How to give a friend a game in Steam: instructions

Steam is a popular platform for trading digital copies of computer games. In addition, the service is a complete social network for gamers. Users can not only communicate with each other, but also cooperate in multiplayer games, get to know and give purchased games / items. From the article you will learn how to give a game to a friend in "Steam" in different ways.

How to give a friend a game in Steam

Existing methods

First, consider in general all the ways to make a pleasant gift for a friend. In today's world, digital copies of games among young people have become just as valuable a gift or a surprise as real things. Steam service allows you to buy a game and send it to another user for free. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Purchase at the store and send immediately as a gift.
  2. Present a copy later through inventory.
  3. Buy and set a specific date for sending (for example, birthday).

These methods will allow you to present the game to a friend in "Steam" in a few steps. However, you should be aware of some restrictions on purchases. Firstly, you will not be able to purchase keys and exchange them with other users if you logged in from a new computer and did not wait 14 days for confirmation. Secondly, you need to confirm all purchases via e-mail or using a mobile authenticator. And finally, thirdly, a ban on trade and exchange should not hang on your account. Also, the desired user should be in your friends list.

How to give a friend a game in Steam

Gift shopping

First, we’ll figure out how to give the game in “Steam” right from the store. The following guide will help you with this:

  1. In the Steam store, find the project you need and open the page with its description.
  2. Now find the line with the cost (it may differ for different regions) and click on the "Add to Cart" button.
  3. To proceed with the procedure, you need to go to the basket. The application will do this automatically, and if you want to add a few more items to the basket, then you can return to it through the top menu.
  4. After that, click on the green button "Buy as a gift." Next, indicate the friend to whom you want to send a copy of the game. It should be in the friend list on your account.
  5. After specifying the user, click on "Continue".
  6. We select a payment method and specify payment data.
  7. Confirm the transaction. After that, a gift copy notification is sent to the friend’s email. He can activate it either by reference in the same letter, or through the Steam application.
How to give a friend a game in Steam

Pending gift

Now consider the option in which you can present the game to a friend in "Steam" for a specific date or event. In this way, you can congratulate the gamer on his birthday, without being afraid to forget about this important date.

To do this, we again go to point 4 from the previous instruction. Only this time it is necessary to select a user from the list of friends, and then select the "Delay delivery" item. At the bottom there will be a field for indicating the date (day, month, year and exact time). It is by the appointed time for your friend to receive a notification email. Thus, you can give the game to a friend in "Steam", even if he does not have an account in this service. In this case, an invitation letter with all the instructions will come to his mail. There was the last gift option to consider.

This option is to send a gift letter through your inventory. It works if you previously received a gift coupon for the promotion and did not activate it on your account.

How to present a purchased game in "Steam"?

It is worth noting a few restrictions regarding sending gifts. Firstly, you cannot send the game to another user if you have already purchased it for personal use. It is automatically activated in your profile. Also, you won’t be able to transfer ownership of the copy if this game has long been in your library.

Secondly, giving free games in "Steam" will not work. Your friend can independently go to the project page and add it to his library, and you can only advise him.


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