How to wash jeans so they sit down? Some practical tips

Jeans are loved by most people. They can be called the most comfortable clothes, and they are perfectly combined with other things. They will be able to emphasize the figure with their cut.

True, one cannot enjoy such qualities for a long time, because this material has the property of stretching. Therefore, the more often to wear such pants, the faster this will happen. Remembering this feature of denim, it is worth taking the model one size smaller at the time of purchase. And so many are interested in the question of how to properly wash jeans so that they sit down.

how to wash jeans so they sat down

Hand wash

In order for the product not to deform, it must be washed in a straightened form. The most ideal option for this method is a bath. Water is drawn so that it covers the entire product. It is important to consider at what temperature to wash the jeans, they sat down to one size. They are poured with very hot water with dissolved laundry soap or laundry detergent.

wash stretch jeans sat down

Jeans are immersed in water with crushing movements. This is necessary so that they get wet well. When the jeans are very dirty, you need to leave them to soak for one hour. For the best effect, they can be rubbed a little with a brush so that the dirt moves away.

After that, soapy water is washed off, the jeans are rinsed and again filled with hot water. Leave them so until the water cools and then remove from the bath. After that you need to put them in the dryer. If the pants after the dryer are left a little damp, an iron will come to the rescue. Iron them until completely dry using an ironing board. Use the various temperature conditions that the iron is equipped with.

Machine wash

This method can be called the easiest and most practical, solving the problem of how to wash jeans so that they sit down. With this method, jeans will be harder to wear, but stretched knees and hips will go away. When the denim gets wet, the trousers take on their original appearance. If you need to wash the jeans, they sit down so that they are even several sizes, for washing the temperature is set to 90 degrees and the maximum spin is turned on.

what temperature did the jeans wash

Boiling process

Denim pants must be filled with water in a large metal container with a lid. Fill with powder or other detergent. Boil for half an hour. They will decrease in size, but the color will also go away. The spots on the jeans will be uneven, and they will look “boiled”. If such an option as washing jeans so that they sit down and at the same time change color, is fine, then proceed.

Decrease a specific area

When it is necessary that the whole product does not sit down, but only certain sections of it, a solution of water and fabric softener should be made with a ratio of one to three. It must be poured into a spray bottle and mixed until smooth. In no case do not use washing powder, after which you have to rinse the whole jeans. The prepared solution must be applied to places that require reduction, allow it to completely absorb. Next, put the jeans in the dryer to the most powerful mode. In the open air, this effect cannot be achieved.

Hot water bath

For this method, how to wash jeans so that they sit down, you will need not only trousers, but, in fact, you yourself. Jeans should be worn and fastened with all available fasteners. Jeans will be worn over the body and can fit snugly. After the procedure, they will take an ideal shape and will sit perfectly on the figure. In this way, you need to use the day you start to wear jeans.

Water is collected in the bath so that it completely covers the jeans in a sitting position. No area should be on the surface. You need to pour water as hot as you can withstand. Warm water will not work, because there will be no effect. You need to sit in the bath until the water cools. About need to sit in jeans for 20 minutes.

how to wash jeans so they sat down

Jeans must be dried on yourself. To do this, it is better to choose a sunny day. You can only lie on metal or plastic surfaces. The disadvantage of this method is the large amount of time.

Different drying methods

This procedure must be carried out correctly, because this is the final step in solving the problem of how to wash the jeans so that they sit down. With its help, you can not only reduce the product, but also maintain its shape.

need to wash jeans sat down

You can hang pants on a clothesline. It is not necessary to straighten or pull them out. It is only necessary to squeeze them so that the water that will drain from them does not stretch the product. You can lay the pants on a cloth on the floor. At the same time, it absorbs all the water, and the jeans will retain their shape.

If the machine has a hot drying mode, then this would be an ideal option to maintain the reduction effect. You can use the battery, after hanging the cloth on it and only then place the jeans. In extreme cases, there are laundries in which there are special machines for drying products.

Stretch jeans

Many jeans models are made from stretch fabrics. And many want to know how to wash stretch jeans that would sit down a size or several. Such models initially sit on the figure and even “pull” on it. When they suddenly became large, that is, two options why this happened: this may be due to the fact that the volume of the figure itself has decreased, or the stretch fibers simply burst. If this happens, then no washing can help.

Some more recommendations

As practice shows, there are many ways to wash jeans so that they sit down, but it is important not to spoil them at the same time. Remember a few more recommendations.

how to wash jeans so that they sit down

In order to prevent the product from deteriorating during washing, you need to turn it on the wrong side.

Remember that washing a product can reduce not only its volume, but also its length. For example, models to the ankle may become even shorter. Therefore, it is better not to wash short jeans with these methods.

Pay attention to the composition of the material from which the trouser model is made. When there is little cotton, it is better not to experiment, because the effect may be the opposite. Cotton threads should be at least 80 percent. If the product for the most part consists of synthetic fibers, then with such methods, jeans simply stretch to several sizes.

Let the jeans “relax” and better get a few pairs, then they will stretch less.

If washing does not give the desired result, then you can use the services of the studio. A good master will be able to permanently remove the extra couple of centimeters at the waist and hips, and also reduce them along the entire length.

Denim products must be dried from the wrong side and do not throw over the rope.


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