Insulation thickness for walls: formulas, calculation features and requirements

A lot depends on the correct calculation of thermal insulation: both the comfort of the house and the costs of heating it. Because without a heater can not do. Moreover, you have to deal with such a question as the calculation of the thickness of the insulation for the walls - what it should be. What materials are best suited to the conditions of your region of residence, and which is better: polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, ecowool, plaster or other decorative materials.

How to deal with the calculation of insulation yourself

In this case, the value of minimum thermal resistance is not the last value. Its value directly depends on the climatic features of the region. When calculating this indicator, take into account the duration of the heating season, as well as the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures. Given this, note that the heat transfer resistance coefficient for the exterior walls of a residential building should be at least 3.28 for Moscow, 1.79 for Sochi and 5.28 for Yakutsk.

Thermal resistance of the walls is equal to the sum of the resistance of all layers of the structure, regardless of whether they are bearing or insulating. It follows that the thickness of the thermal insulation depends on the type of material used during construction. Therefore, brick and concrete structures require greater insulation compared to wooden and foam blocks.

Thickness of the insulation of frame walls

Pay attention to the thickness indicators of the construction material selected for the construction, as well as its thermal conductivity. The smaller the thickness of the supporting structure, the greater should be the thickness of the insulation.

If necessary, use insulation for walls with a thickness greater than usual, it is recommended to conduct external wall insulation. This approach will help to maintain the laws of ergonomics and save the interior space of the house. Another advantage of external insulation is the prevention of moisture accumulation indoors.

What is a thermal conductivity indicator?

Thermal conductivity is the property of a material to transmit heat. Wood, brick, concrete, foam blocks have different thermal conductivity , and increased humidity, in addition, contributes to its increase. Thermal conductivity also has a reciprocal, which is called heat resistance. To determine this number, use the dry thermal conductivity index indicated in the passport to the material used. If this is missing, then you can use the special table.

What is the thickness of the insulation for walls

Pay attention to the fact that in the corners, joints of the supporting structures and other special structural elements, the thermal conductivity is higher than on the surface of a flat wall. It is in such places that the so-called cold bridges arise, because of which the heat leaves. This phenomenon can be recognized by smudges on the walls on the inside of the building. To prevent this phenomenon, experts recommend increasing the value of thermal resistance to ΒΌ with respect to the minimum allowable rate.

Calculation of the thermal conductivity of a building using an example

To cope with this task and determine the thermal conductivity, a conventional calculator is useful. First, it is necessary to deal with heat transfer resistance for load-bearing structures. For this, the thickness of the structure is divided by the thermal conductivity of the insulation for the walls used in this case. For example, foam concrete blocks with a density of about 300 are characterized by a thermal conductivity of 0.29. It turns out that with a block thickness of 30 cm, the thermal resistance is equal to:

0.3 / 0.29 = 1.03

Then proceed to subtract the calculated value from the minimum allowable. So, for Moscow and Moscow Region, the thermal conductivity of the insulation for walls should be no less than 2.25 (3.28 - 1.03 = 2.25).

At the next stage, it is necessary to multiply the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the insulation by an indicator of the required heat resistance, as a result of which a number indicating the thickness of the required layer is obtained. For example, the thermal conductivity coefficient of mineral wool is 0.045, which means that its thickness should be at least 0.1 m (0.045 * 2.25 = 0.1).

The thickness of the insulation of the outer wall

What else should not be forgotten in the calculation of thermal conductivity

Among other things, it will be necessary to determine the location of the dew point and not to forget about this indicator during the determination of the thickness of the insulation for the outer wall.

The dew point is a conditional place in the wall where the temperature drops to such a level that condensation drops - dew. When this place is located on the inside of the room, this leads to fogging, as a result of which the putrefactive process begins. Consider this indicator when calculating the thickness of the insulation for walls.

Please note that the cooler the street, the closer the dew point to the room. The higher the temperature and the greater the humidity of the room inside, the higher the dew point shifts.

What is the thickness of the insulation for frame walls

Mineral wool, or ecowool, the best of its kind for warming the walls of a frame house.

The required thickness is determined using the same formulas discussed above. If necessary, organize an additional layer for a multilayer wall add 10% to its value. This is because the wall thickness for the house, the insulation for which you select, is less than with traditional technology, and this indicates the possibility of shifting the dew point closer to the inner surface. That is why experts recommend not saving on the thickness of the insulation.

Wall thickness for home insulation

How to calculate the thickness of the foam

Polyfoam is a popular material that attracts attention because of its low thermal conductivity, light weight and moisture resistance, and most importantly - cheapness. This material practically does not let steam through, so pay special attention to this and note that this material is not suitable for internal insulation.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation for walls

Preferably, the foam blocks are placed outside or inside the wall. The thermal conductivity, as in the case with other materials, depends on the density of the foam. For example, with a density of 20 kg / m 3, the thermal conductivity is 0.035. Therefore, a foam with a thickness of 0.05 cm will be enough to ensure optimal thermal resistance at the level of 1.5 meters.

Features of calculating the thickness of the insulation for the roof and attic

With the formulas for calculating nothing new, they are all the same. But with minimal thermal resistance, everything is a little different. Unheated attic rooms, as a rule, are insulated with bulk heaters. In this case, no restrictions on thickness are put forward, therefore it is recommended to increase them up to one and a half times in relation to the calculated ones.

If we are talking about attic rooms, then in this case it will be appropriate to use materials with a low thermal conductivity property.

Thickness of the wall insulation

Now, knowing what thickness of the insulation for the walls will be optimal for one or another building material, as well as being guided by the above examples and using formulas, the calculation of the necessary indicators can be done without problems, this will not be a difficult task.


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