Tuzlov river in the Rostov region: description, features and interesting facts

The nature of the Rostov region is not very rich, but it is not without a certain share of diversity, expressed in the relief of its territory, in the animal and plant world, in the wealth of the bowels, as well as in the ratio of water arteries and land.

The Tuzlov River of the Rostov Region, which is one of its water arteries and flowing almost throughout its territory, has its own character and has some features.

The article provides information about this natural water body, which is the right tributary of the Don River.

The picturesque shores of Tuzlov


The total length of the river is 182 kilometers, the basin area is 4680 square kilometers.

The Tuzlov River (or Tuzlovka) flows into the Aksai River exactly at the place where one of the largest settlements of the Rostov Region is located - the city of Novocherkassk.

There is one feature by the river. Translated from the Turkic language, its name means “salt water”. And indeed, the water in the river is brackish. According to some anglers, the amount and composition of salt in the water varies depending on the season and many other factors.

The river takes its beginning on the southern slope of the Donetsk ridge (altitude more than 200 meters above sea level), where three footlands merge (branches of ravines). At the headwaters, the banks of the Tuzlov River are more steep and higher, only after the merging of the valleys they become shallow, and the channel begins to gradually narrow. At the village of Karpo-Nikolaevka, it has a bend and becomes wider and winds along the plain.

Along the river, the river absorbs the waters of about 40 small rivers and streams. It flows through the territory of almost the entire Rostov region, past a large number of settlements (more than 20). Where the waters of Tuzlov and Aksai merge, a pronounced thermocline is formed. This is due to the fact that the waters of Aksay are warm (from the Warm Channel), and Tuzlova is cold (the spring waters of the rivers flowing into it). The river along its entire length is not navigable.

Fishing spots

Water mode

The Tuzlov River is slow, mixed food (snow, rain and groundwater). The flow rate of water does not exceed 1 m / s. The flood period is from March to April.

In the hot summer in the upper reaches, the river dries in places. At 60 kilometers from the mouth, the average annual flow rate is 2.1 m³ / s, the maximum reaches 415 m³ / s, and the smallest is 0.19 m³ / s.

Cities and towns

Settlements located on the banks of the river: Novocherkassk, Grushevskaya, Oktyabrsky, Ogorodny, Elite, Nesvetay, Stoyanovo, General, Petrovka, Karpo-Nikolaevka, Savchenko, Chistopol, Bolshekripinskaya, New Ukraine, Kryukovo, Postal Yar, Grekovo-Ulyanovka, Karshenno Annenka, Lysogorka, Krinichno-Lugsky.

The largest of them, as noted above, is the city of Novocherkassk.

The banks of the Tuzlov River near Novocherkassk


The remoteness of the Tuzlov River from highways with good hard asphalt significantly affects the number of anglers. Fisheries are moderate, with the exception of certain territories - mainly in the locations of settlements.

The considerable length of the reservoir affects the species composition of the inhabitants of its waters. The main species of fish: crucian carp, roach, ram. There are many predators here, sometimes you can catch quite large specimens of catfish. Still common in the river are carp, carp, bream, grass carp and white bream. The presence of an excellent forage base and great depths creates all the conditions for large fish to live in the waters of the river, although not all fishermen manage to get such a catch. This requires a lot of patience and some skill.

It should be noted that dangerous, terrible, and treacherous fish (in the Red Book lists) sometimes get into Tuzlov. Such a catch can be obtained at the confluence of Tuzlov and Aksay.

According to long-term observations of the local Aksai fish inspectorate, every spring in the spring through the channel of the Aksai River, fish species such as pike perch, fish, bream, seam, pike and common carp enter the Tuzlov basin for spawning. At the same time, the number of fish varies quite a lot from year to year. The intensity of the spawning run is more dependent on the volume of water in the river.

Fishing on the Tuzlov River

Fishing on the Tuzlov River (Rostov Region)

Where settlements are located, local residents are mainly engaged in fishing. In their opinion, there are secret catchy and fish-rich places in the river, repeatedly sung in poems and folk epics, passed down from generation to generation. Against the background of the general not very high fishing pressure throughout the river, the concentration of fishermen in such special places is significant.

According to many fishermen who prefer coastal fishing by spinning, the river section near the village of Generalskoye is the most suitable place for this. It is believed that the depths are great there, and the river is wider, and fish sections.

Fishing on the river

Bridges and Crossings

In the village of Grushevskaya there are several automobile bridges across the Tuzlov River, in the area of ​​the city of Novocherkassk - one railway and three automobile, in the area of ​​the village of Kamenny Brod - 2 automobile bridges.

Crossings (roads) also cross the river near the settlements of Nesvetai, Vozrozhdenny, Ogorodny and some others. During spring floods, problems often arise with crossing from one river bank to another. For example, the road between the city of Novocherkassk and Krivyanskaya (the village) is often flooded, and the bridge over the river is under water. Motorists often criticize the characteristics of the bridge across the Tuzlov River in the Rostov Region in the direction of the south of the country (M4 highway). In this regard, many kilometers of traffic jams form, so you have to go around this section through Novoshakhtinsk and Novocherkassk.

Today, the bridge over Tuzlov is almost repaired, new asphalt is laid.

Bridge over the Tuzlov River


In order to determine the forecast of fish biting on the Tuzlov River, you can use the feedback of avid fishermen. You can also create your own fisherman's calendar, which tells about the activity of fish by month. It should only be taken into account that such a forecast provides only average and approximate information about the processes that occur in water bodies.

Each pond is a huge object, living its own life. This is a unique ecosystem where vast masses of living things interact. And to predict how the fish, which is one of the elements of this huge system, will behave, is quite difficult.

Seasonal behavior of fish in a particular reservoir depends on many factors:

  • state of water (transparency, level, temperature, flow rate, oxygen content);
  • weather conditions (wind direction, atmospheric pressure, precipitation) and the nature of weather changes;
  • Moon phases.

For example, in the springtime, when the water level decreases, the bite intensifies. Also, the activity of the fish is significantly affected by any weather changes. For example, a sharp warming after a long period of cold weather usually improves the bite, but this only applies to white fish. Predators, on the contrary, like cooling after a warm period.

A real and correct fisherman’s calendar must take into account all the factors affecting the bite of a fish. The forecast that will be made exclusively for a particular reservoir will be sufficiently accurate.

Tuzlov in the Novocherkassk area

Something interesting

The Tuzlov River is interesting not only in terms of fishing. There are historical sites in this region. A unique place in the Rostov region is Aksaysky district. Ancient monuments of history are contained here. One of these reminders of the existence of ancient cultures is a curious archaeological complex, called Tuzlovsky 1 and 2.

The ancient settlement, called Tuzlovskoye 1, contains a culture of the Bronze Age, pits with six mounds and a burial ground with the deceased, as well as a motley culture of the inhabitants of the Golden Horde time. This settlement is located on the left bank of Tulov, about 3,500 meters from the Kamennobrodsky state farm.

Tuzlovskoye 2, also an ancient settlement, was discovered on the site of the mounds of Tuzlovsky 1. Here, structures with rounded corners were found. These buildings are made of rectangular stone. All these archaeological finds are important in the study of ancient cultures.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2002/

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