Balyko Diana: biography and books

A writer with a psychologist’s heart is what Diana Balyko is called. She is also a playwright, journalist, certified NLP trainer, prose writer, motivational lecturer. Several composers have already written wonderful songs to her poems. We invite you to get acquainted with this unique woman!

balyko diana

Biography of Diana Balyko

Diana was born on March 28, 1979. Her homeland is the city of Polar in the Murmansk region. Balyko is a graduate of the Belarusian State University: in 2001, she graduated from the Faculty of History. By the way, it was at the history department that her literary work began. In 2006, Diana Vladimirovna studied at the NLP center in Minsk. Later, in 2010, she graduated from the Gorky Moscow Literary Institute. She studied in absentia, specializing in drama.


Diana Balyko began work in 1998 in Minsk. Here she published the newspaper "Ten." By the way, later in the capital of Belarus, she was engaged in the publication of the Alpha Poster. Under her leadership, it came out in 2001-2002.

In 2000, Balyko moved to New York. Here she worked in the newspaper New Russian Word. In addition, Diana managed to work at the People Waves radio station. In 2010, she returned to Minsk, where she began to give a course of lectures entitled "Psychology of Creativity."

Diana Balyko biography

Poetic collections

The first books of Diana Balyko are collections of poems. So, in 1999 the collection “Many, many days” was published. Two years later, the fans of this poetess were pleased with the book “Windows Wide Open”. And after another two years, Diana Vladimirovna released the runaway collection.

In 2009 another poem collection was published - “Now, Today, Forever”, and in 2012 the book “PS 101 Poem for You” was published.


Balyko has 15 plays and 4 movie scripts. The most popular play is recognized as "White Angel with Black Wings." It was staged in fifteen theaters! Among them are the Republican Theater of Belarusian Drama, the Polish Theater Korez, the Vitebsk Rodnik, and the Moscow Drama Group.

No less popular is the production of "Psychoanalyst for a psychoanalyst." She was put in Vitebsk, Moscow and Tomsk.

Lipetsk Theater-Studio "Zong" staged "Umbilical cord" in 1 act and 27 compositions by Diana Balyko. And the Republican Theater of Belarusian Drama presented to its audience the production of “Roman + Julia: an eternal history”.

Minsk Theater Agency “Comedy-ART” delighted the audience with the production of the play “My Own Monument”.

books by Diana Balyko

Victories in competitions and festivals

The plays written by Balyko won more than once in various festivals. Her work was noted at the annual competition of the STD of the Russian Federation, “Five Evenings”, “Lyubimovka”, “Free Theater”, “Premiere.txt”. Success also brought participation in the Second International Theater Festival "PANORAMA", held in Minsk.

The screenplays of Diana Vladimirovna were also repeatedly noted by critics. In 2005, Balyko won the contest for the creation of a short comedy hosted by the Belarusfilm film studio with her own script, My Own Monument.

The year 2008 was marked for Diana Balyko second place in the competition of the Department of Cinematography of the Republic of Belarus "On the creation of a film-melodrama." She submitted the script “Sculptor” to the jury.

NLP Doping

Despite all the publications and victories, the writer gained fame only after the release of the first book of the author's series “NLP”. Diana Balyko released her in 2007. Seven other editions followed.

Diana Balyko life in high

"40 rules for life in high"

That is what the first book of the NLP Doping series is called. She will teach readers to live a full life today, without delaying it until better times. Diana Balyko explains: you can indulge in gluttony, curse, be lazy, steal someone else's good mood and beat those who solicit your precious time. All this in order to live life in a buzz. Diana Balyko explains: breaking the commandments and using certain techniques of neurolinguistic programming, you can achieve not only harmony, but also success.

Successful negotiations

How to convince people, to interest them, not to succumb to the influence of others, to solve complex issues and emerge victorious from any situation? Diana Balyko talks about this in the book "Negotiations ... doomed to success." She teaches to uphold interests in conversations with business partners, parents and children, colleagues and neighbors.

This book is not just a collection of useful rules: the information here is interwoven with instructive parables and funny stories.

Strong Sex Management

Especially for her readers, Balyko published the book “I, a Man and NLP”. Effective authorial techniques gathered under one cover will allow you to build relationships with the stronger sex according to your own rules, teach you to understand exactly what the other half feels. In addition, the author claims: having studied this publication, women will stop making mistakes that destroy relationships.

NLP Diana Balyko

For seducers and seducers

At first glance, neurolinguistic programming and intimate life are incompatible things. But Diana Balyko proves the opposite in the book "Sex begins with the head." This publication is a brilliant manual on seduction, which is based on the most accessible and at the same time effective NLP techniques.


Balyko offers his parents the book "11 laws of effective education of a teenager." She considers a lot of issues that concern mothers and fathers of children from 11 to 15 years old: what are children afraid of, why are they lazy, use drugs. The author helps to build an effective model of education, to become a teenager’s best friend.

Business success

As many as five master classes under one cover are offered to businessmen by Diana Vladimirovna in the book “Success in business according to the laws of neurolinguistic programming”.

What will this publication teach? Well, firstly, spend much less effort to achieve your goals, while receiving much more. In addition, you can use NLP techniques more efficiently. How to train these skills? Of course, with the help of special exercises presented in the book.

Life Star

Diana Balyko how to become a star in life

How to become a star in life? Diana Balyko also knows the answer to this question! Moreover, the book of the same name is read easily and with pleasure. It presents NLP techniques that are 100% effective. This is a kind of guide in binding, leading to success. With the help of the book you can set incredible goals and achieve them.

Series 365 + 1

Another unique series of books by Diana Vladimirovna is 365 + 1. The psychologist writer has released 3 books.

1. "365 + 1 rule for every day of a happy year . " This book is a pocket book of techniques and rules. Moreover, they are all extremely simple, but with their help you can completely turn your life around: turn laziness into motivation, accept life as it is.

2. " 365 + 1 rule of true love . " This book is simply irreplaceable if you want to find true love, to be happy in relationships and marriage, to know harmony. All the rules presented here are different: hooligan and serious, ironic and gentle. But one thing unites them - they are all effective!

3. " 365 + 1 rule of life . " How to charge with positive? Avoid routine? Become a leader and just a happy person? This is the book of Diana Balyko. The tips presented here are practical, funny, and incredibly useful!


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