Kolomensky park in the south of Moscow

Even not all Muscovites know that without leaving the capital, you can find yourself in a very unusual place and not much like Moscow. This is Kolomensky park on the southern outskirts of a huge metropolis. Once here, you find yourself in a completely different reality, connected with Moscow only by its geographical location on the banks of the river of the same name and historical heritage.

Kolomensky park

A bit of history

The village of Kolomenskoye ... It was founded by residents of the city of Kolomna, who fled from the Mongol-Tatar invasion. The first mention of its existence dates back to the early fourteenth century. For several centuries, Kolomenskoye has seen many kings, grand dukes and historical figures of a lower ranking. Within these walls and around them, Russian history was literally happening. But the heyday falls on the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Kolomenskoye became his favorite suburban residence. To a large extent, it was during his reign that a unique architectural complex and the natural-landscape Kolomensky park that we see today formed.

Kolomna park address

Soon the capital was moved by Peter the Great to St. Petersburg, and the Moscow Region residence was on the periphery of state and political life. This allows us to survey the Kolomensky park almost in its original form, as it was formed by the monarch will, the efforts of court architects and the centuries-old labors of serf craftsmen. By a lucky coincidence of historical circumstances, Kolomensky Park was bypassed by war, revolution, reconstruction, modernization and privatization.

Kolomenskoye today

Kolomenskoye has become a favorite vacation spot for many Muscovites and guests of the capital. Just because it is beautiful, comfortable and quiet here. There are no noisy booth entertainments that have become traditional for many Moscow gardens and parks. But this place does not set up for entertainment, but rather for contemplation and reflection on the past, present and future. Kolomensky Park has the official status of a protected natural landscape reserve. Therefore, it is forbidden to lie and stomp on the lawns. Perhaps this is the only inconvenience. But you can just come here to relax your soul from the endless bustle of the city.

Kolomna park photo

If you are going here - grab a camera or camcorder. It is difficult to imagine within Moscow a place more interesting for the photographer than Kolomensky Park. His photos are decorations of many exhibitions, albums and advertising printing. Among other things, this is a luxurious natural scenery in which the scenes of many films are shot. Kolomensky Park, whose address is well known to many producers, actors and directors of films and TV shows, has become a lively decoration of films on historical subjects. But for an ordinary person, Kolomna Park is a luxurious opportunity for a Sunday holiday. It is located very close, you can get here by metro, the nearest stations are Kolomenskaya and Kashirskaya. It is very good to visit here with the children, it will be a real excursion to the reserved corner of Russian history.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2000/

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