form of a circle.
    newspaper hat
  4. Using the chosen basis, continue weaving the vertical part of the tulle;
  5. Adding fields.
  6. Paint the finished product if the sheets have not been processed. After drying, you can polish the surface. This will give a spectacular shine and make the hat waterproof.
  7. Now it’s worth decorating the accessory with additional decor: flowers made of nylon, satin ribbons, beaded products or any other elements.

Such a hat can be presented as a souvenir, interior decoration or beach attribute.

How to sew a hat for a suit

Any of the frames, the manufacture of which is described above, can be covered with fabric. If you need some non-standard form, for example, in the form of a mushroom, fruit, vegetable or animal, you will have to find the appropriate pattern or build it yourself. In fact, you can easily sew very unusual and original hats with your own hands from improvised materials.

DIY hats
The easiest way is to use fleece or felt, as they hold their shape well, fit easily, do not require seams, can be sewn decoratively even on the front side, and small parts allow gluing to the surface. If you are not a beginner in the field of sewing, choose any pattern and material and create a headpiece for a carnival costume or just an elegant unusual accessory for the holiday.

So, you saw what original hats can be made easily and quickly. Surprise your friends with an unusual accessory or make a headpiece for a carnival costume.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F19999/

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